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From what I understand, bigfoot have varying physical appearances according to the area they have been seen. It is somewhat like humans and their different nationalities. A bigfoot stalker chased the one into the water below off of a small cliff. It has a puny head compared to the others, as you can see.

Well... are you gonna just stand there? The water's warm, come on in.

Excuse me... I am dressing back here. Turn the light off, please.

Dr. Morris, before lunch...with a side of fries...

Interpretation of the skunk ape at top. *ahem* Kinda looks like the one on the left too..hmmm.

FORREST CREATURE:   My friends and I sometimes had the same exact dreams on the same nights about being kidnapped by these huge beings about 7 or 8 ft. tall. They possessed horrendous strength and they usually had a large aircraft that could be heard like a strange metallic echo in the dreams. However, some of my friends claimed to have seen them in real life while hunting in the Blue Mountains here in Washington. They looked purple in our dreams, but our friends said they were alien creatures that inhabited temporary dwellings inside the mountains, sometimes taking on the forms of Bigfoot or large Werewolves (when seen by humans). It was said by some that if you made eye contact with one they would cause your mind to go blank and make you freeze in your tracks.

One day a few of us decided to go visit some friends living in a forest setting (in the mountains near Chewelah, WA). When we arrived we noticed that something had broken a large limb and shredded off a good portion of the side, high up on a tall tree. A bear could not have come close to causing this type of damage, and it was too high up for a bear. We recognized this as a territorial mark. We also saw huge logs moved around like children's toys. We realized it was what the creatures do when manifested here in earth's realm, to hunt.

Later that night about dusk, we all took a long walk through the woods to get to another friend's house. We had passed a huge rock and were a ways further on the trail when we heard twigs and branches snapping along with skidding sounds. We went back to see what had happened; it was decided then that we should leave the vicinity quickly! We discovered one (or more) had moved a boulder the size of an army tank about fifty feet, leaving a sizeable skid mark on a flat area. All animals were nowhere to be seen, they had suddenly run away. We heard some animals in the distance crying out like they were afraid. Then came the unmistakable growls and grunting sounds of a very large creature. Needless to say, we ran back to our friend's home. The friend told us that he had been finding dead animals in the area and thought it was a bear or cougar, except one thing; the bodies had been drained of blood from what looked like a gaping wound to the throat. Cougars and bears don't kill like that.

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My dog, Kandi Brianna,
says she once had a distant relative
that had bigfeet.