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An Old Friend

In the Youth Center Zack and Jason were practicing Karate A beautiful teenage girl with long black hair walked in. Jason looks at her. "Hey. Who's that?" he asked.

"I don't know. Maybe it's that new girl in town," Zack said. The girl walks up to them.

"Excuse me, I'm sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if you could tell me how to get to the park. I'm afraid I just moved here," she said with a strong accent.

"If you want, we can show you," said Zack.

"Thank you," the girl said.

"The name's Zack, this is Jason."

"Pleased to meet you. My name is Verra Laungetta Vercendra Ceneda Marcentenyo Varra. You can call me Verra." Zack and Jason looked at each other then at Verra.

"Come on," said Jason.

At Rita's palace. "Ahhh... that girl would be perfect for another evil ranger. Goldar, I want you and a putty patrol to go get her," Rita said.

"Yes, my queen," Goldar replied.

At the Park. "Thank you for showing me where the park is," Verra said.

"No problem. When'd you move here, anyway?" asked Jason.

"Not long ago. My parents thought it would be better to live here than my homeland," Verra answered. A putty patrol surrounded them. Jason and Zack attacked them immediately. Verra watched them, looking confused. Some of the putties moved towards her. She kicked one of them with her two inch heel boot. A few of the putties ganged up on her. "I don't think so!" She punched one of the putties, and they all fought the rest of them, until they all disappeared.

"Verra, are you OK?" asked Zack.

"As OK as I'll ever be," Verra answered. "I'm leaving this place, that really freaked me out." Goldar appeared behind them.

"Going somewhere?" he asked. They all turned around.

"Goldar?!" Verra said.

"Ah, Verra. I'm glad Rita has picked you once more to be her evil ranger. It will be nice working with you again," Goldar said to Verra.

"I don't think so Goldar."

"Without your powers you are helpless, purple ranger, you might as well give up."

"Never." A silver sword appeared in Verra's hands. She attacked Goldar with it, but Goldar made the sword fall out of her hands, and she fell. Then Goldar and Verra disappeared.

"Man, what was that all about?" Zack said.

"I don't know. But I think we should go to the Command Center," Jason said. Both of them teleported.

"Zack, Jason, what are you doing here?" asked Alpha.

"Goldar just kidnapped Verra, the new girl in town," Zack explained.

"I am aware of this Zack. Alpha teleport the other rangers here," Zordon said. The other rangers teleported.

"What's wrong Zordon?" asked Trini.

"Rita has taken Verra, a new girl in town, to her dark dimension."

"But why?" asked Kim.

"She wants Verra to become her new evil ranger. There is a small chance her spell will not work, because Verra is very strong wizard."

"A wizard?" said Billy.

"Yes, in fact Rita has done this to Verra before, when she and her brother destroyed her planet."

"Her planet? None of this makes sense," said Kim.

"When Rita escaped she tried to conquer Verra's planet as well as Earth. When she found that this was too much work she let her brother, that lived on one of the moons near Verra's planet take over. On Verra's planet there was 6 people that became the Magic Rangers. Rita helped her brother by making Verra an evil ranger. The Magic Rangers broke the spell and she became a Magic Ranger."

"Well that explains a lot, but how do we help her?" asked Zack.

"You can not help her now. You will have to defeat her when she becomes Rita's evil ranger."

Goldar and Verra appear in Rita's dark dimension. Verra moved her hand toward Goldar, but nothing happened. "You see purple ranger, your powers are useless here. Soon you will work for Rita."

"No. I won't help you."

"Oh, but you have no choice. Behold the mirror of memories." A mirror appears in the air. The mirror shows the purple magic ranger. "Remember this purple ranger. Remember how you saved your friends, you and you Cloud Dragon Zord. You destroyed thousands of Xixar's monsters. But where were you the day you're friends really needed you? Where were you the day Xixar destroyed them? Because of you not only did your friends die, and the Magic Ranger Power Coins were lost, but your whole planet was destroyed," Goldar said.


"Yes, as you watch all your painful memories, you will weaken, so Rita's spell will work." Verra watched the mirror show her as the purple Magic Ranger, and her Cloud Dragon Zord. "I am to take you to Rita now." They disappeared and then reappeared in Rita's palace. Rita said a spell, Verra tried to fight it, but it was useless. She became the Evil Purple Ranger.

"Ah, Verra. I have a job for you. I want you to destroy the power rangers. I wil give you the Sea Serpent staff, and the minzo of evil," Rita said. A silver staff, and a glass sphere appeared in Verra's hands.

"I won't fail you, my queen."

The next day Alpha teleported the rangers to the Command Center. "What's wrong, Zordon?" asked Zack.

"Rita has succeeded, she has turned Verra into her evil purple ranger. You must stop her rangers," Zordon said.

"It's morphin' time!" said Jason.





"Saber Tooth Tiger!"


Verra looked at the Power Rangers. "Ah, Power Rangers. I'm glad you could join me," Verra said. Verra pointed her staff at them and an energy blast came out of the serpent's mouth, and hit the rangers. Jason ran up to Verra with the Power Sword in his hand. Verra hit Jason with her staff, making him fall. "You're no match for me, Red Ranger."

"Oh yeah?!" Verra took out the glass sphere. The sphere sent a beam of energy toward Jason.

"Yeah. This is way too easy." Zack shot his axe cannon at Verra, she blocked it with her hand, and sent it back to the other rangers.

"Man, this ranger's tough!" Jason said.

"Totally!" said Kimberly.

"We can't give up now guys. We gotta break the spell!" said Zack.

"Zack's right guys. We can't give up," said Jason.

"This is too easy. Let's see what I can do in my zord," Verra said. She pointed her staff at the water and a huge Sea Serpent Zord flew out. Verra jumped into her zord.

"We need Dinozord power, now!" said Jase. Everyone jumped into their zords, and formed the Megazord. Tommy played his dagger and the Dragonzord came out of the water.

The Sea Serpent Zord's eyes lit up and lasers shot out of them, towards the Megazord. The Dragonzord's tail started to spin and it hit the Serpent, with it. The Sea Serpent made a horrible sound and opened it's mouth, so a beam of energy hit the Dragonzord.

Verra put her zord on remote and jumped out. She then jumped into the Dragonzord. "Let's see what this zord can do, she said. The Dragonzord's tail hit the Megazord, making everyone fall out of it.

"This ranger's too much, we gotta fo the the Command Center," said Jason. They all teleported. "Zordon this ranger's too tough."

"Yeah, there's like no way to break the spell over her," said Kimberly.

"There is only one way to break the spell over Verra. You must get Verra's magical glass sphere, freeze it, and break it. But be careful with it rangers. If you only crack it, instead of shatter it, you will all be lost in another dimension," Zordon said.

"OK, let's do it, rangers!" said Jase and they teleported back to the park.

At the park the Power Rangers were looking for Verra. "Looking for me?" Verra asked, after appearing behind them. Verra took out the glass sphere and threw it toward the Power Rangers. The sphere cracked open a little bit, releasing blue smoke, that surrounded the Power Rangers.

"Man, what is this stuff?" asked Jason.

"I don't know, but whatever it is it can't be good," said Zack. When the smoke cleared they were in another dimension.

"Welcome to my home," said Verra. She pointed her staff at them and they were hit by lasers.

"I got an idea," said Trini. She threw her daggers at the glass sphere, it cracked bringing them back.

"You haven't finished me yet!" screamed Verra. She pointed her staff at the water sending a purple light to the water. A sea serpent zord flew out. Verra jumped into her zord.

"We need Dinozord power now!" yelled Jason. They all jumped into their zords. "Rangers, log on!"

"Zack here, ready for action!" said Zack.

"Trini here, ready to rock!" said Trini.

"Billy here, on-line!" said Billy.

"Kimberly, here, flying high!" said Kimberly.

"OK Rangers, power up your crystals," Jason said putting his crystal in his zord.

"Two, one, power up!" said the other doing the same.

Tommy played his dagger and the Dragonzord came out of the water. The serpent zord's eyes lit up and lasers shot at the Megazord, making it fall.

"Out power is down to 25%," said Billy.

"We have to get Verra out of her zord. Tommy you got to challenge Verra," said Jase.

"Got it guys. Hey Verra, why don't you come out and fight, instead of hiding," Tommy said.

"You want to fight, you got it!" said Verra, and jumped out of her zord. "Forgive me, Tommy, for what I'm going to do to you." Tommy attacked Verra, making the glass sphere drop out of her hand. Tommy ran over and took the sphere.

"Hey Verra. You missing something?" said Tommy.

"Give that back! You don't deserve the power that that has!" screamed Verra.

"I gotta find something to freeze this." Tommy saw a hose. "Aha!" Tommy turned on the hose and froze the sphere, then threw it to the ground, making it shatter.

In the Command Center. "Alpha, bring the Power Rangers here immediately.. including Verra," Zordon said.

"Right away, Zordon," Alpha said. The rangers teleported into the Command Center. Everyone took off their helmets. Verra looked at Zordon, and ducked.

"Don't eat me!!" she screamed. Everyone laughed.

"Welcome Verra. I am Zordon, and this is Alpha 5. We welcome you as the new Power Ranger," said Zordon.

"Oh ya mean, because I'm normal now I can be a regular Power Ranger. I'm cool with that," Verra said. "It'll be cool to be a ranger again."

"Well, we're glad you're on the team," said Tommy.

"It's good to be on a team again," Verra said. "I won't fail you like I did my other friends. I swear that."
