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Roshi 9/22/03 Here is a sound that I want to add to the server Roshi 4/28/03 Found a cool song you guys (by guys I mean the non-existent people who actually look at my site) should check out... It's called Fett's Vette by MC Chris "I know you don't smoke weed... I KNOW this. But I'm gonna get you high today, cause it's friday, you ain't go no job, and you ain't got shit to do." Roshi 3/5/03 No one sees this site but me, so I can put up whatever I want and theres nothing any of you nonexistent people that view my site can do about it. That said, here is a scene that I'm going to make... Two people make bet.. Person One says he can beat Person Two on the stairs, while Two takes elevator Person One starts running up stairs to Rocky theme (playing loud) Person Two casually steps into elevator and starts going up, Rocky theme plays as elevator music Quick cuts to both people - Shows Person Two very calm as people get on and off elevator - then Person One running frantically up the stairs and getting more and more tired Person Two steps out of elevator and starts doing the Rocky victory dance Cut to door with "Stairs" written on it Long pause and nothing happens, cut to Person One passed out on stairs. "I was raised on the dairy, biatch" Roshi 2/27/03 Mister Rogers Dies at age 74 ![]() You will be missed "Everyone I know goes away in the end" Roshi 2/20/03 I haven't updated for a while so I guess I'll just put another quote and that'll be it. "If you wanna see me naked you'll have to give me a carton of cigarettes like everyone else in here" "Homosexuals are gay" Roshi 1/22/02 "BAM!" Let's kick it up a notch. BAM! After watching Emeril's cooking show I'm inspired to write a poem. I have to read one friday for english anyway, so what the hey. Get ready... Kickin’ It Up a Notch By Jon and Tyler With a “BAM BAM BAM” He serves up his meal He kicks it up a notch With tasty appeal He is known as A chef extraordinaire And he serves up his food With a spicy flare He’s known worldwide For his fine cuisine Or cruising ‘round town In his black limousine In the studio He cooks away But night time is Emeril’s Time to play At about midnight Good ol’ Emeril Lagassi Goes out to the clubs To chill with his posse Next morning comes And he’s all hung over Drinkin’ lots of coffee Until he is sober "I put the FU in FUN" Roshi 1/11/02 "Rocky has Eye of the Tiger..." I've found the perfect song for my theme song. I think it accurately describes me. Download it by clicking here If you'd like to know what a day in the life of Roshi is like, listen to this "WWJD... for a Klondike Bar" Roshi 1/4/02 "Blind Mans Eye Candy" Welp, I made another Anime Music Video to Hellsing. The song is Right Here, Right Now. I spent alot more time (ie more than 1 hour like the other one) on this video and I think it shows. If you want to see it, you can find it at www.kapsulecorp.com (I'm too lazy to make it a link, so just copy paste it into your web address thingie) on the files page. "Restraining orders are just another way of saying I love you" Roshi 1/2/02 "Roshi's First AMV" Hooray! This christmas I got a new computer... finally! WOOT! P4 2.53ghz, 512ram, 120gig hd, and geforce4. I've been playing Battlefield 1942, Ghost Recon and a little Counter-Strike. I found that I had Windows Movie Maker so I thought I'd mess around and see if I could figure it out. After about 10 minutes of "what'll happen if I click this", I started understanding how the thing worked and started on a Cowboy Bebop video. Two hours later I had my first Anime Music Video finished. "Scooby Doobie, I just got it!" This has been a Kame House Production All rights reserved |