STORM 12-20
The new WC logo blasts into view and another new theme played. Shots of each champion is shown and their finsihers. Then it cuts to a GOLDFEST promo involving quick flashes of every belt including the TV Title! Fans are shown going wild. The location is the Alamo Dome and fans are panned over showing signs that say "Jiggallo ALL THE WAY" "DOVE ME BABY!""Join the Cooper fan club TODAY!" "Got ICON?" "Outlander just try and crucify me!" and "Marry Me Loco Babe!"
Billy Jay: Welcome WC fans and addicts! We are here live at the Alamo Dome where the WC plans to blow the roof off. We've got some awesome match ups and I don't wanna stall! Here's JE!
James Edgebrook: The Tag Titles up tonight! This shall be awesome! (Points to his GOLDFEST t-shirt with the goldfest logo on back and the WC logo on the front) These puppies are becoming avalible to the public in a week or so. Our first awesome match will be Tyler Lee the HARDCORE CHAMP against The Messiah let's go to the ring for this non title match.
Tyler Lee vs. Messiah
The fans explode as the ICON, slash Hardcore champ, steps out into the welcome! Fans give him respect right off the bat. Both men in the ring as the fans chant "ICON"! The bell rings and both men charge and lock up. Messiah with a leg sweep into a slam. Tyler Lee backing off a bit already trying to plan something out. Messiah with a short arm closeline and elbow for a pin. Kickout then Tyler rolls outside the ring. Messiah gets the crowd into it! Tyler Lee gets on the apron but doesn't go through the ropes! The rookie comes for him and the ICON gives him a shoulder to the gut right through the ropes. Then goes up top and jumps but Messiah catches him in a sideslam. Tyler hops right back to his feet and attacks with a closeline and then falling into the ropes. Messiah charges at him but Tyler with a punch and then a drop kick sending the big guy through the ropes and ringside. Tyler then tries to get the fans into it. All off a sudden the fans just go nuts all over the place. Everyone is looking around. Messiah is looking around to see what they are looking at so is the ICON. Finally emurging from all corners off the fans comes Ness Manson, Mayhem, The Gent, Mack Daddy, Brad Manson, Johnny Viagra, Inferno and Sonny Silke. The fans going bizerk as Messiah stands and watches all the FOUR members roll into the ring a beat down Tyler Lee. The ref calls for the bell. Tyler recieves pipes and chair shots and brut slams and is bleeding from the nose. Finally the attack ends as fast as it started and Sonny and Mayhem hold up Lee's bloody face, Ness grabs a mic and begins to talk, " and you aint done yet...we just kicked your butt are you MAD...good boy..(Ness slaps ICON) ...cause at and you boy for the HARDCORE TITLE....the two of a weapons filled electrified cage match.....and boy....if you got guts (Ness spits in the face of ICON. And the UNION comes pooring out of the locker room led by Dan.) bring em to GOLDFEST....and I'll beat em out of you." Fans go wild as the smaller UNION is ridden back to the locker room and The FOUR leave as Messiah just watches.
James Edgebrook: The UNION choose a bad time to have short numbers. The FOUR just dominated that encounter, Messiah can't b pleased seeing that he was fighting a great match, but who is gonna hold their own against all them guys? Messiah did the smart thing and just watched!
This next match is a great tag team match. April's Fools vs. the UNION's CRUSH and DESTROY! JokerJ and Wolfhound have pissed off the UNION and now they will pay! The UNION is out with Dan and g for security reasons envolving Bushido the new tag team. Let's go to the ring as Crush and Destroy has already made their way out to a huge pop.
Crush and Destroy vs. April's Fools
Aprils Fools step out. The fans go nuts. They dive into the ring and Dan and g start yelling at them as April Fools convince the ref to force the UNION stable to go back to the locker room to prevent cheating and the UNION not happy yell on their way out. The cage has seemed to have gotten stuck on it's way down, the battle has begun in the ring. The bell rings and the UNION starts strong as Dan makes a few shots to the face then tosses JokerJ into the corner. Wolfhound retreats ringside as g charges. Then Wolfhound pulls g's legs from behind and pulls him under the ropes and attacks him real good. Then rolls him back in the ring and goes to work some more. All of a sudden out walks IRON MAN Steve Daye, just as the UNION expected and Steve carries a steel chair, out runs the UNION but Steve tells them that he means no harm. Daye then just stands ringside as Dan and g starts yelling at him and wondering what he plans to do. The UNION tries to grab the chair but Daye calmly walks to the other side of the ring. Dan continues pointing at him and JokerJ goes after Dan from behind and Daye warns Dan of JokerJ and Dan turns in time to DDT JokerJ. Then the UNION stop trying to grab him and just stand their. The UNION standing very close to prevent any attack. Dan makes a tag to continue yelling at him. JokerJ hits a kneelift and tosses g-Crusher numerous times into the turnbuckle! Then goes for a rollup pin but g-Crusher keeps rolling and then turns it into his pin. But a kickout. g-Crusher then hits a drop kick and a heel kick. Steve Daye remains calm as the UNION stay near him, and yell things at him. All of a sudden Daye tosses the chair into the ring where from the other side enters Wildhorse and they he catches the chair and nails g-Crusher with the chair. The UNION dive in and so does Daye and it's a tag team versus a stable. Wildhorse is cleaning house with the chair but pulls back from hitting Dan. Dan goes untouched and Bushido hops through the ropes as the bells ring again in a No Contest. The UNION lay stunned at the plan even playing it safe. g-crusher is nursing his head, the rest of the UNION took the chair in the back or shoulder. Fans are going nuts. Dan and g-Crusher try to continue the match but April's Fools leaves due to the fact that there is the whole UNION ready to fight out a pure anger.
James Edgebrook: Looks like Masked Reporter was wrong, Crush and Destroy still aren't able to show their real stuff tonight, but MR is right about Crush and Destroy being due for a win. First Crush and Destroy get upset by taking it easy on a new tag team, then April's Fools and Apocolypse destroy their chances, and now Bushido takes them out. When will the WC witness the true talent of Crush and Destroy without all these intereferences? Time will only tell!
This next match is the FOURs Manson and Mayhem facing off against the biggest Job team the WC has seen. The JOB team is coming out already.
Mayhem/Manson vs. Kenn Starr /Elvis
Kenn and Elvis are led out with a women ressembling Monica Lewinsky with a t-shirt with that name on it. The fans don't really give any reaction to the weird tag team. Out comes the cheers and out comes Mayhem and Ness Manson, McTaggert pulling out the usual caldron of beans. The Gent follows behind them trying to get the fans into cheering. The fans go nuts as Mayhem and Manson charge the team and bell sounds as Ness uses a choke slam to both guys and Kenn Starr gets piledriven by Mayhem and Elvis recieves a closeline. The Gent wonders to the Monica Lewinsky impersonator and hands her a cigar and dissapears with her under the ring. Fans go nuts. In the ring Ness and Mayhem and cleaning house with big boots and double team powerbombs all over the place. Jessica Jahrow comes racing down the ramp and reaches under the ring, as the fans go crazy at the site of beutiful Jessica. She grabs Monica from under the ring who is now wearing only a bra and panties. Then Jessica starts a huge cat fight and pretty much tears Lewisnsky to threads. Lewinsky takes her down with a tackle. The Gent tries to pull Monica to her feet by pulling her bra. He grabs Jessica and carries her back to the locker room. It the ring double powerbomb is performed and a pin for the win. Mayhem puts on the Nighty Night to Kenn Starr outside the ring. Thne rolls in a meets the ref with a Total Destruction and the fans go nuts as a bunch more Officals charge down with Billy Jay. Ness sits down and eats beans from McTaggerts chaldron as the officials and Billy Jay warn Mayhem he ignores them and walks of with his temmate and McTaggert and the beans.
WINNER: Mayhem/ Ness Manson
James Edgebrook: That was like a talent show for Ness and Mayhem. And that talent show had a sexy sideshow as well. Great entertainment right guys?
This next bout will be Enforcer out of retirement facing Phalkon the one time Lightweight champ. We have seen Phalkon taking on Mayhem a few times in a cage and now he is fighting another bigger guy. The UNIONs body guard guy, friend of Dan the Champ.
Enforcer (out of retirement) vs. Phalkon
Enforcer who has been seen with the UNION for a while know tagging along, here he is out of retirement. The fans give him a great ovation. Phalkon comes out to a huge cheer as he signals for the belt. He jumps in the ring and the bell rings. Enforcer takes a jump kick and then returns with a head butt and a toss into the corner followed by some boots. Phalkon waits for the ref to pull Enforcer away and Phalkon then goes off the ropes and hits a cross body but a fast kickout. All of a sudden the big screen flashes "" and the fans go nuts as zip lines hanging from the cage suspended in the air comes down the Golden Ones and out of the locker room steps Jeph Phillips. Enforcer picks up Phalkon in a rack type move and gets tackled by the Golden One's. All 4 members of the Golden Ones attack Enforcer. Jeph makes his way into the ring and talks with Phalkon like he's offering him a deal but Phalkon yells at him for ruining the match. Out runs the UNION with chaors to counter the Golden One's Pitchforks! g, Dan, Tyler out leading their attack and clobbering two of the Golden One's. As the bell rings and Phalkon walks off upset over yet another No Contest tonight. The officials race out to stop ths huge attack and Jeph Phllips tosses some gold dust into the face of the UNION. Then the Golden One's hop the railing and jump into the crowd leaving as the UNION curses them from the ring as they rub the dust out of their eyes.
James Edgebrook: Geeze how many actual matches are we gonna see finished tonight? Can't be too many! We'll I can't say I like them Golden One's but I've talked with Jeph phillips and he plans to do good with them, but I can't say no more.
Now we move on to yet another tag team match up vs. the Shadow Men. Let's go to the ring where Black Francis and The man in black is out.
Cain and Able vs. The Mystery Men
The bell sounded before the match began and Billy Jay walked out with Jennifer Streaks. The fans go nuts as Billy Jay grabs a mic "okay Special E, or whatever you call yourself I want the Miss WC match right now, and I am canceling the tag team match just to prove how much this Miss WC crown means to the WC."
Miss Streaks vs. Special E
Special E coming out alone suprisingly and Cain and Able walking out displeased and the Mystery Men also displeased they complain to Billy Jay. He tells them something and they nod and stay at ringside, as Special E dives into the ring and starts the battle. Then Cain hops on the apron and hits the ref knocking him out, Billy Jay hands a few big bills to Cain and he and Able walk away happy. Then The Mystery Men roll in and Billy Jay gives them instructions and they do a double closeline and a leg drop each to Special E then roll out wake up the ref to count as Jennifer Streaks lays on Special E for the easy and fast win. Billy Jay hands them a few big bills and they leave happy. Fans boo for the cheapining of that match!
WINNER: Miss Streaks defending the WC Crown
Billy Jay grabs the mic again "I'm sorry fans but I just couldn't let such a young lady athlete fight until she's proven herself! You all will get what you want at Goldfest when Streaks will on her own defeat her opponent for the WC Crown!" Fan do go nuts for that!
James Edgebrook: That sucked! I guess he's right, we will see a great match at Goldfest, but why cheapen this expierience? I guess to prove a point! Whatever that may be!
Well, now on tonights main event the Tag Titles will be defended against the Crash Test Dummies! The Crash Test dummies are out and getting a big ovation!
Tag Team Titles
Cooper/Vasques (CHAMPS) vs. Crash Test Dummies (CHALLENGERS)
Talk about ovations! Here comes the champs! Syrofoam rocks being tossed all over and Vasques fans chant his name. Cooper pulls the radio flyer and gets a huge reaction. They roll into the ring and CTD attack. CTD dominates the first minute with brutal punches and kicks. Finally the ref gets only the two in the ring and as soon as the ref turned around CTD made it a double team against the ref's wishes and dominating the match some more. Vasques being put through alot of punishment and Cooper itches for a tag. After another double team it looked like the match may be over as CTD attemps a double closeline but Vasques dives over the arms and hits them both with one roundhouse then out of desperation dives to make the tag. Fans go nuts as Cooper hops in and goes crazy first eating away at the illegal man and sending hm over the ropes then going after the legal man and beating him to the ground. Cooper stalls with smaller moves and submission to let Enrique freshin up good for some of tyhe best doubler team in the business. CTD would reverse stuff but with the next few moves Cooper reversed somethnig else. Fans went crazy as finally Cooper tagged Vasques and they did somedouble team stuff. Vasques would hit a drop kick as Cooper ducked forcing them to jump Cooper. The CTD tried to make it a double team but Cooper took care of the other guy and left him on a table. Vasques hit a few nice pump handle powerbombs and slams then tagged Cooper, who immediatly went after the other one on the table trying to toss his opponent onto the table. A reverse and Cooper is sent sprawling over the ropes and the man on the table rolls off and Cooper goes through the table. Vasques hops in but gets double team and retreats and helps Cooper to his feet. Then rolls him in a CTD double team Cooper as Vasques goes up top as CTD slam Cooper into the turnbuckle. Vasques waits for them to move closer then jumps off hitting a jumping double DDT. Then Vasques kicks the illegal CTD man outside of the ring and Cooper pins the other man for a fast count and a win. Fans go nuts.
WINNERS: Cooper/Vasques defending the TAG TITLES
James Edgebrook: CTD seems to have what it takes as long as they keep learning and wrking hard they could be new champs real soon! Great match up and a average night of wrestling but still a fantastic night of entertainment! I can't wait for GOLDFEST, but as Informer said next weeks STORM looks like a PPV in it's self! g vs. Outlander topping it off and so much more see you all next week!
Billy Jay: I must apologize for all the NO CONTEST's but it's not me making the requests! Just kidding! Great fans, great sport! See you all next week!
(The screen cuts right into the promo for GOLDFEST, followed by a T-Shirt ad)