Alpha Knave <---- Your god!
not ment to offend the strict religious of our society

Objective #1 : Change Neighbor's dogs name to "Jonas"
Objective #2 : Bow to the name of "@lpha |{nave" (yours truly)

Ok, jeff wanted my to update the site, so.....ill tell u all a story.........
Mullah Bien Vizen was bored. He decided to kill some turkeies (not the people)and they had a big feast. After they finished guess who showed up......some unnamed native...lets say his name is ..umm...billy. Well they killed some terkish for fun. And THAT IS ALL.

  • Y r u hear?
  • This has nothing to do with u
  • but if u inSSIST on staying
  • then y not leave?
  • tell me that u pig!
  • ill tell u y because u like this
  • yes u do
  • y do
  • -----------------------------------------------------

    Don't Touch Please!
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