Cancer the Crab. Cancer is a Water sign with Cardinal qualities. Its ruling house is the 4th and its planet is the Moon. As a Cardinal sign, Cancer is a leader and it will use emotional understanding (water) to gain compliance with its orders Water shows us that this sign is emotionally based, its feelings are heightened and with that its imagination and psychic ability. One of the problems of strong feelings and imagination is misunderstandings. The imagination is a fine thing, it feeds invention, it opens the mind to possibilities. However, it can also run away with us, leading us to misinterpreting situations. All the water signs have a tendency to allow their imagination to get carried away. The Cardinal qualities of this sign indicate that the crab is naturally energetic and assertive, a leader. It likes taking on new experiences, trying new things and meeting life head on. The forth house shows that it is like the nurturing parent, kind, protective and understanding. It has links with the past and therefore the memory. Cancer is a cautious little crab, usually keeping a part of himself safe inside his shell. He is emotional and sentimental. He has a wonderful memory, though this can be selective, at school he may only remember the things he is interested in. The downside of this memory is that he remembers a slight for a very long time, because of this the Cancerean will find it difficult to forgive. He can brood about real or imagined offence for a very long time! Exercise 1) Look at your charts and find out which house has Cancer on its cusp
2) Put together 2 sentences (per chart) that unite Cancer with the houses.
What is his attitude towards his work colleagues?
What is his attitude to health? |
Positive Traits | Negative Traits |
Cautious |
Easily hurt |