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These pictures were taken when Lydia was 8 months old

Lidia Tadesse, eight months old. To see a larger size click on the picture

Well.. what can I say? She is growing physically and becoming smarter and smarter each passing second, minute, hour and day...

Her mom says she has not seen anything in life more enjoyable than holding her in her arms and being with LYDIA. I say to her you have not seen anything yet.

Lydia with her mother. To see a larger size click on the picture
Lidia Tadesse, crawling. To see a larger size click on the picture

She is crawling, nobody thought her how. Her parents have done it long... ago and they do not remember... how. She is brilliant and excitedly looking forward to the next stand erect and walk.

Lydia's Mother, Eneyesh Tadesse. To see a larger size click on the Picture
Lydia's father, Akalu Tadesse

To see pictures taken when she was 9 months old click here

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