NGT service will not search for those who were adopted and/or those who are currently living.
Customer(s) wishing to get copies of death, birth and marriage certificates will be asked to request from the state or country where occurred.
The Social Security Department in Washington, DC is another government entity you may request information from.
All documents will be sent as postal mail to the customer at the customer's expense.
E-mail or postal mail contract will be acceptable to start searching.
Minimum hours to search will be 2 hours at $10.00 per hour plus additional cost for materials and shipping.
Customer must make an agreement of how long the search shall go. How long: __________
NGT will stop at a certain time limit unless customer pays the minimum of two hours to continue search.
Customer(s) must agree with the price of list by signing this contract, they agree.
NGT will not accept personal checks.
Only money orders and direct deposit will be accepted.
Please make all money orders out to:
Nanauq Genealogy Tech
By signing this document, I agree to the above conditions of this contract:
Nanauq Genealogy Tech has the right to refuse or discontinue search for any one regarding genealogy search.
Send money order to:
Mail to:
1627 Lynden Way
Kodiak, Alaska 99615