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Kittens in the USA


Jenny in OK! Magazine July 2003


Inviting OK! into her luxury home Jenny Frost.
Her love for Dom, Rumours of a Kitten split, and the sex slurs that
made her cry.

She's a third of one of Britain's most popular girl bands, and in the
three short years since she joined Atomic Kitten, bubbly Jenny Frost
has become one of the sassiest pop stars in the industry. Down-to-
earth, hysterically funny and gorgeous with it, the sparkly former
model and one-time Eurovision hopeful continues to generate huge
interest in her personal and professional life.

One thing is clear - the nation has fallen for this petite beauty on
so many levels, with many admiring her working-class earthiness, tell-
it-like-it-is brashness and tendency towards girlie gigglying fits.
And, as Jenny and her bandmates Natasha Hamilton and Lil McClarnon
continue to dominate the music charts, you can guarantee that the
Kittens will always bounce back from whatever life throws at them,
winning even more adoring fans in the process.

Vivacious and friendly, Jenny invited OK! into her breathtaking five-
bedroom house in North London. Sitting on the roof terrace, she
cracked open some champagne and told all about those supposed tabloid
scuffles and imensly proud she is of her DJ and record producer
fiance Dom Thrupp. She also looked forward to her role as a
bridesmaid at the wedding of her close friend Davinia Taylor...

So, Jenny, what's the real story on these whispers of a Kitten split?

What whispers? Its the first we've heard of this [laughs]! I've been
with Atomic Kitten for three years this coming December, and even
before I joined it went around that the band was to break up, so
there ain't a grain of thruth in it! People just make up stuff for
the fun of it. We've so much more to achieve over the coming years.

Is your friendship with Tash and Lil still as stong as ever?

Without a shaddow of a doubt. We've just got back form a sell-out
tour in South Africa, where our album just went platinum, and add to
that the fourthcoming arena tour at the end of this year and our
plans to conquer the states in 2004 - and even to this day we're
tighter as a group, as mates, than ever before. You know, we were
only talking about the so-called split in South Africa the other
week, and it just made us laugh. Yeah, we bicker like and girls, but
we ove each other dearly. We're like sisters now.

Did the arrival of Tash's baby son Josh affect the dynamics within
the group at all?

No, he adds this magical atmosphere, just like our very own 'chill-
pill', as we all go a bit ga ga when he's with us. I mean, have you
seen the little stunner of late? With a face as handsome as that you
can't help turn into pussycats when he's around you, I just adore
him - he's gorgeous!

Do things ever get a explosive when the going gets tough between the
three of you?

Oh, trust me, we've gone past that! Whenever things get a tad heated,
it gets sorted within about three minutes. If you look at other big
girl bands in the past who have now split, there are always loads of
juicy kick-offs that have happened, leading up to the demise of the
band. But we tend to just have a little rant - normally over
something daft like shoes - and two minutes later we're bezzy mates
again. Hey, we are mouthy northern lasses, after all!

There's a sterotype that Northern girls can be 'tough' - is that true
of the three of you?

Well I speak my mind just like the other two. I want the best for our
fans and so do the girls, and surely that's why so many people
continue to support us. We're not aggressive, we're strong women. Its
important to be independant and know your own mind.
Atomic Kitten tend to have good mutual respect with the papers, but
sometimes a story is needed for whatever reason and it's us three
that gets it in the neck. I'm the first to hold my hands up and say -
as will most about themselves - that I can be mouthy and stand my
ground, especially when someone is totally disrespecting me and my
lot, but don't believe all that you read. Most of its just silly.

Does it hurt to read such lies?

Of course it does. You try not to pick up a paper but when your on a
full-day shoot and you're waiting around its so difficult not to. And
when there's a scandalous story about someone else in the industy you
do get all : "Ooooh, who'd have thought they'd be up to that!" as
much as the next person. But people believe what's written, they
really do.

So whats the truth about the alleged falling out with Stella
McCartney and Liv Tyler at the Kabaret nightclub recently....

That's the funny thing about British newspapers - I've never spoken
to Stella in my life, and I have a huge respect for her, both as a
person and as a designer! I love her stuff! When we were leaving the
club, Liv Tyler walked in and smiled at us anyway, so that was
totally wrong. It really hurt me reading that.

Whats the worst lie thats been written?

The supposed flight ones are bad, but its the silly ones that really
get on my nerves. There was one yesterday, for example, I found out
that apparently I'm in the process of buying a £300,000 luxury villa
in Barcelona that I found on the internet. I was like "Erm Hello?"
But the one that upset me to the point of spoiling my whole day was
when a paper ran a false interview with me talking about the racier
side of my sex life with my fiance Dom. I remember clearly that we
had gone for a lovely day out and we were enojying breakfast in the
sun, and I saw this piece and burst into tears. It was such a vile,
rude thing to read, and anyway I'd never dare say stuff like that in
my life.

Is there any truth in the stories that Nelson Mandela would like to
meet Atomic Kitten?

I don't know about that, but its flipping exciting if he does! We've
just got back from South Sfrica and we love it! We have such a huge
fan base over there, so if he's joined the ranks then that's just
amazing! What would I say to him? "All righ mate - fancy a natter?"
or words to that effect. He's obviously got taste!

Is it still as exciting for Atomic Kitten these days as in previous

It just keeps getting better on all levels. At the moment we're
working on our new album, and I'm not just saying its the best to
date. It's flipping marvelous! We've just been working with Rob
Davies who did Can't Get You Out Of My Head, and we wrote nine songs
ourselves. There's one called So Hot that's just a belter! Dom and I
have written a track together as well, Dont Go Breaking My Heart,
with our mates Sam and Mark from Liverpool, which was so special as
Dom's so, so musically talented.

Dom's one of Britains top producers and DJs - working with him must
have been a treat...

Im very honoured to have had the privilage! He's just soaring at the
moment with his company, Tailor Made Tunes, and he has produced sets
for fashion shows such as McQueen, Givenchy and Fendi, so with both
our careers in line, life just cpuldn't be better.

Are the two of you close to setting a date for your wedding?

Don't get me started on that - I get so nervous with excitement
thinking about it! We're both sp busy getting ready for Davinia
wedding to Dave [Gardner] we haven't had time yet. I'm sure you'll be
one of the forst to be told!

You're set to waltz down the aisle as of of Davinia's bridesmaids at
one of the most exciting weddings of the year. Are you looking
forward to it?

Is the pope catholic? I can't wait as Dee's my best mate and was
solely responsible for introducing me to Dom. To tell the thruth,
we've spoken of nothing else since the day she got engaged, and as
it's drawing closer we're all getting giddier by the day. A gang of
us recently went on holiday on Davinia's mum's yacht, sailing around
the South of France, and on one side there was us girls drinking jugs
of daiquiri and gossiping about frocks, and on the other the lads
just looking totally bemused!

Was it easy choosing the frocks?

It was great fun! Davinia had fittings in paris with John Galliano
for hers, and for me it's this stunning strappy number that I'm
really looking forward to wearing. There'll be seven bridesmaids in
total and we've all got different styles.

Seven bridesmaids must have made organising her hen party that little
bit easier...

Definatley - 12 of us went off to her mums house in Marbella and
asically caused murder! Dave would have killed me if we did any thing
to raucous but Davinia wasn't up for anything tacky - although we
joked to her that she'd have to wear a veil and L-plates at the time!

Speaking of house's, you must be chuffed to pieces with yours...

I am - it's the p;ace I've dreamed of all my life! I feel all grown
up and lady likewhen i enter it. At the moment, we're planning on
building a studio in one of the spare bedrooms, and like every girl
on the planet being able to have a room solely dedicated to you
wardrobe is just to die for! Me and Cassie [Lomas], one of by best
mates [and the Kitten's make-up artist] seem to spend all our time in
here, so it definatley must have the best feng shui in the house!

Aside from the heady world of the music industry, what else gets
Jenny Frost up and running?

Loads and loads of levely things! But the most rewarding thing of all
has to be the cahrity work we continue to do for a little girl called
Robyn Brooks - one of the most amazing people on this planet. She's
now seven and suffers from a very rare form of cancer, Neuroblastoma,
and it's an honour to continue to raise awareness about her illness
and to be her friend. She's just amazing.

Atomic Kitten have got a massive tour coming up soon. Are you looking
forward to going on the road?

Yes, and I'm so excited about that, especially being able to play
back up North, Myself Lil and Tash often just sit there in silence,
then suddenly realise how big the shows going to be and just scream
deliriously at each other! It's going to be so big! We've planned
loads of brilliant surprise's for our fans - theres not too much to
give away at the moment but, just let me say, at one point of the
show Tash and I keep joking that the world is going to see us with
our natural curly hair - but I'm saying no more! You'll just have to
come and buy a ticket and see us, won't you?


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