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Ruling by the Nose



    If you must pick your nose, don’t do it in Israel, especially on Saturdays.
     An ultra-orthodox, politically powerful
rabbi has banned
nose picking on the Jewish Sabbath.
Ovadia Yosef delivered the ruling in a sermon in late January beamed by satellite to his followers in Israel and abroad.
     His reasoning: Jewish law forbids shaving and hair-cutting on the Sabbath, which lasts from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday. When you pick your
nose, the rabbi said, you risk pulling out the tiny hairs inside your nostrils.
Yosef, an authority on religious law among Sephardic Jews, is spiritual leader of the Shas political party, which has 10 seats in Israel’s 120-seat Knesset, or parliament.
     Conservative and reform Jews have no rules regarding this practice. Several rabbis agree, however, that it is bad manners.

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