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Cybernetic organisms

My home computer is an Apple Macintosh and I honestly can't see any good reason to use a PC . . . unless it's running Linux. I've used Linux only sporadically myself, as my job requires Windows, unfortunately. If you live in Alabama and use Linux, check out the LUNA mailing list.

At work, alas! I have to use a PC running that thing-of-shreds-and-patches known as Windows 98. I know a fair amount about Windows, and even owed my employment at one time to the fact that Windows requires so much attention and maintenance. But the more I know, the less I like about it.

Anyway, my most recent office PC was a Quantex. It acts as an FTP server, but there's nothing on it that you would want to read. (Trust me.) Sometimes I uses to use a portable Compaq - the kind that has to have its battery removed occasionally because it has gone insane.

Here are the details about the Mac I first built this site on, for those who like to know such things: Macintosh Quadra 660AV, 8 MB RAM, 230 MB hard drive, OS version 7.1 (no kidding!) Editing software was BBEdit Lite 3.5.1

MacFixIt is the best Macintosh info page I know of. The Mac Orchard specializes in networking software.

[Get Opera!] This is the world's best Web browser. A Macintosh version is in the works.

"People who have tested the preview state that the speed is incredible. It is quite small and we're going to end up with 2.5 megs in footprint. The download will be lower than 1.5 megs when it is compressed" said Ralf Menssen, Opera for Macintosh Lead Programmer.

Let iCab smile This is the world's best browser for the MacOS; it's the main one I use. iCab does not support JavaScript, but its advantages in speed, control, and printing more than make up for that temporary drawback.

Meanwhile, I wrote a set of AppleScripts that automagically move a web page from iCab to either Netscape or Internet Explorer, for those times when I want to view a JavaScript page. Another AppleScript jumps me back to iCab. (There's a bug in the Internet Explorer scripts, though.)

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Last update: 10 Oct 2000