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Heir Today Gone Tomorrow

One day in Angel Grove Verra walked up to Jason in the Youth Center. "Hey Jase," she said and kissed him.

"Hey, where were you last night?" he asked her.

"Last night?"

"You were suppose to meet me at my house."

"I'm sorry I don't remember. I wonder why. I don't really remember anything about yesterday. I feel terrible. All I can remember is seeing Zack at my house, the rest is blank."

Just then Zack ran in. "Verra, there you are. I've been looking for you since last night."


"You really overdid it at that party."

"What party, what are you talking about?"

"The party last night I took you to."

"I don't remember anything from yesterday.

"You shouldn't. That guy really hurt you."

"What guy?"

"I don't really know, I heard about it though. Why didn't you use your magic?"

"I told you, I don't remember anything about last night. But I do remember that I promised to take Jase to the park for a double date with Kim and Tommy." Jase sighed.

"Do I have to?"

"You promised. Come on. See ya later Zack."

At the Park Verra and Jase meet up with Tommy and Kim. "Verra, I thought you said you were bringing the lunch," said Kim.

"I did," Verra said and pointed to the ground. Nothing happened. Verra looked confused. She pointed to the ground again, still nothing happened.

"You all right Verra?" asked Tommy.

"I don't know what's wrong, someone tell me what's wrong," she said and started to cry. She pointed to the ground over and over, but nothing happened. Jason eventually hugged her. "How could this happen? This never happened before. I've never been without my magic. I've never done anything on this planet without my magic..."

The next day Jason walked to Verra's house and knocked on the door. Verra's mother answered it. "Hi, Mrs. Varra, is Verra there?"

"I don't think she wants to see anyone. But I'll make and exception for you." Jason walked in.

"Thanks." He walked over to Verra's room, and knocked on the locked door.

"Go away!!"

"Come on Verra, It's Jase. Let me in."

"I don't want you to see me like this."

"Please. Come on I walked all the way over from my house." Verra opened the door. Her hair was a mess, her blouse was buttoned in the wrong places, and she had on no make-up. She walked over to her bed and sat on it. Jason sat next to her, closing the door behind him.

"I don't think I can survive here like this. I don't even know how it happened. My magic just disapeared. I don't know what to do."

"Well, first of all, I think we should fix your shirt." Jason smiled. "It's not hard. Here, I'll show you." Jason unbuttoned her blouse and rebuttoned it. "The first button, goes in the first hole..."

"Stop making fun of me...."

"I'm not making fun of you." Jason kissed her. "Now, I think we should call Kim." Verra nodded.

About ten minutes later Kim showed up with a few bags full of stuff. "Oh my God, she's worse than I thought. OK, I think I can fix this." She took out a brush and started to brush Verra's hair. "Now you'll have to get some of this anti-friz stuff." She sprayed some of it in her hair. "And you just brush it in. Then you get your brush iron." Kim plugged a brush that also acted like a curling iron in, and waited a few minutes. Then she brushed Verra's hair with it. "There, perfect. Now for your make-up. There are a few rules. You don't wear eyeshadow without lipstick, and you don't wear anything without foundation, conceler or powder. First, you put on foundation......" And Kim taught Verra all she knew about hair and make-up.

"There, all done," said Kim.


"No problem. Now I have to get back and finish my book. Oh that reminds me. Here's that book you wanted to borrow." Kim said handing her a book. Verra tried to read the title.

"I can't read it, I can't read it..... My spell wore off."

"What do you mean?" Jase asked.

"I can't read English. I can't really understand it too well either. I can speak it though, that's because I have an accent. I put a spell on myself that everything I read would be turned into Lesendrian, and everything that you guys said I could understand. Talk slow please, I can barely understand you."

"You think Billy can help her?" asked Jase.

"I hope so. I'll call him and Trini."

"No, I don't want any help. It won't work. I should just go back to Lesendria. It won't be too long before I can't handle my power coin, and return to my true form." Kim left the room to call Billy and Trini. "Why won't you guys listen to me. I won't be able to learn to read and understand English before it's too late."

"I have faith in you. I won't let you leave again."

"You're mad. It will never work."

A little later Billy and Trini walked in Verra's room. "I'm glad you're here," said Jase. "She seems really upset. You'll have to talk slow."

"Hey Verra," Trini said to her.

"So you think you can help me. Let's see if you can. I doubt it. I know absolutly nothing about reading English."

"Well, it is one of the harder languages to learn," Billy replied.

"So why bother? I'll turn back to my true form and be forced to leave. Unless you can teach me to read, write, and understand English in the next week."

"I know you can do it Verra. I won't let you leave."

"Well you're just going to have to. There's nothing anyone can do. Just leave me alone. Please."

"Isn't there..."

"Leave me alone!! The only person I want to talk to right now is.... Oh my God... Tommy. I need to talk to Tommy. Right now. Where is he?"

"He's at the Youth Center."

"I got to talk to him," she said and left.

When she got to the Youth Center she found Tommy practicing his Karate. "Tommy!! I have to talk to you."

"Can it wait a minute Ver?"

"No. Tell ya what if you let me talk to you right now, I'll spar with ya next weekend."

"Fine. What is it?"

"I know what I wanted to tell you, but now I don't know how to say it." She started to cry, and Tommy hugged her.

"What is it? You can tell me Ver."

"The last time I saw you, I was only a little kid. It wasn't even in person. On your thirteenth birthday I tried to reach you, I was twelve. But I failed. I never thought I would see you again. I have to tell you something. I've lost my magic. I won't be able to stay here for long in my true form, but I refuse to leave. If I die, you're the only hope for the power rangers.."

"Verra, what are you talking about. I couldn't lead the rangers, you need to have magic for that power, and I can't have it."

"But you're wrong.You do. You've just lived here so long you've forgotten about it. You have to have it, because everyone in my family has it. So that means my brother has to have it."


"I never knew before. I couldn't dream that you were the child my mother gave up after her divorce. Larry's father left her, because she had an affair, with our father. You don't look like a Lesendrian, because our father is human, you take after him, I take after mom. That is also why you love Kim as much as you do. She's your Heavan's love. You have no life long love, just as Lethio didn't. You must believe me."

"I do, but I don't understand."

"You don't have to. Just promise me, no matter what happens to myself, you'll take my responcibility of leading the magic rangers."

"I promise." Verra still had tears in her eyes and she hugged him. Verra, sighed and wiped her eyes.

"I must look horrible. Please, forgive me for getting so emotional."

"It's all right."

"Tommy, when I die, when all wizards die, their remains turn into black dust and scatter in the four winds forever. Please, don't let that happen to me. As soon as I die, I want you to burn me. You are to take me into the woods, set me on the ground and burn me. Then, if you would, take my ashes to the park and burry them there. I want to be there, so you guys won't forget me."

"I don't think I could do that." Verra kissed his cheek and hugged him.

"Please... you're the only one I can trust with this. Jase would never be able to do it."

"OK, I will." Verra started to cry again.

"I can't help but think of all the great times we had here. When I first met Zack and Jase, picnic's at the park, when I discovered java ice cream and ate it until I stayed up for a week." Tommy laughed.

"Yeah, and you had to come over my house to watch movies because your brother had a girl over."

"That's why I'm so glad I found you. Larry's a great brother, but he's always out practicing or with a girl. He never felt like he needed to protect me. You've always felt like that." Zack walked up to Verra. "Hey Zack, how about now you tell me what happened at that party?"

"There's not much to tell. You wound up at my house and I took you to the party. When I found you at the end of the party you were lieing on the floor. Everyone told m you got in a fight with some guy," he explained.

"I remember that... I remember the fight, but that's it. It was with an old friend of mine."

"Who?" Tommy asked.

"My old boyfriend, Vince. He stopped my powers. He wanted me to get back together with him... he knows this is the most painful way for me to die." Her eyes filled with tears. "Excuse me..." She ran out of the Youth Center.

She ran all the way to Jason's house. She knocked on his door until he answered, by this time it was dark. "Verra, what are you doing here?" he asked her. Verra kissed him, long a hard.

These may be my last days on earth, I want to spend them with you." Jason smiled at her. Take me somewhere, anywhere, just somewhere that's not here." Jason took her hand and they went into his car.

Jason drove them all the way to the make-out sight in Angel Grove. Verra kissed him. "I love you, Jason Lee Scott," she purred in his ear. She climbed in the back seat. Jason smiled at her, as she pulled him in the back with her. Jason held her.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing... everything's as it should be. Jason, I must know something before I die... You could never love anyone more than me, could you?"

"I could never love anyone the way I love you."

"I find that hard to believe."

"You know what I want to do right now?"


"Why don't I show you." Jason kissed her, as she returned to her true form.

To be continued.......
