These are Verra, the Purple Magic Ranger's weapon. She uses her staff to call her zord, the Cloud Dragon. She can send powerful burning energy blasts at enimies. Verra has used this weapon beefore when she was the purple ranger on her planet.
This is Tommy's weapon, it is basicly like, Saba, only much stronger. Like his old one he uses it to call his zord, the Cerberus. Using it he can shoot laser blasts at enimies, or use it in duels.
The Black Magic Ranger's weapon. Unlike Zacks old weapon this one has no need to form a cannon. He can use it as an axe, or else he can have it send blasts of burning energy at enimies.
Kimberly's weapon shoots magic arrows. These arrows will not stop until it hits the thing it was aimed at. It can shoot regular light arrows or posonis ones.
This lance is basically like Billy's old one. It two can be separated and used with twice the power. The Balisk Lizard's on each end can send lasers at enimies.
Trini's daggers are much like her old ones. The main difference is, if she concentrates hard enough she can send them through the air with lots of burning energy, making anything it touches instintly burn. These are special daggers because they were used by one of the most powerful wizards, Lizno Monaca.
The sword is very powerful. It is lik Jason's old one but it's energy blasts are much more powerful.
This is basically like Tommy's old dagger. This dagger shoots out green blasts of energy, and can cut through anything. It also summons his zord the Mist Dragon.
This is Verra's weapon. It is exactly like Tommy's Magic Dagger, only it is made of pure silver and was once owned by the Lady of the Lakes, it makes a clear sound when she moves it through the air, and summons Verra's Zord.
These are the Sky Rangers weapons. The War Axe and the Flanged Mace. There is nothing special about these accept that they can deflect energy blasts, no matter how powerful.