Astrological Lessons
This lesson will help you learn more about the grouping of the houses,known as the House Quaduplicities.
House Quaduplicities
The houses of a chart are also divided into Quadruplicities. These are the
houses that are 'naturally' ruled by the sign associated with the house. The
signs of each group are 'opposite' (180 degrees), and/or 'square' (90 degrees)
to one another.
These groups are Angular, Succedent and Cadent.
1st, 4th, 7th and 10th.
2nd, 5th, 8th and 11th.
3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th.
The Angular Houses
These correspond to the Cardinal Signs, and the same keywords for these signs are applicable. The majority of planets in these houses will suggest that the person is extroverted, active and likes to lead.
The Succedent Houses
These correspond to the Fixed Signs, and the same keywords for these signs are applicable. The majority of planets in these houses will suggest that the person is determined, resistant and persistent.
The Cadent Houses
These correspond to the Mutable Signs, and the same keywords for these signs are applicable. The majority of planets in these houses might suggest that the person is introverted, perceptive and understanding.
1) Look at your Natal Charts. Count how many planets are in each House Quadruplicity.
Consider the results. The Qualities with the majority of planets in will have the greatest affect on the personality, regardless of Sun sign.
2) Send me a brief description of the personalities (in your charts) according
to their House Quadruplicity.
E.g. Cadent - reserved, perhaps shy. Prefers to be a follower rather than a
3) Try to describe the personalities (in your charts) according to their House
Quadruplicity AND Sign Quadruplicities.
Fixed/Cadent: This person may prefer to stay in the background and stubbornly
refuse to help themselves to climb the ladder to success. They may need someone
with patience to guide them forward and encourage them to take up opportunities.
4) Now add in the Triplicity.
Earth/Fixed/Cadent: (Taurus) This person may prefer to stay in the background
and stubbornly refuse to help themselves to climb the ladder to success. They
may need someone with patience to guide them forward and encourage them to take
up opportunities. S/he is be best persuaded with material rewards. They are
likely to be a hard worker, who will rarely leave any job unfinished, they
will seek little or no recognition for their efforts.