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11/22 STORM

(WC's theme blares over the speakers the fans go nuts in NY. The Knicks Retired Mens jerseys hang from the roof! Fans go wild! The screen shows The FOUR leaving and disserting the WC, because Viagra couldn't pull off an upset! Shots of that match is shown. Shots of many matches from last week are quickly shown! Then a flash of the letter EWA! Fans boo, and the WC flashes again and the fans go nuts! Camera pans ove rthe fans in the NY building signs of most every wrestler are seen! Fans still gonig nuts!)

Billy Jay: Welcome WC fans and addicts! I wanna welcome NY fans to THE WC Talent! (Fans go nuts!) I gotta say I'm in a great mood! I'm excited about the EWA/WC thing that is coming in a few weeks! I have some major announcemnets so make sure you follow me later! I wanna get right to some of our top notch matches! (Fans go nuts)

Jeph Phillips: BJ your not the only one excited about this interfed business! I have been wondering around WC's buildings and it's the talk of the company! Anywhere from who gonna represent the WC and whats DAN situation about this, and will OUTLANDER fight Dan to taske over WC? I am so excited! I ma also anticipating your big announcements on the WC belts TAG and HARDCORE that became vacant when the FOUR left! I wanna know who's gonna get them and when and how! Plus tonight is gonna be a fan night as Outlander finally makes another appearence his first since his awesome display of dominance at RIOT! And he is coming back fighting a top contender in a specialty match Johnnie Jiggallo! Plus possible the most crazy match yet, a ROOF TOP MATCH on the top of a NEW YORK office building 4 stories in the air! Not to mention the MAIN EVENT! The LIGHTWEIGHT TITLE MATCH! This will be a night to remember!
The first match tonight is a doozy, it is the WC's to most popular men! This is more a test of who the fans back, then it is a real match! Jiggallo is a lightweight and Outlander is a bigger guy and is higher rated! This will be a great test! Jiggallo has been on a real bad streak of losses and mostly due to cheating or having tough matches! If you look back he lost to Superfly due to the FOUR, lost in the rumble courtesy of The FOURs Ness Manson and now has to step in against the Innovator of Pain OUTLANDER! OUTLANDER is undefeated and it took 4 men to toss Outlander out of the WORLD TITLE RUMBLE! Let's go to the ring and hear the fans reaction to these two!

Falls Count Anywhere, No Countout, Pinfall or Submission
Outlander vs. Johnnie Jiggallo

Outlander name is heard being chanted, then Jiggallo the fans battle between who to chant for! The lights go out and Outlander makes his way through the crowd and into the ring. Outlander is being wrapped in tape as part of rules for this match! Jiggallo's name flashes on the screen, fans go wild! Wait a second Viagra's music is playing a Jiggallo is coming out yelling at the music people up stairs in the booth! There must be a problem with the sound system up their! Fans begin to chant Viagra now! Jiggallo is getting himself all tapped up now. They are dipping their hands into a bucket of melted tar! This is one hell of a crazy match! Now they are putting their tarred hands into a bucket of broken shards of glass! Fans are going wild! Jiggallo better be ready to play defense tonight! I have a feeling JJ is gonna lose again tonight! I would suggest JJ starts to fight some jobber to raise his win percentage! The has rung and Outlander starts with his usual stare down! Jiggallo waits in the corner sitting on the turnbuckle willing to play the waiting game. Finally Outlander charges but JJ falls off the turnbuckle and to ringside! Outlander hops right threw the ropes and they exchange glass blows to the head! Both men bleed! Outlander uses a shoulder to knock JJ down hard. Three kicks to the face and Outlander hops to a table and misses a leg drop. Fans love this hardcore style! Jiggallo waits for Outlander then bulldogs him onto a table! They battle it out on the ramp now a inverted russian leg sweep by Outlander sends Lil' Sexy rolling in pain down the ramp. Outlander charges him Jiggallo holds the canvas and Outlander runs under him and then huge shots by Jiggallo to Outlander cuts him up further! After some big moves pulled by Outlander Jiggallo starts to wear down! Agter 20 minutes of painful moves finally Jiggallo pulls off a stunt smashing Outlander with a chair! Fans still going wild but Outlander had alot left and noew sets up for his NEW REDEMPTION finisher! He nails it! The fans go wild Outlander ends his assualt with Jiggallo smashed through a table! Fans go wild and Outlander makes the pin for the big win!

WINNER: Outlander

Jeph Phillips: Jiggallo is not really in Outlanders league! The finishing things when he went wild on JJ was crazy! Jiggallo is in alot of pain! That was amazing! Well, I gotta say that The FOUR coward like move leaving the WC was stupid but at least their all back or at least on the RP board! Who is this it's Ness Manson coming out!

Ness runs down and picks up Jeph Phillips in a choke slam threw a table then laughing on his out! Fans go nuts!

Biggs: Hey yall I'm the time keeper and right now sorta filling in for Jeph as the drag him out! Ness has just dominated Jeph Phillips! That was cruel but got his point across! Billy Jay is coming to the ring now!

Billy Jay: Welcome WC fans and addicts! (FOUR music blares up, Flocks of doves fly in the3 arena as the music plays. The lights are out and back on with the FOUR drapped across the the four corners of the ring! The Gent " It ain't over til' it's over!" fans go nuts! Lights go out again and back on with the FOUR gone with BlackHawk on the rampway laughing hysterically! ) Well, I guess they are back in full force! I wanted to talk about the TAG SITUATION! Not next but the week after that we will have a TAG TOURNEY for the TAG BELT! Now started tonight with this tag match I will examen tag teams to decide ranks! Good luck to all and lets get on with the first tag match for RANKINGS in the WC!(Fans explode)

Dan the Destroyer/ G-Crusher
NAA Loki/Goth

Once again the UNION's music being played wrong once again being Viagra's music! Fans love it! The UNION dosn't! The New Age Assisins one of the newest tag teams in the WC! They are out to a healthy cheer! The bell rings and both teams go at it! After 5 minutes of four man battle the ref seperates to get the legal men in the ring! Finally he does! g-Crusher works on Goth and Goth takes an early upper hand with some neck breakers but as soon as Dan stepped oin it was all UNION. Greatdouble team work by the UNION team putting both NAA member to their knees in pain! The UNION was excitcuting moves from the top ropes with ease. They went for a pin but a save by Loki proved vital as NAA turned the tables as Goth ringside had a chair and without the ref noticing taking out g and then putting it in the corner and the NAA was in complete control sending Dan into the chair numerous times until the ref removed it! Fans went wild! NAA looked to have the match but Dan kicked out at the last second the UNION stable stepped out to the ramp in concern for losing the match! The match escalated into the crowd as g and Goth went at it! Dan almost turned the tables but Loki once again made a great move to reverse it and almost made the upset once again! Fans went wild! Dan was in big trouble so the UNION had to interfere due to the fact that if they don't Dan and g-Crusher will lose! UNION dives in and destroy Loki then run into the fnas attacking Goth! Fans go wild but UNION is DQ'ed but they would have lost either way! The NAA proving to be one hell of a tag team and an amazing debut!


Biggs: That was a major upset! A little cheating by both but the NAA walks away with their first amazing victory! Dan and g can easily out fight most people but the NAA proved to be a team to be reckoned with! Great debut!
Now we go to the streets of NY where people have surrounded a four floor building and above the match is ready to take place! Fans are going nuts! Eagle i being queit so this one hell of a way to come back! Lets go live to the top of the NY building!

Eagle i vs. BlackHawk

BlackHawk and Eagle i go at as the bell sounds! A major battle being shown! Both men just pounding away! A helicoper nearby tapes this crazyness! After 20 minutes a small hits like kicks and punches finally BlakcHawk hits a piledriver! The screen down below by the fans plays the match fans go wild! BlackHawk seeing his oppertunity picks up Eagle i to toss him over but Eagle i pokes him in the eye saving him from being tossed off the roof! Eagle i uses a knee lift and irish whips him toward the edge BlackHawk hits the rail and flipps over the egde hanging on to the ladder! Then climbing back up as Eagle I charges him to knock him off but BlackHawk duckes and performs a back body drop off the building! Fans go nuts as Eagle I comes down landing hard breaking the glass of a car! Then BlackHawk who still needs to make a pin runs off performing a shooting star press! Down four floors onto Eagle i making an easy pin! Fans go wild!

WINNER: BlackHawk

Biggs: Wow! I feel bad that Jeph had to miss this! BlackHawk now performing unpredictably! This guy is one crazy cookie! Billy Jay is making his way out once again! Must be about the HARDCORE BELT! Hold on The Squire is out on the ramp now !

Squire: Billy Jay, I just wanted to say something to Mrs. Streaks! You and me are going to court unless you put your title up next Sunday against an opponent of my choice! So Billy Jay relay that message and I'll see you her and the WC Crown next STORM! "
Fans go nuts!

Billy Jay: Well, thats intresting Mr. Bubba! On to what I have to say! The HARDCORE TITLE will go up next week on STORM! Tyler Lee is one man who will fight and his opponent will be decided during the week!

Biggs: Well this next match is Chicken Coup Match! That's enough intro let's go to the ring!

Chicken Coup Match
HELL in the CELL barnyard weapons and straw
Fabulous Chicken w/ Col Sanders vs. Pheonix

The Cell door is open as the first appearence of Fab. Chicken is made! Fans give him a good reaction! Col. Sanders is out with him! The cell is filled with tons of straw and barnyard weapons. Eggs and pitchforks and buckets and cordiroys all over the place! Fans love it! Pheonix comes out to a mild reaction and they square off in the ring! Pheonix hits a DDT early and goes on a rampage with weapons finally a turn of events as The Rookie tosses hay in the face of Pheonix and hits a few splashes and leg drops! A gut wrech powerbomb is kicked out by Pheonix! Fans love this match! Col. Sanders is going crazy at ringside! The Chicken is spining around and tossing Pheonix into the cage! Pheonix is being strangled by the cortiroys and is crying out for help! Chicken finally lets go and hits a powerslam and makes a fast cover for the win!

WINNER: Fabulous Chicken

Biggs: Great match for the new guy! A big win!
The camera crew is now showing the director being tied up and the FOUR standing around him! The fans are going wild seeing this on the big screen! Ok well thats why Johnny Viagras music kept playing during UNION's matches! Them FOUR guys are sly ones! We got two matches left for tonight! Mack Daddy member of the FOUR and part of a highly talented tag team makes his singles debut! Then you got Down South Hustal part of the MSS! Let's go to the ring where Hustla already stands in the ring!

Down South Hustla vs. Mack Daddy

Down South Hustla already waits in the ring as fans cheer for him, his big moment in the WC was when he faught at Hallo WeEvil in the 6 man rumble for the HARDCORE TITLE! This guy proved to be a top man! The cage is on it's way down and here come sMack Daddy running and diving under the ropes as his tag partner and stable member Brad Manson "The Bullet" is on the ramp to make sure no intereference happens! He makes it and they fight as the cage finally hits the floor the bell rings! The ref is sent into the cage by accident as Mack threw Hustla into the official! With the ref out Brad comes back down to take advantage! He slides in a pipe! Mack goes to work, but Hustla hits a neck breaker and takes the pipe away! They battle each other as they end up in a corner and Mack runs up the turnbuckle but Hustla too fast climbs up behindhim and takes him down with a backwards DDT! Fans go nuts the ref trying to get back up to the apron! Hustla once again showing his talent! Mack Daddy reverses a powerbomb into ugly back body drop displaying his power! Fans go nuts as Mack shows some real inventive manuevers like a samoan drop of part of the cage! The fans love this guy's style. Two leg take down from Hustlas knees puts him on top and tearing away at Mack Daddy! Mack Daddy fights his way to his feet and hits a spinning backbreaker followed by an elbow! Mack attemps to climb the cage but is ripped back down! Hustla sends Mack headfirst into the cage cutting his forehead! Hustla climbs as fast as hell up the cage but Mack jumps and grabs his leg and Hustla slips to the mat! Mack Daddy with a Ghetto Blaster, Inverted DDT putting Hustla down and out but Hustla grabs his leg to prevent him to climb but Mack hits a power bomb and escapes over the fence for the big win!

WINNER: Mac Daddy

Biggs: What a debut for Mack Daddy and a nice finisher! Down South Hustla made another good display and really made that a great match! Mack Daddy pulled it off! I wouldn't mind seeing these two bruts with a rematch real soon!
Now it is time for the main event! The huge match for the Lightweight Title! Superfly Enrique Vasques attempts to gain his first WC gold and beat the WC Lightweight Holder Phalkon! Billy Jay is on his way out! I wonder what he has to say now! Well he is waiting until the men are called it looks like! I really hope that Enrique walks away with the gold, to prove that the WC is possible to win without a stable! Enrique is the highest ranked man who is not apart of a big stable!

(Billy Jay awaits in the ring as they call out Superfly to a unexpected huge ovation! And Phalkon who gets a mild but respectable ovation then Billy Jay speaks.)

Billy Jay: I have a little suprise for all you! This match is gonna be a three way battle so I will introduce the man who will fight these two men! I call out Wolfhound! (Fans shocked and amazed as Billy Jay hops out and takes a seat at the announcers both! )

Elimination Style
Vasques vs. Phalkon vs. Wolfhound

As Wolfhound comes tearing to the ring knocking Superfly out of the ring and ripping the belt from Phalkon and tossing him over the ropes! Wolfhound gives out a few Awooooo! Mimicked then by numerous fans! Enrique plays dead on the ground as the bell rings Phalkon and Wolfhound exchange blows and Enrique sneaks to the top ropes and lands a double cross body! Phalkon rolls away and rolls back in to help Enrique kick the snot out of Wolfhound who is cornered in the corner! Fans go wild as Wolfhound fights both men off and hits a double DDT. Wolfhound tries to make a cover but Phalkon makes the easy save. Phalkon sends Wolfhound over the ropes down hard and then uses kicks putting Vasques into the corner! Then a top rope DDT is attempted but Enrique pushes him off! Phalkon gives Superfly a snap suplex and a pin that is stopped by Wolfhound! All men with great speed and talent! Superfly with a drop kick to Wolfhound, Phalkon hits Enrique with a leg drop as soon as he hits the ground from the drop kick. Fans love the fast paced action. Wolfhound goes to the top ropes! Enrique backs into the opposite corner noticing Wolfhound, then superfly charges Phalkon knowing that he will be givin a back body drop so he goes flying kicking his feet into Wolfhound and landing in sitting position on the top ropes! Wolfhound hits the railing hard! Phalkon runs to Superfly turns and gets him in Outsiders edge type move and slams him down! The signaling that he is the Title holder fans go wild! Then a pin, but E.V kicks out! Vasques hits a ensigury but Phalkon rolls backwarks back to his feet and grabs him and hits a powerbomb and then goes up top with a moonsault! Fans go wild! A pin is made, but Wolfhound jumps from the apron over the ropes splashing both men and making his own pin but they kickout at the last moment. Wolfhound showing that has some tricks up his sleeve tonight! Phalkon hits ashoulder breaker and Vasques puts on an ankle lock as Phalkons goes up top hitting a frog splash! Phalkon goes for the pin but Enrigue goes to the second rope springing off exicuting a mighty leg drop! Fans go wild! Phalkon rolls into the corner and Enrique makes the cover but a kick out! Wolfhound gets Enrique in a piledriver position after a eye rake! Wolfhound rams into Phalkon with Suerfly then piledrives him hard and covers! Phalkon rolls the ref over to premit the count to continue! The ref being stingy calls for a DQ on him! Phalkon is pissed and starts yelling in his face! Wolfhound then starts yelling that he didn't make the full count as they scream Enrique goes up top and does a suicide dive knocking Phalkon out of the ring and in perfect pin position for Enrique Vasques! Fans go wild and he gets a fast three count! Enrique pops up to huge ovation takes the belt hops the ropes and taunts the other two men as he leaves up the ramp! Phalkon rolls back into the ring and starts yelling at the ref then puts on his finisher the Tequila Sunrise! Wolfhound is also screaming at the ref as the ref screams for help. Officials comes running out and Billy Jay rolls into the ring with a mic and help pull Phalkon off! And shows Wolfhound the way to the exit!

WINNER: Enrique Vasques "Superfly" the NEW LightWeight Champion

Billy Jay says " Congrats to Superfly! Next Strom this Sunday you will put that belt you just earned up to Johnnie Jiggallo! It will be a battle that will bring back memories of the WORLD TITLE GAMES when you two meet as the final six men in the rumble!" Fans explode! Also next week as I said earlier Tyler Lee will face someone for the HARDCORE TITLE, plus Dan will be forced to defend his WORLD TITLE! All next week! See you all then!". Fans go crazy as all of a sudden Bobby Magic comes down to the ring via zip line and hold a bazooka of some sort shooting stuff into the crowd! He then tries excite the fans but they boo him! All of a sudden The FOURs music plays and the exit poles come crashing down and Inferno and Inferno babe ride the well known FOUR Forklift down the ramp and to the ring and goes threw the ring smashing the canvas and driving right through it! Fans go wild as Bobby Magic has to jump over the ropes to save himself! The ring is torn to peices! It looks like all the FOUR is back! Fans go wild as Inferno and Inferno Babe cling to each other and nod into the camera as the WC logo pops up and then is exploded away!
