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Cheap Ships Tutorial

To do this tutorial, you'll need this tool:

After you did that, use the big viewer to extract the r1 file from the file called
"Homeworld.big". When you did that, open the r1 folder and select a ship file.
When you open it, scroll down untill you see a section that looks like this:
;Basic Ship Stats ;=--------------= shipclass CLASS_Frigate buildCost 700 ; resource units to build buildTime 40 ; time in seconds to build maxhealth 32000 ; hit points maxfuel 14000.0 repairTime 1 ; every this many seconds repairDamage 330 ; this much damage is repaired repairCombatTime 1 repairCombatDamage 100 lowfuelpoint 0.35 ; percentage of tank which is considered "low on fuel" fuelburnrate 0.000021 ; based on distance ship moves in the world attackfuelburnrate 0.000040 groupSize 10 ; size of group ships of this type tend to form blastRadiusShockWave 6.0 blastRadiusDamage 75

Now change the ship cost and build time to 1. If you did all this
Correctly, each ship should build very fast and be very cheap.
You should keep experementing with these files so you can change weapons
and even docking points.

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