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ME AND PRESIDENT CLINTON....Naaaw. Waiting for "dad's" tux to arrive from the cleaners...practicing our little walk down the isle. I was sixteen. Only good pic of my dad I have...*sniff* (1974)

Geez, those shoulder pads make me look immense.

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The picture below was taken in
the Stratosphere, "Top of the World" restaurant, Las Vegas,
Jan. 2002.

Me, on the skywalk at the Mall.

(4/11/02) Below I am holding
the neighbor's wild cat...
I was teaching him to "get the squirrel."

(4/8/02) An Eerie Face,
Lookin at You...
From Outer Space...

(11/28/02) Me and my favorite niecey, Rachel, on Thanksgiving.

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