School started and the traffic here should increase... Yay

trippin1 trippin2 *trippin3* Guestbook
Pirate story thing that u must see!

Link me


Quick post at 00.02 in the morning.

From : To :

Subject : Your post on

Date : Wed, 4 Sep 2002 21:40:36 -0400 (EDT)

Dear heat_cipher
Your post has been deleted or edited because it contains personal attacks on other users. Further violations of the Terms of Service could result in the closure of your member account. Please review both the Terms of Service ( and Community Guidelines ( before posting again. Thank you,

Original Message

Look at the title with your rude and obnoxious eyes. I often think about why we are hated by many people around the world, and I have come to my conclusion. Kids (including myself) are rude, self-centered, and think that they are better than everyone else. I got news for you, all of your cloths, hairstyles and your stupid music is a privledge. Whats happening in those third world countries is a problem which we faced once.
I wish there was a revolution! I often dream about anarchy and such. How fun it would be to run around with out a care about anyone. All of you puny Americans with you fast food and computers (bwahhahahaha) would be smashed.
I am a radical. SCREW YOU, BRITISH TOO!

C'est aujord'hui le vingt-sept aout.
Tell me what and why i need to see that thing that flew in the sky? why? did i have to die? why did the wings fall and hit my eye? why must the stars ring with a tinkle? why must the soda tickle my throat? my day has become better out of the rain, when do i get back my brain? I see deep into the trenches of outer space. swallow the suffocating humans of my race. this is how it will all end, go to hell and smell the cheese.
-Jeff, "Following the Acid Trails"

August 26, 2002
I made a trippin 4 trailer.. quick update, back to french homework. Trailer. It's 540kb so bear with the fact that I was too lazy to make a loading bar...

August 24, 2002
Now I can officaly claim myself a m249 whore. I got nine kills with it in one round (the round I joined). People called me a hacker, but it was pure luck skill. I got two headshots and to make this believable I have screens. YAY! the m249 is my new love. I will never part with you! Anyway, before that I went to Va Beach for the ECSC (east coast surf-thing) and it was delightful. Well I'm off.
9 kills
top 15

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Things I've learned this "summer":
  • Never wait till the last minute to do your summer reading.
  • How to push a jeep around my driveway.
  • Good guys don't finish last.
  • Leaving for Canada juring the peak of the summer is not cool.
  • Never have pop-tarts and too much caffiene.
  • My school sucks.
  • Don't roll down hills with dry grass.
  • Don't kick pepsi bottles at gangs.
  • Mental institution pools are slow for swim meets.
  • Many women will hate me.
  • Never waste your time doing/reading stuff like this.

  • Any harm done by this site I am not responsible for. I am not here to make people mad. I may express views that you do not agree with and/or totally want to kill me for. I am not responsible for damage this site may cause to you or your property. I AM LEGALY INVULNERABLE IN AMERICA. ANY CASES BROUGHT AGAINST ME, I WILL WIN. IF ANY OF MY CONTENT IS USED WITH OUT PERMISSION, ALL HELL WILL BREAK LOOSE AND YOU WILL LITERALY LOOSE ALL YOU OWN YOU DIRTY CHEAP BASTAGE! Some of my partner sites do not have to comply with this, Knavery and Housemaster. YOU CAN USE THE SPECIFIED LINK PICTURE ( AS MUCH AS YOU WANT.
    (Some of this material is not acceptable in A(s)m(T)e(U)r(P)i(I)c(P)a or other countries, but it is just there to protect myself and scare you from fileing a lawsuit against me.)

    Knavery is gone. What are you up to know Adam?