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Fueled By Restrictions

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Chris Rolstad #283  Matt Montain #722    Dan Kruger #117

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Welcome to the home of Team Twice.  Glad you could drop in.  Stop back frequently for updates and race results.

(Staging at Coffee MIll!)

Team twice is a Snow-X team out of Lino Lakes Minnesota.  We currently have 3 riders in the WSA District races.

What's  New- 

Despite the HORRIBLE conditions at Coffee mill ski-challenge, and some very Minor injuries, are racers gave it there best and turned out great numbers.  Check here for pictures and results from coffee mill......  Also Team Twice had some issues with the New studding rule, to find out more about this NEW rule click here.




Old News-


First race of the season the weekend of Dec. 14-15th.  Only Matt and Chris will be competing in this race.  Its the Coffee Mill Ski Hill Challenge Cup.  This race is in Wabasha Minnesota (down south).  Team Twice will be competing in the Beginner 500 and the Beginner open.
















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