Theo Spencer Sr, my dad is linked with Winston Spencer Churchill.
Again like Diana Spencer, if you go see John Spencer born 1437. His sons are
John Spencer born 1457
Robert Spencer born 1460
Theo Spencer came from Robert Spencer born 1460
Diane Spencer and Winston Spencer Churchill branched from John Spencer born 1457.
Decendents of John Spencer
Charles Spencer born 1675
He had 3 sons name
Robert Spencer born 1710
John Spencer born 1708
Charles Spencer born 1706
Diane Spencer branched off John Spencer born 1708
Winston Spencer Churchill branched off Charles Spencer born 1706.
Charles Spencer born 1706 had children and one of his boys carried his mother's maiden name "Churchill".
George Spencer Churchill born March 3, 1766.
George Spencer Churchill oldest son name George Spencer Churchill Jr. had a son name John Winston Spencer Churchill born 1822.
John had two sons Randolph Henry Winston Churchill and George Charles Spencer Churchill.
Randolph Henry Winston born 1849 had Winston Spencer Church born 1874 in England.
Thank you
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