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The Megazord was the primary Zord combination used by the Power Rangers. It was formed by combining the Tyrannosaurus, Mastodon, Pterodactyl, Triceratops, and the Sabretooth Tiger. The MegaZord was controlled by a five-seat cockpit located in the head. The MegaZord could summon the Power Sword, which energized the Megazord even more and could be used to fight with. The MegaZord could fire its cranial laser on the top of its head for long distance attacks. The MegaZord could join up with the DragonZord to form the DragonZord in Battle Mode. The UltraZord could join up with Titanus the Carrier Zord. The MegaZord saw a long history of service as the Power Rangers used it as the main line of defense against Rita Repulsa's forces. The Dino Zords were eventually upgraded to Thunder Zords which were ultimately destroyed by Rito Revolto thus destroying the ability to recreate the Dino MegaZord. Jason, the Red Ranger piloted the Megazord.
