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To help them fight against Rita Repulsa's monsters, the Power Rangers were each given a unique Power Weapon. All five weapons could be combined to form the Power Blaster, which shot a powerful beam of combined energy to induce serious damage to a monster.

The Power Axe was used by the Black Ranger. It has immense cutting power, and doubles as a cannon.

Power Bow was used by the Pink Ranger. It could shoot arrows, regular and energized, and its sharp edges could also be used for close up combat.

The Power Lance was used by the Blue Ranger. It was a staff with two spiked ends, which could be separated in two for twice the attacking power.

The Power Daggers were used by the Yellow Ranger. They are two light but deadly daggers which could be thrown at enemies with accuracy, and wielded for up close combat.

The Power Sword was used by the Red Ranger. It was razor sharp edge and energy projection.

The Dragon Dagger was given to Green Ranger by Rita Repulsa to summon Dragonzord with its music, and destroy the Power Rangers. When someone holds the Dragon Dagger they may play its music and call upon the Dragonzord and control it during a battle. The Dragon Dagger can also shoot beams of green energy. Once owned by Tommy, it was given to Jason when the Green Ranger lost his powers.

Saba is a talking Sabre and advisor of the White Ranger. He was given to Tommy by Zordon for control of the White Tigerzord. Tommy and Saba finally learned to work together, with Saba quickly becoming the silent partner.

The communicators were made by Billy to allow him and his fellow Power Rangers to remain in contact with one another. Beside from providing a means of communication between the Rangers and Zordon the Communicators also let the user to activate the Command Center's teleportaters. The Communicators also act as wrist watches and keep time.
