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(WC logo blasts into view. A mysterious sound signaling the theme of the Hallo WeEvil Pay Per View event. The loud scream of fans seeps threw the blazing music. The WC logo is shined on with orange lights. A huge evil pumpkin comes from the side eating the WC logo and then eating the camera leaving your view inside the pumpkin's mouth staring at the HALLO WeEVIL logo. As that fades you are seeing the sold out crowd. Nashville Tennesee fans came ready for this event. Fans give the biggest ovation that the WC has ever witnessed. A blow up women dressed with Lady G's cloths is held above loyal fans heads. A huge banner from the upper deck is a painted logo of the Revelation. 8 loyal fans, all top less including the 3 lovley ladies have the letters J-I-G-G-A-L-L-O on their chests. Alot of fans toss the styrophone rocks around. A few origami doves are displayed from a huge coat hanger from the upper deck. One huge sign in the back of the lower deck saying Nasty Ness for President spelled in blood with a spur on the end of the name. One fan in the front row battles security holds a folding chair with the words "Magic's face goes here!" on it, and tries to get to the ring. The Hallo WeEvil music starts up again. Fans go crazy as a few fans all wearing red shirts spit red substance from their mouths and continue to cheer. Billy Jay's picture slides in. He grabs a mic standing up above in a press box type area, with a window to see all things down below.)

(Billy Jay is seen with his gold glittering suit and his silver shiny tie, the camera pans to show his matching gold suit and dress shoes. He has a huge smile on his face today.)
Billy Jay: Welcome WC fans and addicts! To the WC's first PPV, where every belt that the WC exists at this time will be up for grabs. Nahville Tennessee is on it's goddamn feet for the WORLD, yes the WORLD greatest event to date! Hallo WeEvil will live up to all expectations tonight! There is no set time for any WC events and there are reasons for that! The WC is as unpredictable as ever. And tonight is the real start for the WC. The past cards were like pre-season. You can't win the superbowl in the preseason and you can't win a belt in the preseason either. But after tonight, the BELTs will be in circulation adding gasoline to the fire. Let's send you too the WC's best Commentator Jeph Phillips.

Jeph Phillips: Thanks Billy Jay. I feel like chanting and yelling myself. I have heard from many fans that they are hoping for an Outlander appearence tonight. He gave up his HARDCORE title shot, and fans don't see his name anywhere in the PPV line up! We all expect to see him and the Revelation in action as we saw last week. Yet I'm not sure. He has been a little quieter than usual. Either he has something big planned or him and his stable are laying back a bit. I wanna say congratulattions to Masked Reporter he has gotten some great reviews on his excellent newsletter and I gotta say his stuff is a can't miss for me!
Billy Jay is making his way down to the locker rooms and will make an announcement to kick off the events. The first match is gonna be the WORLD TAG TEAM TITLEs! This one has just been awesome. It went from a 2 way tag to a three way. With possible four way as Billy Jay has been rumored to have started. Jaypac has started a few rumbles as Billy Jay has been all over trying to set him up with some oppertunities for the coming weeks. His signing really help the FED. If you aren't aware Jaypac was the #1 contender is the OLD WC. WC never really closed down but was stolen. That's how we got this great WC. Billy Jay is on his way to the ring. The fans are way to loud for Billy Jay to possibly speak. This may take a while. I have heard that the contender for the WORLD TITLE Crucible may be under the weather. I saw him here earlier and he looks fine but reports have indicated that he will not be 100%. Not good news for the Revelation, yet great news for JJ. Well Billy Jay is ready to speak lets send you there now!

Billy Jay: I ain't gonna hold you fans too long. Tonights first match will be the match for the WC's FIRST TAG TEAM TITLE CHAMPIONS. (pause due to fan reaction) I have a little announcement for this match, The UNION will be making this already big match into a four way tag match! (fans go for about 5 minutes until Billy Jay can speakk again.) Dan the Destroyer and his tag partner, Apocolypse, will be joining in this quest. Now to bring out one of the most respected WC members, making her first appearence, Jennifer Streaks. (Out walks a great looking blond with a two piece bikini. One breast has "W" and the other "C" and her butt has "Hallo WeEvil printed on it". Fans explode. She carries a velvet pillow, with two belts. The tag team belts. Billy Jay lowers the ropes for her easy entrance and she holds up the belts then climbs down. Fans can't get enough. ) Let the games begin.

Egami and Retsam vs. Badd Company vs. Officer and a Gentleman vs. UNION (Dan the Destroyer and Apocolypse)

(Spotlights hits the entrance as Retsam and teammate Egami come out. The fans give mostly boos asthe screen flashes only their names. ) They enter the ring and try to rile up the fans. No success. (Fans go crazy as the lights go out again. Spotlight hits the WC's most popular Tag Team Badd Company. Johnny "Up all Night" Viagra gets a huge appreciation, as his teamate Sonny Silke gets a huge result too. The screen shows Viagra's dreaded Superkick to the groin of the so called Franchise Curt Jahrow. A scene of Sonny watching The Lovley Jessica, who they kidnapped, undressing in the bathroom, she slams the door, as he turns and smiles and lets out his usual grunts. Then a few nice shots of great teamwork from the loss to the HARD TOPS. Then another shot of Viagra making the fans go crazy as he does a handstand on the third rope kicking 2 members of the week ZOO. Then a flash of them with the FOUR.) They may not be members of the FOUR but they are deffentently allies. Viagra makes his way to the WC's Jennifer Streaks and shows off his obviously stuffed shorts. She raises her eye brows and crosses her arms, then smiles. Lights go out again and the Four logo is flashed on the screen. Fans get crazy. (Out comes the OAG. Officer and a Gentleman. With the WC's most powerful manager and possibly the smartest, Squire Bubba O'Henry. Scene showing them using great teamwork. Showing the Gentleman pinning many opponents. The tar and feathering of Slash, and the smashing of the bath tub of the Asylum's Cannibol. Scene's of Eagle i taking a cememnt block in a bad spot. And then scenes of Dove's at the screen as the words "Fighting the FOUR will make you famous, but you won't live long!" Fans mimmick this and cheer with great force. ) Badd Company and the OAG join on the one side as Loco comes running out and the Squire stand ringside. The fans know the UNION is coming next. The good guys of the WC. (Out walks the almost non appearenced Apocolypse, along with leader Dan the Destroyer. Fans cheer as you see Dan leading the UNION the fight the FOUR. The FOUR is shown being run down.) The fans are as ready as ever. Dan says something to the Egami and Retsam team and they nod. Obviously forming an alliance to try to even up the FOUR's odds. The ref points to all the legal men takes a big deep breath seeing that this will be hard to keep under control and the bell rings. The Gent goes to fast work on Dan the Destroyer showing his anger for last weeks display. Egami and Retsam both charge Badd Company. A four man brawl on the floor start with those two tag teams. General Mayhem grabs a chair and charges into the brawl hitting Retsam. Egami meets a table breaking it courtesy of the monster Sonny Silke. Retsam gets mob beaten. The ref tries to get the men into order, as the UNION goes to work double teaming the helpless Gentleman. Dan the Destroyer seeing the ref leaning over runs jumping off his back into the mob of FOUR members or allies taking all four of the FOUR men down. Dan hurt himself gets back into the ring as the ref warns him for using his back. Apocolypse smashing the Gents knee from outside into the medal poll. Retsam is tossed from below into the ring by Sonny. General Mayhem puts Apocolypse in a sleeper to stop the attack on The Gent, but The Gent is met by Dan the Destroyer and his knee. Egami saw Viagra once again hitting on WC's Jennifer and taps him and hitting a Hurricanna smashing Mr. Up all Nights head into the concrete. Egami then was slapped by WC's Jennifer for the cheap shot to Johnny. Viagra then grabs Egami and gives him the Superkick to the groin, and puts him out then give him a sweet chin music over the railing into the fans. The Gent makes the tag to the General. Mayhem checks Dan down then Sonny and him both pound Retsam into the corner and working together swings Retsam back and fourth and toss him into the crowd. About 10 feet pass the railing. Fans love it. Both of the weird tag team have been disposed of. But Dan made the tag and Apocolypse comes in with avengence and crossbodies both men and then smashing their heads together. Irish whip by Apocolypse ends in a two leg take down and Dan the Destroyer has to make a pin save. Egami tries to flip over the railing but Viagra awaits him and drops his neck on the railing and he falls into the fans once again. Dan hits two spinning heel kicks to the legal men and as Viagra hops to the apron he hits him with a neck breaker on the ropes sending Viagra down into the Squire. Loco goes Loco. He yells and yells. Sonny lifts Apocolypse up high and sends him into Dan but Dan catches him and sits him on the top ropes. Then gives a DDT to the Officer and sends him right to Apocolypse who hits a Tornado DDT. Dan then misses a closeline to Sonny. As Sonny choke slams him to the ground. Apocolypse flies into his stomach sending the big man rolling out of the ring and searching for air. Retsam finally gets away from the fans but Sonny rolls right into him and sends him right back over the railing. Sonny rolls back into the ring and gives Viagra a tag. The Gent who has been working on Egami comes in to make it a four on 2 match. Dan the Destroyer makes a few nice manuvuers to get away from trouble then hits Sonny with a russian leg sweep. General Mayhem gives Apocolypse a powerbomb. Loco throws in 3 chairs from the rack. Egami goes to the top ropes but Viagra meets him with a chair sending him a long ways down. Viagra gets to him again setting up a ankle breaker with the chair. Viagra goes up top ropes, but Dan the Desroyer gets The Gent to stumble into the corner sending Viarga to his nuts on the ropes. Dan with a backwards DDT. Then a spear type move to the Mayhem. Sonny using a bear hug to Apocolypse. Dan making a save. Apocolypse exchanges hits with The Gent and the Gent goes up top to hit something but Apocolypse hits him with a chair then turns and nails Viagra with a chair. Then tosses the chair into the Loco and Squire. Sonny is drop kicked into the corner and set on the top ropes and lifted by Sonny from the second ropes and choke slams him outside the ring down to Egami who has the ankle breaker with the chair, a loud snack and a scream by Egami signafies a broken bone. Apocolypse then takes a splash from Sonny from the top ropes further smashing Egami's ankle. Retsam dives into the ring with a bat from the crowd. But achair is inserted into his mid section by Mayhen as Viagra pile drives Dan. Who cannot fight off three men at a time. Retsam is put in a Lion Tamer by Mayhem as a double arm bar is applied to prevent any tap outs. A three way submission. Retsam screams as the ref tries to get them off. Dan the Destroyer gets out of the ring and crawl toward the locker room. Loco chases him but a head butt to the groin send Loco hopping all over. Squire, who has proven he can wrestle helps out. He tries to irish whip Dan back toward the ring but reversed sending Squire into the ring. Apocolypse bleeding and standing up, yanks Mayhem off Retsam and outside the ring. Points to the very injured Egami then suplex's him onto the announcer's booth putting Mayhem into the laps off the WC's announcers. Only Viagra and The Gent reamin in the ring as legal men. Viagra does a moonsault to the ground and then takes the pin from The Gent ending the match. Medical teams race out to the aid of Egami who has curled himself in the corner holding his ankle. They carry him out on a stretcher. Apocolypse helps Dan out as Dan whipes away Apocolypse's blood and his own. Retsam who was triple submissioned lays still in the ring. As medical attention is payed to him. The Squire and Loco see Gambini who talks with Badd Company and Squire hands him a suitcase and he opens it and views the cash that fills it. Badd Company and the OAG celebrate in the ring. As Viagra tries to get Jennifer into the ring but she doesn't go. Mayhem hops back down to the announcer where he had been tossed and shakes the hand of the Masked Reporter who is sitting ringside. The FOUR gets the belts from Jennifer as Johnny Viagra gives her a huge hug against her will. She fixes her outfit and then smiles and leaves the arena. As OAG wear the belts as they celebrate to the locker rooms.

WINNERS: Officer and a Gentleman (OAG) General Mayhem and the Gent)

(Scene of both Egami and Retsem in major pain wincing and moaning. )
Jeph Phillips: The FOUR may make you famous but you won't live long. Did they prove that today or what? Egami has just been informed that his ankle has been shattered. And thats for sure, it can only be worse. Retsam make make broke a rib or two. It proves that if you don't get in some matches you will not be ready. And they weren't. Egami will be out for at least a month. Badd Company laid down to let OAG get the belts. Will the Squire make them FOUR members yet? It can only be a matter of time. They are practically a team already. Sonny went on a major power surge. The Gent may have hurt his knee early in that match. And now on the Jennifer Streaks! (pauses......) Yeah! That was great! (pauses..... in a daze....) Okay now moving on. The WC's first two belts are giving out to the FOUR. Yes Badd Company was paid off, but the FOUR has the TAG TEAM TITLEs!
That may be a hard match to out due but this next match may be the most crazy of all. The ZOO vs. NEST war comes to this. This is when one stable gets to brag to the other one. Blackhawk has turned on CrO and it makes this match a 4 on 5. The ZOO members are named off and called out to the cage filled with weapons. First called out is Wolfhound with a huge bat along with a very thick rope. Fans like that idea. The cage is lowered slowly as they make their entrances. Tallon comes next with a chair, he slides into the ring. Monkey comes out with a pair of pipes and a belt around his waist that hangs loose. Tiger carries a handful of items. Stop sign baseball bat, pipe, and a long whip. Fans love to see a man loaded with weapons. A table and a chair already exist in the ring. Blue Jay comes out with some red boxing gloves and some duct tape. The ZOO has come prepared tonight. Fans go wild as the image of Cro appears. (seens are shown of him against Outlander in a bed of nails match. Showing Cro doing some damage on ZOO members.) But wait the smoke has cleared and it is a man in a Kane mask. A ripped up CrO shirt and a flame decorated Lether Jacket over it. Fans go wild, CrO had been talking about that CrO was done for, and this must be what he means. Look at his hands they are on fire. Flaims come from his hands. The ref makes him put his hands in a bucket of water. Steam raises up in the air. Well, whats up with CrO? Pheonix follows him. They hold chairs, so does Eagle i who also makes his way under the lowering cage. Dr. Pengwin hops into the ring as a small chant saying "FLOP" his finisher. The cage reaches the ground. Billy Jay steps out.

Billy Jay: I am excited for this one. Since this is our only match that does not end with a WORLD CHAMP of some sort let's make this a little extra Hallo Weenish! (Billy Jay points up above as a huge blanket is let go of and hundreds of pumkin's come smashing down into the cage. ) Thats right. This will be known as the Pumpkin Bash Match! (Fans erupt seeing this great match born in the WC.) Don't keep em' waiting.

The ZOO vs The NEST
Five on Four Cage/Weapons match with no DQ

Bell sounds. Men go at each other as Monkey slips on the pumpkins. The unique weapons of the ZOO gives them an early advantage. As Tiger and Blue Jay double team the Nest leader CrO. Eagle I out battles WolfHound in the corner until Tallon makes a save. CrO has broken the beating and is going to work with his chair. He has officially changed his wreestling name to something I cannot pronounce. I will refer to him as CrO until I get his name down. Dr. Pengwin tosses a pumpkin into the air forcing Blue Jay to look up then smashing a huge one over his face. Eagle I along with CrO do some nice teamwork sending Monkey and Wolfhound into the fense. Battles are mainly won by countless smashes. The ref isn't even in the cage due to the extreme match. Phoenix gets himself in a heep of trouble as the ZOO's one man advantage sarts wearing down the powerful Nest stable. All 9 men tired and bloody after 20 minutes of continuos bashings. CrO gets handcuffed by Wolfhound to the fense. Dr. Pengwin is found ducked tapped the corner. And Eagle I and Phoenix sit back to back with a huge rope tied around them and Eagle I's foot strapped to the cage with a dog collar. . Monkey makes his way up the cage slowly but surely. But from outside the cage climbs.......... Black Hawk! What is going on? He has met Monkey at te top of the cage and has shoved him down to the shattered table. BlackHawk has a hedge trimmer and clocks Wolfhound with it as he jumps from the top of the cage. He powerbombs Tallon, then gives Blue Jay a clean elbow. Tiger locks him up, but couldn't capitolize and ends end eating the bashed pumpkin's from a nasty pile dirver. Blackhawk undoes CrO and the Nest. Making the match back to a 5 on 5. With Blackhawk being a fresh man. They just dominate the next 5 minutes of the match and BlackHawk waits for all Nest members to exit before he does and the Nest overcomes the ZOO. The fans go wild. BlackHawk confuses the WC again. This guy could really be of great help, but can you trust him? The ZOO leaves dissapointed as they had the win if Black Hawk did not enter. As they exit they are stopped by the whole UNION squad. Led by Dan the Destroyer. They start an attack of them. Fans go crazy. Dan the Destroyer hits the Devastator to Wolfhound followed by one hit to Monkey. UNION just destroys them and leaves all excited.


Jeph Phillips: UNION hits unexpectedly. THey hit hard. Them pumpkins really spruced up the place. Billy Jay giving the fans entertainment once again. Black Hawk was the key in that match. CrO may look new and be more powerful than ever but he could not fight two men al night. ZOO proved that but they did not get the win, due to the perfect timing of Blackhawk. As we all know BlackHawk started looking like he was a Nest member. Then turning on CrO and joining forces with Bobby Magic, and now going back the CrO and giving the Nest the big win. Is this guy crazy?
20 men are out here cleaning up the mess from last match to set up a great battle. The First WC Lightweight Championship match. This is one they have all been yelling about, and has gotten more hype than maybe the World Title match. Inferno of the FOUR, Youngblood of the Revelation, and Phalkon of the Nest. Now Phalkon is the big underdog. He has complained about being overlooked and underrated. Well now is his chance to prove himself. Inferno has done a great job establishing himself in the WC, and the FOUR has guided him to be a man of destruction. As well as his escort the amazingly great Inferno Babe. Youngblood who has undergone many appearence changing in the last week is part of the womens division too. His girl, Lady G and Inferno have one of the biggest fueds going here in the WC. The match they had and the poll for the Miss WC title. Billy Jay has already started working on opening a whole division for the womens part, due to the popularity of the current one now. Let me send you to the ring, the here Billy Jay, welcome Jennifer Streaks.

Billy Jay: Jennifer Streaks, will you please come out once again! (She comes out again this time with a different outfit. Dressed as catwomen. With WC painted on her back. She has the back unzipped as far as it goes. She carried the velvet pillow with the Lightweight Belt atop it. Fans go crazy) Ahuhmp! Wow! Thank you very much Mrs. Streaks. (She winks at him and goes ringside along with Billy Jay to awiat the action. )

Triple Threat Match
Youngblood vs. Inferno vs. Phalkon

Fans start the cheers as the least popular of the three, Phalkon makes his way to the ring. He decided to go for this belt instead of participating in the Stable War match, the fans like the guys style. Fans go wild as Youngblood w/ his new look, and with Lady G step out. (Scenes are shown of the Revelation destroying the FOUR and Eric the Red pinning a few men. Shots of Lady G taking it to Inferno Babe. Fans are going nuts.) The place starts to chant Inferno's name. Out he comes with flaim thower and all. Inferno Babe waits til' Inferno gets all his cheers then she steps out, and the fans give her the same huge ovation. (Scenes of that Lady G match are shown this time from Inferno Babe point of view, showing her making the pin, showing her halfnaked walking with Inferno. Fans are shown with Inferno signs. And one with a oversized ballet that says Vote Inferno Babe for Miss WC. Then shots of her driving the bull dozer in front of the entrance. Helping the FOUR.) All three men glare at each other. The bell rings. Inferno goes strait into Youngblood and takes him down. Phalkon kicks him off. Phalkon nails a fast DDT to Inferno and Youngblood connect a closeline to the Nest member. Inferno attemps a russian leg sweep to Youngblood but misses due to Youngblood grabing the rope. Phalkon with a cross body and a pin to Youngblood but kicked out. Inferno rolls out of the ring and lets the babe give him some incuragement. Then he rolls back in and stops a piledriver that Phalkon was gonna hit to Youngblood and tosses him out of the ring. Then Youngblood is found in a step over toe facelock. Phalkon is attacked by the babe as he tries to get back in. Then Lady G start a fight with the babe. They fight on the ramp, going from side to side with irish whips as the first row fans get alot more than what they paid for. Phalkon finally stops the assault on youngblood but he looks outta it. Inferno then takes a powerbomb from Phalkon who is showing some major talent. He then goes up top ropes! Youngblood tries to jump at him but Phalkon sits on the top and puts out his foot sending Youngblood threw the ropes and to the cement. The ladies still go at it on the ramp. Inferno gets up and finds himself being Tornado DDTed by Phalkon for a 2 count and a kickout. Jaypac's music blares up and he comes running out. Doesn't slow down to greet the ladies he runs right threw them, and helps Youngblood to his feet. Then rolls him back in and him and Phalkon go to work on each other. Jaypac pulls Inferno out and beats him with chair. Then with his fist, until Inferno Babe makes a running knee connect into the mid section of Jaypac, Inferno is rolled back into the ring. But he rolls right out the side shoves Lady G away and Inferno Babe and the babe ahnds him a object that he inserts into his mask. As Babe piledrives Jaypac. But Lady G coems over and continues their fight. Jaypac rolls into the corner as all three men in the ring exchange hits. Jaypac finally regians himself then pulls out Phalkon and hits a backbreaker. Jaypac uses a chair on him. Inferno with a hurricanna into a pin gets to 2 and then kicked out. Youngblood ducked a closeline and hits a heel kick that send the object from Infernos mask into the crowd and covers for a 1 count. Inferno Babe gets laid on the announcers table, and Lady G goes top ropes and dives off and lands a splash smashing the table into bits. Fans go crazy as both women lay with their skimpy outfits on the dirty cement floors. All of a sudden the Bounty Hunter comes running down the ramp, Mac Westwood. He grabs Lady G and DDTs her head into the hard ground. He then hooked a Boston Crap, with no one to stop him. She screams. Westwood finally lets go and then face busts her, and leaves her unconsious on the floor. Finally after a Jaypac hits a overhead release suplex to Phalkon he exits giving Youngblood a huge advantage. Cradle DDT to Inferno sets up a huge leg drop by Youngblood. Backspring Asai moonsault by Youngblood gets the fans outta their seats in a hurry and a pin but a rope break for Inferno saves him. Phalkon who has been outside recovering sneaks to the top ropes and as springboard moonsault by Youngblood is landed and start the count, Phalkon hits a huge Frog Splash landing on the third count stoping Youngblood's win and the ref starts the count for Phalkon who gets the three count. He gets up and yells and then runs out of the ring to prevent any attacking to get to him. Jennifer Streaks and Billy Jay wait for the two loser and their women to exit then they call back Phalkon to the ring, he jogs out with a huge smile on his face. Billy Jay: Congradulations! You are the first WC Lightwieght Champion. (Jennifer streaks hands him the belt and he promots it to the fans and leaves with a huge unexpected smile on his face.

WINNER: Phalkon
The First WC Lightweight Champion

