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MK News

1-21-2002, The Dungeons came out I think the 4th. The Dungeon is alot better than the Rebellion.
1-08-2002, I fixed the Links page. I will add more links later. Pyromaniac is workin hard ( thats a good thing ).
1-04-2002, We finally made a new forums board. It is pretty kool you should check it out. I got introuble with MKRealms cause I didnt ask for thier permission to have thier clan emblems and stuff that had to deal with it. Sorry, but I'll try to get them back but this time with there permission.
12-19-2001, We are currntly working on 2 projects. 1, We are making a new forums so that you have to have a membership befor you can post anything. This is good so that no one can post under your name cause it also tells me the ip number of the omputer they used so that I will know if they found out the dude's password or something like that. 2, We are in the middle of making a Mage Knight store, we will have everything for sale. I got 2 stores to supply me with the brand new products and 1 dude's collection for the more rare figures.
12-14-2001, Magickmas is no longer with us. Matt started helping out. Chance hasnt done nothing. Well I don't know what to talk about. I put up that Santa Claus pic.
12-10-2001, I'am now an offical Warlord. I just passed the "test" that my warlord gave me.
11-30-2001, I got another dude ( chance ) to help out with the site.
11-28-2001, I just put up the clans, I got these clans from MKRealms. I will have the details up later on how you can join them. Click the link that is provided below to view the clans emblems.
11-24-2001, I got another member ( Magickmas ) he is gonna "modify" the site to make it more "exciting".
11-17-2001, I just got a new member ( Zimp ) this dude knows what he is doing.
11-16-2001, pyromaniac, is now part of the MKW community. Good Luck, you'll need it.
11-16-2001, I Should be getting some kool stuff for my site like, you can become a member or you can download music or movies. As soon as I make som cash I will post this stuff up.
11-11-2001, ZUES enterd into the Whirlwind Sealed Booster Tournament and won first place! I will post his army up later.
10-07-2001, Mage Knight World started
10-05-2001, Mage Knight World was accepted by Wizkids.