RIOT 2 : RAGE in the CAGE
(The WC logo blasts into view as always and as strobe lights hit the logo it goes from the WC logo to the RIOT logo! Then as it shines and the RIOT music blares up, it stops and the roman numeral TWO is smacked down on the logo and the words "RAGE in the CAGE" also layer the logo. Fans can be heard as the logo fades into the arena with screaming fans all over the place!)
Billy Jay: Hello WC fans and addicts! And welcome to Club Lavelia here in Daytona Beach! The fans were lined up outside the arena trying to be the first 500 fans to recieve a WC action figure! Some of these dedicated fans have been here since last night! Over a day of waiting! As you all know this was expected to be the event where the WC feasts apon the EWA! But it looks like we may have a better RIOT anyways! Let's go to the RIOT 2 Rage in the Cage Promo! Roll the tape.......
(Shots of last week with Jiggallo standing as the new Lightweight champ and Vasques down after the pitchfork shot to the head. Scenes of Golden One and JP ruining some quality matchups. Shots of different rounds of Tag Team compitition ending with a still shot of Crash Test Dummies Da Outlaws and The Shadow Men previewing the triple threat match to come. Shots of a few weeks ago when Phalkon and Mayhem faught in a hell in the cell. A still of them staring face to face is shown as the 2 drops in again and the words Rage in the Cage seen again. Showing Gary Cooper and Vasques finishing everyone off and standing as the new tag champs. Shots of past rivalry matches between Ness Manson and Tyler Lee. Ending with the Hardcore Belt showing with Cooper on one side wearing the tag belt and Tyler on the other wearing the Hardcore belt. Shots of T-bone steak and Sonny Silke doing their stuff, still of them. Inferno vs. Jiggallo as the Lightweight belt flashes a still shown and past clips of them fighting, the words showing again RAGE in the CAGE. A rookie logo drops down and the scene shows Cain and Able standing side by side and then the Krunch Brothers standing together. Shot of Jay Lange and Jared Nightcrawler with a flash of all the stipulations- barbed wire/ glass encrusted turnbuckles/ weapons match and the word Hardcore scene. Then a scene showing Wolfhound and JokerJ almost winning the gold last week and them costing UNION matches. Then a slower down of the music and new tunes start up and a serious voice announces tonights main event. The Loser Leaves Town, Winner Stays holding the World Title Strap! A still of the two face to face shown. Clips run in the backround of other fed matches between them and then there fued here in the WC. It blows up into the RIOT logo and the words RAGE in the CAGE shown and the screne goes to James Edgebrook!)
James Edgebrook: What a promo and what a night this will be! Last week was the best thing I have ever seen! It was great and tonight may be even better! Every title other than the Tag Titles will go up for grabs tonight, also discluding the Women's Crown. Yet I saw Jennifer backstage and shes here, in full, I mean FULLLLLL force! Damn! Well. Tonight we will start with a classic fued! The highclass player Johnnie Jiggallo will face Inferno with the first Hell in the Cell match up of the night. Let's go to the ring!
HELL in the CELL
Johnnie Jiggallo (CHAMP) vs. Inferno (CHALLENGER)
Inferno comes out to a loud pop and he rolls into the ring leaving Inferno Babe at ringside. Jiggallo steps out to one huge reaction! He wears the Lightweight! He stuts down the ramp, but halfway down Ness Manson meets him and choke slams him and exits right away before anyone could run out. Almost movie like the Lightweight Title bounces from Jiggallo's waist to the ramp. The fans go nuts. The UNION runs out to late and help up the Lightweight Champ. Jiggallo shaken from the incident. The ref keeps g-Crusher from attacking Inferno, g yells that he wants to even the score! The ref keeps him away. Jiggallo gets in the ring and the Cage drops to the floor and the bell rings. Inferno wants to start fast but Jiggallo plays it safe and tries to recover from Ness's cheap shot. Inferno gets a fast start after going to work with elbows to the face and a face buster. Inferno Babe cheers from outside and the UNION has remained on the outside as well. Inferno taking a big advantage by throwing JJ into the cage. Fans go nuts. Jiggallo chant starts and Jiggallo seems almost fully revived. Jiggallo works Inferno down tiring him with kidney shots and backbreakers. A bulldog leaves Inferno vulnerable but he moves away from a leg drop and they go to work back and forth. After a few minutes of back and forth action Jiggallo got tossed into the corner and Inferno charged but Jiggallo hopped up and grabbed the cage then jumped off going for a big cross body but Inferno caught him, and turned it into a powerslam with an unseccesful pin. Jiggallo takes a corkscrew plancha and looks to bebeaten but makes another late kickout and fights his way to his feet. Inferno upset with the come back and backs away and hits a drop kick. Johnnie gets right up and goes back to work. Finally hitting a DDT and trying a pin. Inferno uses a one leg takedown after he kicks out and goes to work on Little Sexy. Inferno gets shoved off and then recieved a few stomps to the shoulder and neck. Fans chant Jiggallo once again. Jiggallo using the momentum and hitting a fast powerbomb and then a nice elbow drop. After a huge jumping shoulder block, Jiggallo hits a death vally driver and the fans go nuts. Jiggallo works his way up for the GO DOWN but Inferno rolls to his feet and runs into the cage and side knocking Jiggallo down but Jiggallo with a head butt on his way up and then a tornado DDT and picks him back up for another FOREPLAY aka Death Valley Driver, then this time a little faster up top and hits the 540 splash the GO DOWN and the pin for the win.
WINNER: Johnnie Jiggallo defends the Lightweight Title
James Edgebrook: What a great match. Inferno needed a little more fan support and he would have won the match. Jiggallo is the best in the business when it comes to using the fans support. He works for the fans. Inferno almost had the match when he turned that splash into a powerslam. Inferno has to be considered up with the top Lightweight wrestlers in the biz.
The Four's General Mayhem gets his second chance at beating Phalkon the one time Lightweight champ in the cage. Phalkon suprised the world winning the belt and then almost made the biggest upset by beating Mayhem the first time in the cage. This is the dreaded re match and I feel it will either be Phalkon getting revenge and taking the big man down, or it will a dominated match with Mayhem using his power to crush the little man. If Mayhem uses his advantages well he may be able to grate the Lightweight right through the cage. Let's go to the ring.
HELL in the CELL
Phalkon vs. Mayhem
The Cell has been slightly raised ready to be lowered for this next match. Here comes Mayhem to a huge applause! Fans go nuts. He gets in the ring standing at a huge 7'1, and out comes the much smaller 6'3, Phalkon. The fans also gives a great ovation to the underdog. The cage lowers as the two stare each other down and the bell rings. Mayhem with a diving tackle almost breaking Phalkons legs right off the start. Phalkon holds his knees and thighs. Mayhem then stomps everything below the waist. Fans go nuts. Phalkon finally gets to his feet and hits a drop kick and a closeline. Mayhem barely effected gets to his feet but a blcked punch and a snap suplex by Phalkon proving he has enough power. Mayhem sits up and uses a one leg take down but hangs on to his leg and puts on a leg lock to the already damaged knee. Phalkon finally grabbing the side and pulling himself free. Phalkon tries a monnsault off the second rope but unlike last match they had, this time Mayhem caught him and hit a big shoulder breaker. Fans go nuts as Mayhem sends Phalkon into the cage headfirst. Phalkon takes his time getting back up and Mayhem hits three smacks across the chest. Phalkon hits a side hurricanranna and the fans go nuts. Phalkon hits a piledriver and a gutwrench powerbomb leaving him out of energy and tries to make the pin but Mayhem just rolls over to stop the pin. Gut buster puts the Lightweight down and Mayhem goes to work with numerous knees to the leg and knee and thighs. Then Phalkon with knee and tries to hit a closeline off the ropes but a duck by Mayhem ends in a nicley exicuted sleeper hold, then from the hold he spins Phlkon into the Total Destruction and slams him down hard. Phalkon out and the big pin for the win.
WINNER: Mayhem
James Edgebrook: Once again Mayhem pulling it out. I think Mayhems tackle from the start already had the match won. I think Phalkon should stay on the safe side of the wrestlers, he has a better, actually a good shot with any of the Lightweight stars. Phalkon was the first Lightweight champ and could be the next one if he gets back into fighting guys like Vasques and Inferno.
This next match is brut vs. brut. Two big men dukin' it out. The Badd Company's Sonny Silke and the one man gang T-Bone Steak! Let's go to the ring. This time without the cage.
T-bone Steak vs Sonny Silke
The fans go wild as Sonny Silke comes rushing down to the ring in a rush. T-Bone Steak gets a much less of a reaction but does get a small one. The bell rings and the lights go out Outlander is shown making his way through the crowd with the roar so loud you can't hear his theme music. Outlander rolls into the ring, hitting a inverted Russian Leg Sweep and putting on the new REDEMPTION submission hold onto Sonny Silke. Then after Sonny taps out Outlander turns to T-Bone and grabs him, the ref calls for the no contest and the bell as Outlander repeats his actions now to T-bone! Fans go absolutley wild as Outlander makes his way back out through the fans.
No Contest
James Edgebrook: Talk about giving the fans a rush! Outlander is making his presence felt big time here on RIOT Rage in the Cage. He seemed to be after Sonny Silke of the FOUR, but he didn't hesitate to spill T-Bone's confidence either. What an appearence.
Billy Jay is making his way out with a mic and Mrs. WC Jennifer Streaks. She is always at these PPV's! And will defend the crown at Goldfest!
Billy Jay: This next contest will be a tag team three way battle! This will be a Rage in the Cage three way event! The winner of this three way match up will be givin a shot at the Tag Team Title next weekend on Storm! (The fans explode)
(The cage starts to be lowered as Billy Jay and Jennifer Streaks leave up the ramp and Crash Test Dummies enter. )
Winner gets Tag Title Shot
Hell in the Cell Three way Battle
Crash Test Dummies vs. Da Outlaws vs. The Shadow Men
The CTD are already in the ring and the fans love these crazies! But not as much as they love these guys! DA Outlaws step out. Brad Manson and Mack Daddy made a huge impact in the tag tourney and are here tonight to try for a shot at the gold. One of Da Outlaws enemies last week are enemies again this week, here come the Shadow Men! The Masked Man and Black Francis were defeated by Aprils Fool and want revenge. The cage is coming down. Theres the bell. All six men go to work on everyone! This is obviously not gonna be elimination mode because it would never end. Mack Daddy has the Crash Test Dummies backed into the corner and making it a two on one. Brad Manson trying to fend off the Shadow Men. Balck Francis gets the edge and tosses Brad over the ropes into the fence and down hard. Fans go nuts as the Masked Men start to work on Mack Daddy now but the CTD using great teamwork use a double closeline and they send Francis out to where Brad is a they go at it. The Masked Man manages to DDT Mack but then gets stomped by both CTD members. Fans go nuts as the Crash Test Dummies are ruling the match. The Masked Man tries to charge them but one ducks hip checking him through the ropes and into Brad and Black Francis. Mack Daddy is then whipped into the ropes and one CTD guy pulls down the rope putting everyone but themselves on the ground into between the canvas and the cage in a vulnerable position. The dummies grab arms and spin and start baseball sliding into everyone sending them into the cage. Balck Francis manages to get to the other side and crawl in and stop the CTD with a few big punches. CTD scatters away to regroup after their huge run. Francis helps up The Masked man into the ring then starts yelling at Outlaws but they pull him out and use double team. Then The Masked man uses speed and hops the top ropes and collide into da Outlaws! Brad's face hits the cage and he starts bleeding but it fires him up and he cold cocks the Masked Man then drags Black Francis into the with the Masked man and powerbombs them both and goes up a few steps and hits a flying elbow to Black, then goes up high on the other side and tries the same but the CTD catches him and one man turns his neck for a neck breaker and the other holds his legs high for an ultimate neck breaker and they hit it. Mack rolls in and clears them away. CTD playing great defense as well as offense. Mack tries for a pin on Francis but masked man pulls him off. Mack with an elbow and a russina leg sweep. He stands for a knee shot but the one Dummie rolls in from behind and the other from the front and pushes him back into a pin and leaning on his legs! A fast count and the huge win. The fans go nuts as The Crash Test Dummies pull off a chance at a rematch against Vasques and Cooper at Storm. Brad and Mack pissed start a beat down on the CTD but they only endure a few hits before the cage is raised and they run away pulling of the huge upset.
WINNER: Crash Test Dummies recieving a Tag Title shot at Storm!
James Edgebrook: Once again we find Outlaws doing a number on all but being the ones that take the pin. I feel that Black or the Masked man would still have never been pinned! Those guys seem to never give up but just can't pull off a victory. The CTD played it perfect using their speed and style to keep themselves safe and win. Cooper and Vasques beat them last week in the first round and now let's see if the CTD can pull off another upset and get gold next week.
Now we move to the rookie teams, we got the Krunch Brother and Cain and Able! These both have a chance here to make an impact on everyone! The winner will get a chance to keep rising as the losers will have to face some jobbers to get more respected after this match!
Cain and Able vs. Krunch Brothers
The fans go nuts as the first appearence of Cain and Able are made. Slow Gospil music heard as they walk down the ramp with the Good Rev.! They look determined and ready to kick off their WC careers. The fans give a huge reaction to the first appearence of the Krunch Brother as they charge the ring. The bell rings as they all go to work. Krunch Bros overpowering Cain and Able with bigger punches. They beat them right outta the ring. Cain and Able regroup and replan out their offense then they roll back in and the ref gets the ring to only have the legal man in. Krunch gets a knee but returns an elbow. Able with a headbutt and then a whip followed by a shoulder that doesn't knock Krunch down, Able goes off the ropes and finds the boot of the other Krunch bro. Able then recieves a standing suplex. Cain tries to enter but the ref stops him allowing the Brothers to go to fast work on Able. The ref turns to see the pin but Able kicks out just in time. A ducked elbow is turned into a cradle DDT. Fans go wild as the Krunch guy leaves his corner finds a juicey chair and nails Cain from the back. Able hits a fading kick as he tries to tag Cain who is being nailed by the Krunch bros who are being brutal and dangerous. Able then leaves the ring and on his way down nails the Kruch bro with the chair. The ref starts the count out as Cain is helped up. Cain reverses an irish whip sending the legal Kruch brother over the railing and Able dives in the ring hoping The Legal Kruch can't make it back in time. The other Krunch helps his bro into the ring just before the count out but he recieves a drop kick and is sent right back out. Able runs and dives through the second rope cross bodying his man. Cain enter the ring seeing Krunch going to help and Cain slides under the rope and clobbers the Krunch guy knocking him to his belly on the ramp. Fans go nuts as Cain beats his face into the metal. Able sends Krunch man into the announcers table then rolling him back into the ring and hitting a belly to belly suplex going for a pin. Kick out fast and Able goes right back to work with a chop and then a speedy powerbomb with all his might making another pin. Unsessesful again! Cain runs to his corner and gets a tag and then double team powerbomb and Cain makes the cover and the win as Able gaurds the side that the other Krunch is located.
WINNER: Cain and Able
James Edgebrook: Great match that was! Krunch's method are very good just not enough working together to pull off a victory on Cain and Able who may be a great team in the future!
Another rookie match up. This is a hardcore rookie match up. Jay Lange versus Jared Nightcrawler. Here comes Nightcrawler lets go to the ring.
Barbed Wire Cage, Glass Encrusted Turnbickles, Weapons Match
Jay Lange vs. Jared Nightcrawler
Jay makes his way out to another big fan apreciation for rookies. They both stand in the ring as the unique barbed wire cage comes down. It lands and the bell rings they tie up and go to work on each other with knees back and fourth. All of a sudden Jeph Phillips steps out form the locker room with two members of his Masked Men dressed in gold holder all new pitchforks with the amercan flag on the end. One of the pitchforks has a wire cutter on the end of it. They walk to the cage as Jay and Jared still go at each other. As one of the Golden Ones cuts the cage. Down the zip line comes two more Golden Ones dropping on top of the cage. They both have pitchforks with the wire cutters. They started to cut the top of the cage as the ones below work on the sides. In the ring Jared is stomping Lange who lays on his back. Jay Lange noticies the men above finally and tries to warn Jared, Jared thinks it's a scam and doesn't look then recieves two pitchfork shots to the head from the two Golden Ones jumping through the hole they just created. Jeph and the other two Golden Ones step in the other whole they made and get in the ring with a mic. Jeph Phillips says "We are trying to expand Phillips CO.! Jay.....Jared.... you guys wanna join us?..... (Jeph looks at Jay and Jared and before they even have a chance to speak Jeph signals his men to attack them with the weapons.) Took too long! We, The Masked Men, are looking to expand and if any of you out their don't wanna be beatin' down please join! We will garuntee back up and secrecy!" Jeph Phillips calls his men to follow and the four guys exit and leaves the two rookies laying in the ring injured.
NO Contest
James Edgebrook: God I hate this shameless promotion. They ruin the most hardcore match of the night just to announce the fact that they are looking for more guys! They do work together well, but now these rookies will have to debut another time!
Ohh my I can't wait here comes Cooper vs. The ICON Tyler Lee for the HARDCORE BELT. "Cooper" chant begins let's go to the ring.
Tyler Lee (CHAMP) vs. Gary Cooper (CHALLENGER)
Jennifer Streaks walks out with Tyler Lee she holds the HARDCORE TITLE in the air and then rolls out of the ring. Tyler carries a black bat. Cooper comes out to the biggest reaction of the night as rocks come into the ring and hitting Cooper. He pulls the usual Radio Flyer and carries a huge ladder under his arm. Ness Manson follows behind him and Cooper looks at him and Ness wlaks by him and walks to the announcers table noding at Tyler in the ring and setting next to The Masked Reporter giving him a pot of beans that he carried out. The fans going wild even more and one of the Styropoam rocks lands in the pot of beans and Ness growls at the fans then licks of the beans of the rock and tosses it back into the crowd. Cooper sets the ladder up outside the ring steps up a few steps and raises his hands as the fans cheer him on. Cooper then hops off landing and pretends to have hurt his leg but then charges into the ring as the bell rings and tackles Tyler. The bat goes flying into the crowd due to the contact. Tyler Lee hits a sidewalk slam to turn the momentum around. Ness tries to offer beans to the fans. Cooper and Tyler go back and forth for a long while until finally Cooper is tossed through the ropes and down to the ground. They both grab chairs and it's a fight they smask chairs back and forth and Tyler's chairs actually breaks in two peices. Then Cooper hits a chair shot. Cooper with a toss into the chair and then a drop kick. Tyler allows himself to flip over the railing and he finds his bat but him and the fans fight over it and Cooper grabs Tyler from behind and leads him back towards the ring and tosses him back over the rail. Tyler rolls to his feet back up the steps and dives off nailing Cooper. Then Tyler grabs the broken chair but Cooper dodges it and rips te chair away but gets kicked in the face. Cooper falls. Tyler Lee with a back breaker. Tyler tries to close the ladder and tip it on Cooper but Cooper rolls away in time. Cooper then lifts the ladder over his shoulder and changes him with it but Lee ducks and then gives a low blow that forces Cooper to fall and drop the ladder on both guys. Cooper crawls toward the radio flyer and Tyler attacks him and sends him into the gaurd rail. Ness's chin drips off beans as Cooper is set into Ness's lap, Ness shoves him away. Cooper is sent back into the ring but he continues rolling out the other side and folds up a table to use Tyler too fast comes racing over and jumps the ropes into Cooper. Tyler uses a chair shot and then rolls Cooper back in. Cooper avoids another chair shot and hits the Cooper Stuper and makes the cover! But a kick out. Tyler stunned but Cooper physically out of strength! Cooper grabs the chair but Tyler kicks his stomach and then kicks the chair he holds into his face. Cooper still stands and smashes it over his head and they both fall down in a ton of pain. They both make it back up and Cooper hits a drop kick and then stumbles leaning against the ropes. Tyler rolls over and grabs him in desperation pulling him into a pin and the count and the win! Fans go nuts and they both lay. Cooper very upset rolls away and speaks with Sir Sack and the Rock then slides in the ladder and three tables. Fans going nuts not knowing what he is up too. Tyler Lee rolls outta the ring into Jennifer Streaks that awards him his belt back. Cooper sets up three tables on top of each other and sets up the ladder then still woozy but grabs a card board cut out of Tyler Lee form the Radio Flyer and stands it on the third table, then from the top of the giant ladder he splashes the cut out and threw all the tables! Fans go nuts. He may have lost the match but not the fans. He exits with radio flyer and the tag belt.
WINNER: Tyler Lee defends the HARDCORE TITLE
James Edgebrook: What a battle. Cooper upset but he gave one hell of a match, and did a number on that damn card board cut out. The fnas loved that match. Ness showing interest in that Hardcore title once again! Tyler pulling off the big victory! Great great battle!
We are going to the MAIN EVENT of the night! Hold it Billy Jay is back out with a mic!
Billy Jay: I'm out to say that the three on three match up will once again not take place due to Dan fighting in the Main Event, Tyler Lee defending his title and the tag match with Black Francis earlier! I aplogize! (Some boos are heard) Moving on I am announcing the GOLDFEST PPV! The great event will take place January 3rd! The winner of tonights Main Event will defend their title! The tag champs will have to defend their title! Tyler Lee will have to defend his belt. Jiggallo will have to fight someone for the Lightweight belt. The TV tourney will take place! And Jennifer Streaks will battle The Squires choice once again, posswibly the big tycoon Loco Babe. Hope to see you all in the TV Tourney! Thanks for your time (Fans going nuts)