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In memory of Kenneth Cochran

March 21, 1945 - December 13, 2005

Ken and I grew up in the same neighborhood, if you want to call it that. We were both raised on small farms about ten miles from a small town. We lived about three miles from each other, and in grade school we became friends. We continued our friendship throught high school, and beyond, we were at each others house a lot.

We played music together in high school. Ken played the guitar and sang and I played guitar. We forned a band and being to young to be allowed in a bar, we set up in a back room of my aunt's bar and turned up the volume. It worked, people liked what we played. We did this for about a year while we were in high school and for a short time after gtraduation.

After graduation from High School in 1964 Ken and I joined The Ohio National Guards, HHQ, 216th Engr. Bat. in 1965 and both became Heavy Equipment Operators. We were both Honorably Discharged at the rank of E-5 in 1971.

After the service we got on with our lives and our families. Ken continued with music but I did not. Ken and I both moved from our home town area and we lost track of one another over the years and only saw one another infrequently.

I miss you my friend.



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