
Function: Unknown
Sub-Group: Triple changer

Life is the most precious gift--it must be cherished and protected at all cost.

Profile:  Created in an alternate universe, Thunder was the embodiment of what an Autobot should be--almost to the point of neurosis. Intelligent, brave, loyal and caring, he would strive to save and protect everyone that he could and would take it as a personal failure if he lost them.  At some point, it is suspected the strain of trying to be perfect was too much and that Thunder suffered a break down.  When the Great War ended in his Universe, Thunder was one of several of the Autobots that survived. Much of his personal history beyond that was lost and is currently unknown, however it is known that he survived millennia and traveled the Universe and watched as his entire world changed about him--as political forces came and went, as friends lived and died. Over time, he rebuilt himself multiple times, each occasion growing stronger and faster.   Eventually, he ended up in an alternate reality and earlier in the time the height of the Beast Wars!

Abilities: Thunder transforms into a Griffin for a beast mode. In this mode, he can fly at speeds up to 250 MPH. He is both swift and powerful in his beast mode. His teeth and claws are both composed of a Dutrillium composite and can break through most known forms of metal.  In space cruiser mode, he can achieve Hyperspace and speeds up to light in normal space. His vessel mode is well shielded, well armored and quite maneuverable. He possesses four banks of particle guns and three energy missile projectors.  In robot mode, he is very agile and fast. Possesses dual barreled photon rifle and shoulder mounted missiles. Has various enhanced senses in all modes, including hearing, several different scanning frequencies, etc. He can also utilize his claws in robot mode as well.

Strength: 6                        Speed: 8
Endurance: 8                     Rank: N/A
Courage: 7                        Skill: 7
Intelligence: 7                   Firepower: 7

Profile by Tony "Thunder" Klepack

(Author's Note: The color on Thunder was a rush job--I hope to do a better version in the future).