ICON's name is up and Ness's Title is up
ICON vs. Ness Manson
Ness Manson comes out to one of the nights biggest applause getting a standing O that does not die down for a minute! Ness wearing a long trench coat and awaits his opponent as he stands in the ring with the belt. The ICON walks out also to a huge ovation almost matching Ness's! The Outlaws have just dove outta the crowd and are attacking Tyler Lee. They are going to work. Here comes the UNION, here comes the rest of the FOUR. Another brawl on the ramp. Tyler Lee gets rolled into the ring and Ness pulls out a bat with nails driven threw it from his trench coat. Fans go wild. The Stables spill into the crowd as they battle it out using fans and chairs. It has got out of hand. Ness smashes the lower back of Lee with the spiked bat. Tyler Lee rolls outta the ring in emense pain and very injured. Ness reaches over the top ropes and lifts The ICON by his hair and then pulls him back into the ring and already going to work with stomps to the chest. Causing cuts on his chest. He may have put spikes in his botts like his first match! That is one of his tricks! Manson goes for a cover put only a one count. The brawl has some guys ringside some guys in the locker room a few guys on the ramp and two guys still in the crowd. Fans are going nuts trying to see everything that is going on. Ness pounding on the face of Tyler Lee, Lee ducks and headbutts a low blow and then as Ness recorvers makes countless kidney shot putting Manson on the floor. Manson is put down with a Liger Bomb. Fans go wild. A leg drop by Tyler and a few knees to the forehead of Ness forces Ness to roll out of the ring. Tyler slides out at full speed and runs into Ness knocking him over the railing. Tyler grabs a chair and seeing the fight right next the him he smashes BlackHawk in the head Apocolypse then gives a back to belly suplex to BlackHawk. Then as Ness tries to climb over the railing Tyler Lee smacks him in the head with the chair. Tyler Lee then goes right up to the top ropes and waits for Ness to gets back to his feet then dives into him and some fans. The awesome manuveur from that high up gets a roar from the fans. Then a running powerslam ove rthe railing almost snaps Manson in half yet he still manages to pop back up and roll into the ring. Tyler Lee then goes over the rail and up to the top ropes. Hitting a arm smash from the top ropes. Tyler calls for the MAIN EVENT to put Ness away but he couldn't get him in suplex position and Ness then with a lariet. Ness reaches into his coat pulls out his bull whip and helps Yee Haa! Fans go wild! Ness tossing Lee into the ropes and a big boot to the face of Lee. Then whiping his back. The ICON turns and catches the whip! Fans love it! Then a kick from the ground to Ness stomach and a arm bar supplied Ness shakes him off. But goes back down due to a eye rake with a russian leg sweep, Tyler goes up top and misses a frog splash and Ness grabs The ICON in a bear hug! Tyler Lee swung his foot back hitting the low blow to Ness to force him to let go. A DDT by ICON misses as Ness holds the ropes and Lee goes down empty. The Ness hits a mighty drop kick that buckles Tyler Lee's legs. A double elbow drop smashes Tyler good. A lock up ends up with ICONs face being pulled into Ness's big knee. The ICON uses a one leg take then goes to work on the face of Ness. This match also reaches the half hour mark. ICON and Ness run into each other they go back in fourth due to extensive whips off the ropes. Both men roll out opposite sides of the rings and both grabs chairs a slide back in. They smack the chairs back and forth, finally Tyler Lee hits Ness in the knee but he doesn't fall Ness only endures six hard smacks to the top of the head and a cut on the top of his skull starts to bleed, Tyler exausted at the pain endured by Ness and is amazed then a diving tackel by Ness takes him down. Ness puts ICON of the top ropes and Super Plex's him down. Fans go wild. Manson gives another "Yee Haww" signafiing his Garvin Stomp, and he starts it but Tyler rolls to his knees then off the ropes picking up a chair on his way to his feet and smashing Manson's face. Manson falls threw the ropes to the floor headfirst. The ICON dead tired lies without emotion or movement in the center of the ring. Ness rolls up again almost giving the fans the idea that he immortal. Ness leans agaisnt the railing. Tyler Lee bleeding from the face and back in many spot finally gets up and slowly goes top ropes, Ness sees his accent and shakes his head as to shake the pain away. Tyler gets to the the top ropes but lost him balance and has to restart climbing. Ness knocking some stuff of a table and using all his power lifts the table and holds it over his head like he is gonna smash Tyler but Tyler jumps off not looking first hitting the table into Ness and bouncing of and rolling into the railing holding his ribs. Ness lays motionless. Both men bleeding and without movement. The ref counts to ten and calls for a no contest. Fans scream and boo at the same time. The brawl has been limited only to the ramp and the locker room and both stables come out to help their member. Ness is found knocked out. ICON limps and holds his ribs after that amazing battle that ends in a tie!
WINNER: No Contest
Jeph Phillips: My god! Ness gets knocked out! Fans still going wild! No one gets the win. For this match it was too HARDCORE! No one could make the pin it was that severe hardcore. What a display of the WC's HARDCORE division! The third match proves to be the best but still without a winner. ICON keeps his name and Ness keeps his Belt as long as he comes to! What a great match!
The Wc's Worldt title is flashing on the big screen. The fans are going nuts and the cage is coming down. Highlights of Dan the Destroyer last week with the belt, winning the rumble match, and now highlights or Wednesday WAR when Dan faught a no belt match! This is the final match of RIOT! Not only is this for the WORLD TITLE but this is another UNION/FOUR encounter also! Oh my Viagra music is up, here he comes!
Dan the Destroyer
Johnny "Up All Night" Viagra
Mr. Up All Night Johnny Viagra! Fans go nuts at first site of this man! They love his finisher The HARD ON and it has to one of the WC's most painful moves! Look who coming out once again! It's Super Duper Gary Cooper he has pulled up a chair to watch the MAIN EVENT! Some of the fake rocks are tossed all over. This match can be won by pinfall or by climbing out of the ring. Dan's music blares up and the CHAMP steps out to one hell of a ovation! Dan just stands in the glory and then makes his way to cage. Everythnig is set as Dan and Johnny stare each other down! Dan drops the belt from his waist without looking away from Viagra, and the ref picks it up and holds it up, fans go wild and the bell rings! They lock up fast! Dan tosses Viagra down. Viagra hops to his feet and hits a closeline. The match goes back in forth like that for three long minutes without much real heavy shots! Dan finally gets the upper hand with an eye poke and does a neckbreaker. Viagra suprising Dan does a scissor kikc followed by a Asian Face Plant. Both mens move arsonel is so large and powerful. Viagra does a little dance a rolls Dan up in a small package. Dan breaks it and goes off the ropes misses a headbutt and goes down Viagra putting on a Ankle Lock. Dan elbows his face and grabs the rope. Dan then lands on his feet in a belly to belly suplex and waits for Vaigra to turn and connects with a drop kick, Then going rights into a shoulder breaker. Dan puts on a dragon sleeper and Viagra fights but connot get free. Oh my ropes fall from the ceiling and FOUR members comes sliding down the ropes and Dan breaks off the hold and plays defense trying to keep the FOUR away from him! The UNION comes running a start to climb the cage to get in the top. Fans are going wild as Dan takes a beat down by the hands of the FOUR. Apocolypse and Magnus carries chairs and they get to the top and jump to the ropes sliding down the ropes and now it's a stabe WAR in the cage. Chair shots putting people down. Ness is not seen due to his last match and Tyler Lee isn't with the UNION due to his match with Ness also. Enforcer the UNION's manager goes strait to help Dan and keep him safe. The FOUR fight trying to keep Viagra unhurt. Mayhem and The Gent get handed pipes from The Squire and it is a brawl! The cage is starting to be raised! To be able to get people out of the cage! It is only lifted 10 feet in the air enough to get people out. A double closeline by Brad Manson takes some guys out of the ring and rolling under the cage. g-Crusher with three drop kicks sends Sonny Silke out along with Mack Daddy! The Squire leaves under his own power. Mayhem and Gent are still left in and g-Crusher and Enforcer also still in. The ref convinces them to leave and the cage is lowered. Dan taknig the worst of that exchange. Enforcer and the UNION wlaks up the ramp backwards yelling at the FOUR, and out comes McTaggert with the caldron of beans! He runs it right into Enforcer putting him into the beans and then knocking g-Crusher in as well! Fans go nuts! McTaggert then runs to meet with the FOUR and they still stand yelling at each other now more vigorus than ever. Dan gets stunned by Viagra and the fans go wild as Viagra stands him up for the HARD ON but Dan step aside catching his leg then pulling him down into a leg lock pulling as hard as he can! Viagra screams in pain. Viagra almost won the match right there! Dan wiats leaning in the corner Johnny gets up Dan charges put meets a foot the chin! Dan rolls in pain! Viagra calls for his finisher again but Dan doesn't stand up so he can't do it. Finally Viagra pulls him up with a DDT. The ramp once agian fills up with violence and blood they two stables go at it again! Dan caught a bull dog onto Johnny and turns the tables on him, then a turning Pedigree type move smashing the face of JV. Dan then with a sidewalk slam and a huge ovation as he turns on the power. A front faced suplex and a pin by Dan but Viagra up on 2. The Destroyer with a full press slam! He then hits the DEVESTATOR, running sidewalk slam. Fans go wild with that move and a fast pin. Viagra kicks out with everything he has at the last second and a low blow to Dan and a two leg take down. As Dan stands a running drop kick sends Destroyer flying into the cage and his head hits the medal! Dan rolls around and up and Viagra hops into the HARD ON! Kick to the Groin! Fans go wild as a scream is let out and Dan goes down looking as if he was gonna pass out! Viaga then a knee to the face to put him down and covers but a kick out now by Dan. What a show of strength by both men! Dan ducks a jumping heel kick but Viagra jumps over a tackle and Viagra attemps a tackle but Dan uses it and ends up hitting one hell of a awesome DDT! Fans go crazy. Viagra wuzzy and out of it! Dan with an elbow and a cover, another kick out at two and 9 tenths! Fans amazed! Dan with backbreaker, then attempting another DEVESTATOR but Viagra grabs Dans head and connects a head butt. Viagra then hits a lariet and a front faced DDT. Then a pin but a kickout at one, Dan running on adrenaline now, as Viagra is also! Johnny going to work on Dans face. Dan pushes him away and tries to shake off the pain, Johnny hops on his back going to work on the skull of Dan. Dan then pulls him down hard falling on him for the pin but a knee to his face is his kickout then an elbow to the nuts! Dan rolls off again in pain. Viagra with a round house punch and bakcs up for the HARD ON once again this time Dan jumps the kick then wrapps his legs around JV's leg and rolls down forcing JV to fall into a fast pin, 1.2.3! It's all over! What a way to retain the belt! JV looked to have the match again but Dan jumped the kick and came down wrapping his leg and rolling it into a pin/submission all at once. What a move!
WINNER: Dan the Destroyer defends his WORLD TITLE!
Jeph Phillips: That was the best World title match I have ever seen! That one went 1 hour and 20 minutes and it was spectacular! No belts change hands tongiht! Amazingly! Great display by everyone! Viagra once again proving he ain't just a tag team guy! Possibly one of the WC's top guys all around! Dan does what he needed to with a big victory!
It ends the RIOT card! Great job by all, we didn't see one bad match! Good bye Toronto I turn the final thoughts over to Billy Jay! I will see you all next week at Storm!
Billy Jay: Thank you Jeph, and thanks WC fans and addicts! Thanks Toronto, what a night! Everyone who faught proved something and that something was alot! HARD TOPs get fired! Ness and Tyler end in a draw due to both men being counted down. Dan keeps the World Title for the UNION and Jennifer Streaks still wears the Crown! What a night!
See you all next week, great work once again!
(RIOT sounds is played and highlights of everything is played, pictures of everybrawl UNION and FOUR had! Shots of every belt retaining holding there belts including Ness unconsious with the belt laying on him! Shot of everyfinisher we saw tonight and every shot of a bloody attack! Fans go nuts and the show ends as the WC logo shoots in and falls away!)
Email: billyjay_bj@hotmail.com