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White Tiger Thunderzord

The White Tiger ThunderZord is the most versatile individual ThunderZord. The White Tiger ThunderZord had two modes which were the normal Tiger mode and the Battle Mode in which the Tiger Zord transformed into a humanoid robot. The Tiger Zord's tail acted as a sword while in Battle Mode, assisting the Zord in close range combat. The Red DragonZord could mount the White Tiger Zord and ride it into battle. In Tiger mode the Tiger Zord was capable of running at great speeds and could accelerate this even further by shifting into a hyper-speed mode. Even though the Tiger Zord had many features while in Tiger Mode it could convert to Warrior Mode by using Saba, the talking sabre, as the key to activate it. Warrior Mode was the Zord's main battle purpose. In this mode the White Tiger Zord could also fire a White Tiger Thunderbolt at opponents when the White Ranger would drop a sphere with the Chinese character for 'fire' into the control panel. The White Tiger ThunderZord could join up with the Firebird, Unicorn, Griffin, and Lion ThunderZords to form the Mega TigerZord. The Tiger Zord could also fit inside Tor the Shuttle Zord for defense or for Thunder UltraZord assembly. The White Tiger ThunderZord was created by Zordon and Alpha 5 to be piloted by Tommy, the White Ranger. The Tiger Zord was destroyed by Rito Revolto with the rest of the ThunderZords.
