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Millions of people have been abducted, and the numbers of abductees are growing everyday. The information on this Web site,
was written because whether it was known or unknown, many have been involved in a special goverment project. Some voluntarily participated, but were never sure who was conducting this research. Others were totally unaware of anything. The US Air Force began an official UFO investigation in 1947. Its purpose was to see if UFOs posed a security risk. The operation was named Project Sign. In 1949 it became Project Grudge and, in 1952, was renamed yet again to become Project Blue Book. By 1969 about 40,000 reports had been investigated. Most were explained; some were guesses; and some remained unsolved. Then the US Air Force ordered a special study of its collection to determine the value of further research into its UFO files for the advance of 'scientific knowledge.' This was called the Condon Report after Dr. Edward Condon who headed it. Dr. Condon concluded that the evidence did not justify further study of UFOs, and although his report came under considerable criticism, Project Blue Book was closed in 1969. Since then, so many UFO events have occurred that the Air Force is believed to have reopened its files once more, this time as Project Old Blue Moon.

The study described here was created for the uncovering of secrets involving "inter-dimensional / inner-terrestrial and extra-terrestrial beings." These beings cross over to our dimension and carry on their secret activities or abductions. Most are NOT of a positive nature, and at some point the government wished to know what these activities involved and deal with them if possible. Eventually, the only way to do this was to observe people that had been selected by the inter-dimensional beings for experimentation. The ones heading the study project learned to recognize certain signs indicating which civilians were in close contact with the beings.

People all over the world became participants in this secret study. Certain ones witnessed top-secret activities, and have since gone into hiding for what they know.

The ones that 'volunteered' to endure the dangerous job in the beginning, often wished to end their involvement once the curiosity wore off, but were forced to continue to the point of exhaustion or death. Yes, people have been traumatized by the inter-dimensional beings, with brutal attacks, rapes, and mental/emotional torture.

When the abductees’ involvements came to a close, they were hypnotized so that the memories would be covered up or erased from their minds. It was hoped that if remembered at all, they would be more like dreams. For the majority, much of the recall was not sufficiently erased; consequently, the images remained very clear and disturbing in their minds. Once they were turned back out into society, they struggled with knowing it had been real but questioned their own sanity. These individuals were left without so much as a 'thank you' or an explanation of what good their time contributed to the study, or anything else in life for that matter. Many of the subjects are still out there needing release from these memories.

Now that abductees are making contact with each other and sharing information, they are realizing all have recollection of extremely similar experiences. Some individuals even bear physical scars as proof of their ordeal.

This site is a way to heal. Reading stories paralell to their own has already helped numerous people find release from the trauma. They have found that it helps to relate with someone else that has survived the same things, and rest assured that what they saw and experienced was real. They need to be confident that they are NOT mentally imbalanced!

What is the point to all of this? We as humans have no power to control these types of inter-dimensional abductions, but it's never too late to call on a higher power that can! It's time to take back our peace of mind...and more importantly, send the inter-dimensional beings away forever.

The information here may not be for everyone to understand. I am Thunderhead and I understand...with God I have endured.

Have You been abducted by aliens?
Here are 52 indicators of alien abduction. Go Here.

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