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Elective affinities

Among the radical insurgent outfits that number me among their marauding hordes are Amnesty International (since 1983) and the Alliance for Democracy. I'm one of those people who were deeply affected by Ronnie Dugger's plea for Americans to get over the trite political labels that divide us and work on something essential: recovering our democracy from the corporate powers that now run it in their own interests.

Of course, one barrier to our working together is racism. It's very strange to me that there are people who claim that racism doesn't exist anymore, but who also still believe that "race" is a valid concept for describing types of human beings. Read this.

Jane and I have been involved with the Interfaith Forum in Birmingham. This is a group of Jews, Christians, Muslims, and the occasional Hindu or Baha'i who visit each other's places, attend services, and most importantly, discuss ways to identify common concerns about our community and work together to solve problems. It's a new thing, but shows a lot of promise. (A new class begins in January 2001. E-mail me if you're interested.)

Click here to see comparative translations of the Bible (six English versions) and the Qur'an (five English versions).

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Last update: 1 Dec 2000