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EARLY EXPERIENCES-  THE COUNCIL: I had written the folllowing story into my special journal, but was reluctant to include it with the rest of the stories here. However, I recently read information on another site with strikingly similar information. I feel now that I can't be the only one that has been a victim of this type of experience. I will give the link to the other site at the end of the story.

I don't remember exactly how old I was, but I do remember I was somewhere between 5-7 years old. My mother had taken my brothers and I to stay at my great uncle's house in Seattle, at "uncle Buddy" and "aunt Phillis's." He was my grandma's brother. After I went to sleep, I don't know why but I peed the bed. I had never had a problem with sleeping too deeply to wake up before. I remember I was so embarrased. While my aunt changed the bedding, my uncle had her bring me into his study. He was behind a table and it had a bunch of papers stacked on it. The odd thing was, upon waking in the morning I couldn't remember anything from the time he told me to sit down in the chair in front of him. It felt as though I had been made to forget the experience.

I saw him a couple more times after that. Again, my aunt came and got me out of bed and took me to his study. To explain further, my uncle was in the Air Force for many years. I never really knew him before or after these visits. I just remembered a vague feeling like we had talked and he made me feel important.

A couple years went by and my uncle was told unexpectedly that he had cancer and was about to die. He was on his deathbed in the hospital when he sent for my mother and me. We came from 400 miles away. He asked that I be left alone with him in the room while the other relatives waited outside in the hallway. For some reason they wouldn't allow it. I think they thought he was just drugged up and that was the reason for the request. He became insistent to the point of yelling at them. I stood there in the back of the room as he reached out to me trying to get me to come close, but the relatives started pushing me out of the room. I remember him screaming and nurses coming to subdue him. He was yelling, "I must tell her something extremely important!!" I was ushered out into the hallway, and I could hear him calling my name. He died about 2 weeks after that.

As I grew older, I realized something had been stored in my memory through hypnosis. Some things my uncle had purposefully put there. I now believe it was top-secret information in relation to his dealings with the CIA and military. Later, I asked my mother about it and she said she didn't remember anything. I can recount memories I have had with complete accuracy from the time I was 1- 1/2 years old, so I don't have any difficulty with my memory. I recall that incidence like it was yesterday. I can't help feeling as though a couple people that were present that evening knew what uncle Buddy was talking about.

This is an excerpt from the site I mentioned above, which I feel directly relates to my experience:


In her recovery, Brice Taylor also had memories of being used by Henry Kissinger as a mind-controlled courier.

"If you program someone to have a perfect photographic memory and total recall, then you have the capacity to be able to deal with many different tasks and assignments simultaneously," she explains. "Henry Kissinger created a 'mindfile' inside of my head. I would be sent around to all these leaders to keep their data - on some of their projects or whatever their agenda was - sorted. When they'd meet people, I would be programmed by either Kissinger or Nelson Rockefeller. This was in the mid-1960s."

But who's running the 'show'?

"I think there's this other layer that I call 'the Council' in my book," Taylor explained. "I know that this is a group of men that stand head and shoulders above even Kissinger and the Rockefellers. They have been genetically engineered in a way that they have different leadership abilities and that they are actually the ones running the plan."

They refer to themselves as "the Council"?

"Yes. When I was telling other people within the intelligence community about it that were involved in it, they said they call themselves the Council. The CIA has all these mind-control operatives that are working for the Government. Then there's the Council, which also understands about the mind-control project. But the Council is not CIA controlled. They could take someone like myself and be able to debrief me to find out what my agenda was."

Here is the link to the site that has more information about this subject: Click Here.

Some may be inclined to think I was molested by my uncle, but I can assure them I was not. I do wonder if what may have happened back then has everything to do with the stories I have written about on this site. My exposure to Extraterrestrial monitoring and abductions, and more than coincidental encounters with people involved in government/scientific studies. The next story is the first thing I recall as being somehow connected to my abductions and unusual encounters.

THE VISITATION:A strange experience occurred when I was ten years old. In fact it wasn't long after my uncle died. I was riding my bike on a quiet country road in Carnation, Washington, where I spent some years growing up. I was going to visit a friend that lived several miles down the road. When I came to a densely wooded area, a man materialized from out of no where directly ahead of me about 50 feet away. One minute there was nothing on the road, the next he was standing there. He was blonde and blue eyed with a very fit build, seeming to be in his early twenties. He was wearing a see-through veil over his face made of a fabric unfamiliar to me. I was instantly frightened and started peddling frantically in the opposite direction to get out of the area. The next thing I knew he was grabbing the back of the bike and forcing me over to the side of the road. He picked me up with one swift movement, hiding the bike in the ditch with his other hand. By then I was crying, but there were no houses around for a couple of miles, so no one could hear me.

I cried because I knew his being there meant something unexplainable and I was not ready to acknowledge it. He walked back into the woods holding me to his side. Seating me on a stump and removing the veil from over his face he said, "Look into my eyes!" I was scared and tried to look away. He demanded that I do as he said. When I looked at his eyes he stared into mine for a moment then said, “You are the one!” He said it as though he had finally located me. He suddenly seemed very nervous and preoccupied with something he was thinking. Then he started pretending to be interested in directions for getting to town. He then asked that I stay there and not look back over my shoulder at him when he left. I turned around anyway and saw him disappear into thin air.

I looked up and down the road and into the trees before I peddled quickly to my friend’s house. There was no sign of him anywhere. My friend’s parents took me home and they told my parents about how I came to their house very upset and confused by the experience. I couldn’t bring myself to mention how he had appeared and disappeared. My stepfather thought it was the son of a nearby farmer and brought me along while he spoke with the father. When I saw the son I already knew he was not the one I had been confronted by, moreover, he was only a teenager.

The police searched the area where the mysterious man had taken me. They did not find his tracks even though the ground was very moist. The fact that he had the extra weight of carrying me made us all wonder why only my tracks were there... one set... walking back to the road from the tree stump. Could this have been teleportation of some type?

When I look back now, I feel sure that he was from the same time frame when I was with the navy man. Could it be he knew I had information, (from my Uncle) and he extracted it? I'll never forget his hypnotic eyes.

ABDUCTION-  This is something that happened to me back in 1984. It is the first abduction I had that was witnessed by someone. It happened when I went to stay with a dear friend on his secluded ranch up in the mountains near Colville, Washington. He was an artist and had created all kinds of functional yet "back to nature" comforts. One of his artistic creations was a deck that overlooked his back yard (a beautiful little valley) and on the deck he had built two hot tubs out of old-fashioned bathtubs. To use them, he had to build little fires underneath them for heat.

On one particular evening, we hauled water up from the natural spring and filled the tubs, and he got the tubs hot. We both got nude and soon we were cozy as could be in our two tubs. We were just sitting there talking when all of a sudden we saw this light moving in the valley below real slow. There was no way for vehicles to get into the valley except by driving right past his home, and it did not look like head lights. It was one big light.

He owned these amazing wild ponies that were great to ride up steep mountains. They were very smart, and much like watchdogs. They usually gave a couple whinnies when someone was coming. Their large pen was partway down a trail that lead to the little valley. The ponies started to go berserk. My friend said he had never heard them do this except a couple of times late in the night while he was in bed. He thought before that it was bear wandering around. As the light came closer, the ponies tried to escape the fences, and they were squealing like horses do when they are scared. My friend decided to go down to the gate and let the horses out so they would not hurt themselves. He knew they would run to the house for safety. I don't know why, but I just looked at him and said "Don't leave me,they
are here." He could sense that was not a good thing. By then, the light was more out in the open, but there was a fog around it. I remember the light had a strange metallic sound like the echo heard after you tap a big metal bowl.

My friend had to leave to go help the horses. He said I should stay so they wouldn't accidentally trample me. I waited a few minutes after he left then started to get out of my tub. I heard the horses thundering toward the house. I knew my friend must be close behind them so I just sat back in the tub and waited. That was the last thing I remember until I woke up limp and semi-conscious as my friend carried me frantically towards his art studio. He placed me under a huge buffalo skin. I couldn't keep my eyes open. I went to sleep and didn't wake up for a couple of days.

When I came to, my friend was giving me tea made from special herbs. I asked why I was there wrapped in the buffalo skin. He told me that when he came back I was not on the deck so he started calling out my name. He thought the light had gone, and he looked everywhere on the ranch for me. He said he couldn't figure out where I could be. He continued to call out my name while he looked for a solid hour.

He said, finally, he walked back to the deck after about the third time, and there I was back in one of the tubs. He grabbed me as I was about to slip under the water. It was at that time he saw the light again and it lifted up above the valley, arose up the side of the mountain, and swiftly went out of sight. He told me I seemed almost dead and had to be resuscitated for a while. I was pale as though I was missing a lot of blood, and my eyes looked rolled back.

He told me that I had just slightly become conscious when he wrapped me in the buffalo skin, then I went to sleep right away. Later, I got up to walk, but I felt very weak. I looked in a mirror and was horrified to see a very white face with black circles under the eyes staring back at me. I had strange bruises on my arms and the inside of my legs. It looked like tiny finger marks in half circle shapes. When I see my friend now, I do not discuss that experience... mainly because it had scared him so badly.

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. For by it the elders obtained a good report. Through faith we understand that
the worlds
were framed by the word of God, so that things, which are seen, were not made of things, which do appear.

Hebrews 11:1-3.
GIFTS OF PERCEPTION  A friend at USM wrote this and gave permission to use it:

"Although the gift of perception is often referred to by many different terms, the more appropriate term is 'psychic perception.' Throughout history, individuals with this gift have walked among us. In my research, I have divided psychic perception into three general categories (NOTE: although all three of these categories are closely related, there is still a fine line of distinction between the three):

*Perception of Energies
*Perception of Thought/Emotion/Intent
*and Perception of Entities

(if you have no belief in spiritual entities, then the third category goes right out the window). In Christian writings (mainly those of the Catholic Church) throughout the past 1200 years, there have been references to individuals blessed with the gifts of Perception, and the terrible spiritual warfare/attacks they endure as a result of possessing this gift." ~Diogenes

SEEING SPIRITS   When I was around 9 years old, I began to see spirits. The first time I saw one, I was sleeping in the basement of my Great Grandparents house. My “Nanna” would have me take naps while she’d lie on the bed opposite of me waiting for me to go to sleep, then she would sneak quietly back upstairs.

One afternoon when I was sleeping, I felt someone stroke my cheek. I thought it was my Nanna, but when I looked up there was a shadow leaning over me. I looked over at the other bed and realized Nanna had gone upstairs. I said in a shaky voice, “Who are you? What do you want?” I could see the perfect outline of a person turn and float away. I ran upstairs to my Nanna and she told me I had been dreaming. I was certain it was no dream.

When my family moved back from the coast three years later, I moved into the basement of our new house. I was awakened many times by the same type of shadow person. What I remember as being real odd about it was that my cat and dogs always saw it too. Just before it would come, static electricity would snap and pop like the sound of "Rice Crispies" in milk, and you could see little sparks all over my bed. My cat would try to play with the sparks. My dogs would wake up and run to the corner or under the bed. I would get real scared and close my eyes real tight. The next thing I knew, someone would be stroking my face. I would look up and there it would be just leaning over looking at me. Then when I would ask it what it wanted from me, it would straighten back up and stare down at me for a minute then turn and float away…into nothing.

Eventually, a bright white light started coming in the middle of the night. The whole side of the room would be lit up, it was very large. Usually, I would wake up because it felt like I was being blinded through my eyelids. I would pull the blankets over my head in terror. The light would say something to me that scared me, but when I woke up in the morning I could never remember what. After I'd wake up I would find little bruises all over me. One morning I found a dot under my skin on my right arm that showed up after an encounter. It's still there, but I've never had it looked at by a doctor. Something was definately inserted under my skin. Its round, black, and slightly larger than a mustard seed.

"Physics of Reality Manipulation" by Montalk

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