Part 97 Amateur Radio Regulations
Introducing EchoLink
EchoLink community message boards
Echo link map
Daily Amateur Radio News Service
American Radio Relay Legue Page
QRZ Homepage
KG8PM Home Page
Information about Amateur Radio
KC4COP Ham Radio in the year 2007
Information and links about Amateur Radio
Antenna Projects
Build your own antenna
Radio Museum
Museum of Radio and Technology
A local Museum. See a 5000 watt transmitter and lots of old radios..
Satellite Tracking
Satellite Tracking
Track satellites, weather, ham, space station, and more as they orbit the earth.
Visual Satellite Observer
Learn how you may see a Satellite with the naked eye
Heavens Above
When and where to find a visable satellite in the heavens
Time and Frequency
NIST Time & Frequency Division
Time and frequency standards.
Shortwave and Ham Frequencies
Find the frequencies to listen to
Universal Amateur Radio
Columbus, Ohio
R and L Electronics
Dayton, Ohio
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counter reset on 4/9/06