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11/29 STORM

(The WC logo comes blasting on the screen as a new WC song as played that is specifically sung for hte NEW feel for the WC, words like UNIFIED and other things are heard throughout. Pictures of The Squire and the Gent at EWA's card, shots of Outlander and Jiggallo fighting in a glass hands match. A nice display of moves displayed by NAA in a clip of their match last week! Shots of the roof top match and the chicken coup match shown! Mac Daddy's first win and alot of shots of the Lightweight title match shown! Ending the clips and song with Enrique walking away with the Lightweight Belt. )

(The screen goes to Greenwich Conneticut live where fans go nuts in a sold out arena! Shots of signs are shown, from "Enrique all the way", to "EWA can suck my #$^%"! Fans in the upper deck displaying the letters on their chest spelling "Inferno Babe" in anticipation of her winning the Miss WC Crown today if Squire has her planned as Ms. Streaks surprize opponent! "The Squire can light my fire" in a banner form and many styrophome rocks being held up high still showing the loyalty to Gary Cooper! )

Billy Jay: Welcome WC fans and addicts! We are here today in Greenwich, CT! Home of some major wrestling talent! Tonight shall be one great night with the HARDCORE Title to be awarded, the Miss WC Crown battle, and the WORLD TITLE going up as well! Outlander is here tonight facing Bobby Magic who is coming straight from jail! All this in preperation for the big EWA/WC war coming up at RIOT #2 at the PPV! I cannot wait for all of the WC men to dismantle all of the EWA! Tonight will be one hell of a night! The EWA's cards just can't match up to the extreme WC action! I'm glad to announce James Edgebrook the new WC announcer taking Jeph Phillips spot as ringside man!

James Edgebrook: Yeah thats right! I'm here as the announcer to show that Jeph's job can be done this much better! I've been called off the streets to do this job and I've been a fan of WC since day one, and I hate the EWA just as much as the rest of you! Our first match is a doozy! Big Nasty Ness Manson fighting the jobber Tallon in a barbed wire match up. Ness's last match he was defending the HARDCORE TITLE and was knocked out yet it ended in a draw! He dropped the belt as the FOUR seemed to have quit but they came back last week and Ness is making his big return tonight! Here comes Tallon down to the ring.

Ness Manson vs. Tallon

Tallon tests the wire with his finger as the fans stand in ovation for the WC's only HARDCORE CHAMP as of today! Yet he currently does not own the title! Ness along with McTaggert coming ringside but what's this? Ness Manson is dragging Jeph Phillips behind him and tossing him into the ring and growling at Tallon, Tallon rolls out of the ring. Ness grabs a mic and sits Jeph down in the middle of the ring. Ness says "jeph phillips..... youre going to make me hurt you....either you go up there and do your job or im going to stomp a mud hole in you........we like you jeph..that chokeslam was just our way of showing boy..get on that there microphone and call this match,,OR ELSE!" Fans are going nuts! Oh my a man has just dropped behind Ness via zip line he carries a pitchfork with an american flag off the dull end of the weapon. The man is in full gold jumpsuit and a USA mask! He has been seen in a past card and a current roleplay. The fans love it as he smashes the pitch fork into the back of Ness's head! Jeph Phillips pops up and DDT's the big man and the Goldern one chases McTaggert back and the FOUR starts running down but Jeph has the mic! "Hold it for one second! Ness was assaulting me and the GOLDEN ONE here saved me! I am his manager! I have quit from my job as announcer and gladly hand it over to James! Now I am announcing this man's run for the WORLD TITLE. (Fans go nuts) Refer to him only by the GOLDEN ONE! He will not do much talking and thats why I'm here! Ness you just stay away from us and we would hurt you no more! And FOUR drop dead! "(Fans go wild as the FOUR sprint towards the ring) Jeph and Golden One hop into the crowd waing the flag of his Pitchfork and leave the arena as the FOUR chase them away! Tallon tries to take advantage as the bell rings he makes a pin but a kick out on one by Ness and he is pissed that he tried to win it by the cheap ways so he back Tallon into the corner and choke slams him across the barbed wire and Tallon is already cut! Ness favoring his head from the pitchfork goes right into a lariet and then hops on Tallon bombarding the poor guy with numerous punches to the skull. Tallon reverses an attempted closeline into one of his own but Ness desn't budge! Ness turns and gets him up for a piledriver but Tallon fights him off by kicking his feet! Ness with a huge double elbow and a leaping leg drop that stuns the fans! Ness gets him right up with a lariet then calls for the Garvin Stomp jumping all over the torn man! Then doesn't make a pin and wrapps his arms into the barbed wire and then kicks away at Tallon's mid section! The ref calls for him to back off and undoes his arms! Fans go wild as Tallon stumbles right into a powerslam Tallon hits a low blow in desperation and tries to roll away but Ness stops him and measures him up, now a low blow with a knee shot to Ness, Tallon locks him up but Ness counters with a eye gouge then a fast power bomb and another GARVIN STOMP with a pin this time and Ness walks away with the big win!

WINNER: Nasty Ness Manson

James Edgebrook: That guy once again proves he can endure pain with the best of them! I expected the match to even up after the pitchfork shot but I was wrong. A major shock as Jeph Phillips moves from WC announcer to a WC manager, managing the mysterious GOLDEN ONE who has been showing up in weird situations! The guy looks possibly around 250 lbs, and has only an average build. Jeph may have had this whole thing planned out a while ago! He seems eger to get fired from this job! I don't think it was wise to attack Ness to start off with!
This next match is gonna require crews to change the barbed wire back to the original ropes! It will be a tag match! Da Outlaws looking to gain recognition they face Master T and Down South Hustla! Both teams hope to be a big part of the tag team tourney next week at Storm. Master T and Hustla being called out!

Da Outlaws vs. Master T/Down South Hustla

Outlaws get a much better ovasion in comparison to Hustla and T! Brad Manson and Mack Daddy look determined tonight. They are charging the ring with garbage cans filled with weapons! They toss them in a dive in as well starting the match with a bang. The ref tries to push as much harmful products outside, yet many things still remain in. Ness was last match and now it's his son Brad's turn as he belly to back suplex's Master T down hard on a 2 by 4. Fans are going wild. Abroken hockey stick is the object Hustla dodges from Mack Daddy. Hustla hits Mack with a spear type move but Brad stomps him off. Mack is forced into his corner by the ref as both Hustla and T go to work on Big Brad Manson! Hustla is still known for his big win at Hallo WeEvil when he did a fantastic job fighting for the Hardcore Belt. The ref finally pulls Hustla off and Brad and Master T sqaure up in the ring as the two legal men. Brad already bleed from the lip. Brad has picked up a chain and wrapped it around his fist. The ref grabs his arm before he can use it! As the ref tries to disarm him Hustla goes up top and Master T hits Brad with a blind sided DDT! Then Hustla hits a splash the ref has to force him away. Turning late o make a pin. Brad and Mack make a tag and Mack cleans house tacking both men down with elbows. He nails a few knees in with the mix as well. Mack dished out alot of punishment to Master making the match look all over. But when he tagged Brad back in T ducked an overhead smash and Mack took the hit. T still didn't make the tag and Brad looked to be going for a big suplex and powerslam move but before he could get a good grip T turned it into a gut wrench powerbomb and tried for a pin! Fast kickout sending T ight into his corner making a tag. Fans go wild as a missed Manson closeline ended up in a Hustla sidewalk slam! Then Hustla gives a hell kick to Mack daddy sending him sprawling to the cement. Mack grabs a weapon and the ref sees him and warns him as once again T comes in making it a double team! This time Brad faught back with two simultainious elbows then a double neckbreaker and landing the big move then tagging Mack and all four men in the ring as Outlaws toss each opponent into each other then both hitting standing splashes! A pin is made by Mack but Hustla kicks out. Master T ducks a uppercut and headbutts Brad over the ropes and as Master T turns around he find shis teammate being tossed into him sending T outside as well. Mack Daddy catching the stumbling Hustla and slamming him over the ropes onto a table, which he then hops the ropes and hits an elbows off the canvas threw the table. Ness Manson comes back out from back and helps out his son as they beat down Master T. But it dosn't matter because Hustla is already out as Mack Daddy hits a Ghetto DDT, inverted DDT, and rolling Hustla up for the big win!

WINNER: Da Outlaws

James Edgebrook: Hustla and Master T are good but not as good as a team as the Outlaws showing that they have some real flow and plan throughout their game plan. Outlaws may be a top shot in the Tag Tourney! They really have a shot at the gold!
The FOUR has had the first two matches and why stop there as we go to a cage match with the giant and Half of the past Tag Team Champs against a WC Lightweight Champion belt holder at one time! Phalkon who is gonna be out powered and out strength he better have some tricks up his sleave or this Lightweight is gonna be dead weight! Plus the fact that Mayhem wouldn't have any problem tossing the little guy off every side in this cage!

Phalkon vs. Mayhem

Phalkon comes out hopping around looking as confident as ever. Mayhem gets a bigger reaction as clips off his tag team belts and him possing with his all to famous pipe. He comes trouncing down the ramp stops and turns to the fans and sees a EWA sign he reaches in a tears it up then grabs the young man and hits the TOTAL DESTRUCTION to the only EWA fan with a sign in the building! Cops come running down and threaten to put him in cuffs but out comes the Squire speaking big words and holding some kinda of contracts. He escorts the cops away from Mayhem and the giant runs into the ring and the cage lands and the bell sounds. A locker room camera shows the Squire paying the cops off and cops signing the papers! In the cage Phalkon starts things off fast with a double leg scissors takeover. Mayhem getting up fast everytime he gets knocked trying to wait for Phalkon to tire down and then be destroyed but Mayhem gives it up after two Tornado DDT's in a row. Mayhem then kicks out of a pin on three and avoids a drop kick. Phalkon tries a moonsault off the second rope but Mayhem turns into a nifty Meltdown type move. Phalkon proving that he can avoid and attack with great success but the lack of pain he is causing Mayhem is giving Mayhem the big advantage. Phlakon avoids a back body drop and uses Mayhems back to spring himself half way up the cage then jumping right back off into a cross body and a cover. Kick out at two! Mayhem almost lossing this upset. Mayhem takes a dozen knees to the ribs but remains without a whince. He sits up and blocks two punches kicking Phlakon and applying a bear hug Phalkon manages to get the man off balance allowing himself to grab the cage for leverage to pull away. Mayhem hits a closeline almost knocking Phalkon out then irish whiping him into the ropes and slamming him in between his thighs for the TOTAL DESTRUCTION, Phalkon trying to shake free cannot but when he getting brung up high above he manages to slip off the side and then goes off the ropes hitting a running bulldog. Kickout fast at one and Mayhem still amazed ducks a heel kick then take sa few punches Phalkon tries for a spike DDT but goes down without Mayhem and Mayhem gives a low blow head butt and then going right into the TOTAL DESTRUCTION, running powerbomb and winning the match. Mayhem climbs up and over the cage and a jumps threw a table off the cage just to make his presence felt a little further.

WINNER: Mayhem

James Edgebrook: Wow! That was a great match. Phalkon turned a few things into something else. He almost pulled off another big upset! Yet now he is still laying in the ring from that TOTAL DESTRUCTION. That is one powerful finisher. Mayhem was expecting a bigger advantae with his size but a great win for him! Fans loved it!
This next match is a NO DQ and no countout match. Pheonix facing Wolfhound. Wolfhound has been getting some good match time and has had a Lightwieght shot but just couldn't withstand Enrique Vasques last week. Pheonix has already made it to the ring, I didn't even here anything you wouldn't even know he came out! The fans don't care much good or bad for him!

No DQ, No Countout
Pheonix vs. Wolfhound

Wolfhound steps out to million "AWOO"s and he does the same back. Wolfhound is yelling at Pheonix. Pheonix and Woflhound lock up at the bell.Wolfhound tosses Pheonix away showing a little more power but they lock up again and this time Pheonix is the upperman as he works Wolfe down to the mat pinning him hard and letting go with a big stomp to the knee. Pheonix then grabbing the arm and stomping down jarring the left shoulder of Wolfhound. Wolfhound finally gets to his knees and the matchs goes back in forth as they trade of powermoves like powerbombs and suplex's. Nothing to put each other away until Wolfhound misses a flip off the top ropes and Pheonix puts on an arm bar and then bull dog hit and a Scorpian Death Lock Applied Wolfhound in emense pain as he finally reaches to the ropes. Wolfhound starts hitting flips and high risk splashes after grabbing a chair and nailing Pheonix as he complained to the ref. Frog splashes on Pheonix knocking him down everytime. Then Wolfhound takes Pheonix top ropes and DDT him from up high and put on his Death Lock called the HOWLING WIND! Fans screen "AWOO!" as the ref drops Pheonix's hand three times and calls for the bell.

WINNER: Wolfhound

James Edgebrook: Stop the AWOOs already my god. Talk about annoying. Get a new catch phrase. Wolfhound displayed some sweet high risk stuff! He has some very nice Lightweight manuevers! Wolfhound could be a suprise talent in the tag tourney. Pheonix cannot be overlooked tonight either as he had his finisher on before the rope break!
This next match should be a fantastic crowd pleaser! A hell in the cell weapons match! Wow! Loki one half of the New Age Assasins tag team! And the UNION most active member g-Crusher! Let's go right now to the cell as both men have already been called into the cell!

Hell in the Cell Weapons Match
Loki vs. g-Crusher

Merlin aka g-Crusher is hiding his weapons in the corner and the bell rings and a aerosol can of hair spray or something is being sprayed in the face of Loki as he stumbles away. The ref covers himself in fear of it. And g pulls out a zippo lighting Lokion fire. Fans go nuts as Loki drops his weapon and rolls around. g yells "Say goodbye to your facial hair!!" *WOOSH!!* [manical laughter] Loki rolls around as the ref calls for some help they bring down a water bottle and try to unlock the door g picks up the burnt Loki and suplex's him onto his own weapon. Fans are loving this g-crusher guy as he has been all over at WAR and on STORM and now playing to the fans and suprising us all with this stunt. A "Merlin" chant has started up. Yet a small section tries to counter with a Loki chant but it cannot compete with the majority. g now holds a pipe and his patented brass knuckles he loves to use. Loki finally gets splashed with some water as he takes some major punishment with the pipe and knuckles. A powerslam now by g! I think Loki is just happy to be cooled off. Loki is playing all defense still nursing his burnt face. Loki then regains his weapon but Merlin too quick rolls away and coldcocks him with the knuckles! the heat has dulled Loki's senses for the moment. Loki ducks a swing and makes a leg sweep and for the first time has hit g. Loki using a nice manuever ending up in a pedigree type move. Loki continues a streak but Merlin still way ahead powerwise and hoits two big powermoves looking to do his finisher now! Loki reverses a grapple and drop kicks him a hits a Loki Sault that is followed very quickly by the all famous Loki Tamer but the wise and ready g-Crusher rolls it into a small package! Fans go wild as the three count is made and g seems to wlak away untouched!

WINNER: g-Crusher

James Edgebrook: I think pulling off that stunt in the beginning got the fans on his side to start. Loki showed he still is a force to be rekoned with but Merlin was ready all along for the Loki Tamer and rolled it perfectly into the small package! Very wise move by g-Crusher.
Next match is supposed to be Inferno's first match since returning from a long absence. He was scheduled to face JokerJ who has officially quit! I think his contract forces him to be here but we will see if he is anywhere around. Inferno has been called out to a huge pop with Inferno Babe getting everyone ready!

Inferno vs. JokerJ

JokerJ is a no show! He has quit! Inferno and Inferno Babe walk out unpleased but not overly upset!

WINNER: No Contest

James Edgebrook: That was a load of crap! JokerJ cannot handle being in this great FED so he crawled away! Fine with me! He was a no talent dude anyways!
We move on now to then second in a possible series of 3 matches unless Francis wins again! Then I don't think it will go three matches. On WAR Black Francis won big and Avalanche is trying to even things up now! Let's go to the ring.

Match 2
NO DQ, NO COUNTOUT. Falls Count anywhere
Black Francis vs. Avalanche

Match number two as Black Francis is called out to nice ovation! Avanlanche givin very few cheers due to his lacking participation the last few weeks! Avanlanche is a big man but lacks that winning edge that Black Francis seems to have! The bell rings and a fast lockup results in a belly to belly suplex. Black Francis going to his knees and taking down Avanlanche and applying multipul knee shots with his elbow. Then standing and using his knee smashing the calfs of Avalanche then as the big guy treis to stand he rolls him back over in an ankle lock. Rope break and Avalanche retreats to his corner. Francis awaaits another oppoertunity but big A hits a running powerslam out of nowhere. Avalanch then makes a huge shoulder black sizing down Francis. A with a niifty overhead release suplex. Francis rolls out of the ring to recooperate. Francis rolls back in and makes a fast two leg take down trying to turn it into a Lion Tamer or Boston Crab but A kicks him off. Francis pulls him up but A hits a short arm closeline and makes a fast pin, Francis kicks out makes a single leg takedown and starts headbutting both legs below the waist. Avalanche helpless is put in a figure four type manuever and has to tap out.

WINNER: Black Francis

James Edgebrook: Francis is on a roll! He displayed his fighting style very well as you can see he brings his man down works on the leg muscles and puts on a submission for the win. Avalanche showed some power but just couldn't hold on long enough.
This next match is a weird one, the Fab Chicken won a jobber match last week and now is gonna meet T-Bone and Sonny Silke in a three way match. T-Bone is getting a healthy ovation from these fans and the Chicken is getting laughs and boo's! Then comes the barley english Sonny Silke out to a huge amount of cheers and grunts.

Triple Threat Match
Sonny Silke vs. Fabulous Chicken vs. T-Bone

The bell rings Sonny and the chicken nod at each other. T-bone goes right threw the ropes and ringside trying to figure what his opponents have in mind. The ref also tries to figure what they plan to do, T-Bone rolls in as the ref talks to them and hits a double closeline! Then starts kicking the ligths outta the Chicken but Sonny grabs him in a sleeper and the Chicken hits a spin kick to the mid section. Silke catches T-Bone off the ropes a for a jumping body slam! Fans are going wild. Sonny with a choke hold as the Chicken goes off the ropes and OHHH and huge super kick to the groin. T-Bone is down and out. That was one hell of a kick one to perfection. Sonny now with a pointless knee lift to the groin and throwing him into the chicken for a small package and the win. The chiucken stands next to Sonny and unmasks himself as Johnny Viagra! The was the HARD ON finisher! He has a mic "Your lookin at the next Tag Champions of the World! Badd Company......hit the MUSIC!!!!!" They dance their way out of the arena! What a display of teamwork!

WINNER: Fabolous Chicken/ Johnny Viagra

James Edgebrook: Now that's how you promote a Tag Team! I think I'm wearing a nut cup to this job next week just for precausionary measures! T-Bone had no chance a two on one match! But he gave it a nice shot!
I cannot wait for this next match! Outlander and the idiot Bobby Magic in an IRON CURTAIN MATCH. Only via camera will you be able to see what is going on. The steel box is being lowered as we speak! Let's go to the ring.

Outlander vs. Bobby Magic

Outlander is making his way through the crowd as the lights go out and his music is playing. Bobby Magic comes running out pointing and making fun of Outlander. The iron box lands only the cameras inside gives us stuff to look at. Magic is backing away from anything. Outlander stares him down. Magic mimiks the stare. Looks like Magic is gonna test Outlander's tolerance of idiocy! Bobby Magic is now runnign around all over keeping his distance. Finally he jumps off a side of the box and landing into Outlander but Outlander catches him and slams him back down and then hitting a leg drop. Magic goes under his legs then misses a drop kick. The match goes on for five minutes with only Magic running around and getting tossed down everytime he attemps attack! Outlander doesn't show frustration but I don't know how you wouldn't be pissed off. Outlander doesn't budge on a kick then lifts Magic in a gorilla press tossing him into the steel. Outlander making up a move as he goes by starting a chokeslam and turning it into one hell of a choke slam. Outlander does a nice russian leg sweep and Magic is already out of it! It looks like the cameras are having electrical disturbances and the screen goes all white! A few moments have passed ok now it's back to normal. Yet now Bobby Magic is out cold in the ring. Outlander gets a pin and the win easily. What happened in that box? Outlander is stepping out as a winner and look at the ref he steps out stunned his eyes are all big and he is calling for medical attention for Bobby Magic.

WINNER: Outlander

James Edgebrook: With that blinding light no one including that ref knows what happened! All we know is that light caused Bobby Magic to be knocked out. Outlander walks away with a nice victory! He remains undefeated in one on one compitition!
Here comes one of the highlighted match of the night! For Miss WC honors and the WC Crown! I guess it is a suprise match yet we all know Inferno Babe will fight Jennifer Streaks for the Crown. We go to the ring as The Champ Jennifer Streaks is being called out!

WC Women's CROWN
Jennifer Streaks vs. Mystery Women supplied by the Squire

Fans go wild as Jennifer Streaks comes out is a skin tight out fit that is cut in some crazy places. She jogs to the ring with a great ovation the biggest of the night. Billy Jay follows behind her and helps her in the ring. Inferno Babe's music plays and out walks inferno babe on her way to the ring with a huge ovation as well. Hold on to your book bags here come sLoco Babe from the opposite direction from the crowd. A 500 lbs women in a bikini wearing a mud mask and wearing hari rollers. Fans are going wild as this cannot be a fair match. Jennifer is cringing in fear backing away. Billy Jay is astounded as he stands in the ring. Loco Babe makes her way into the ring and shoves Billy Jay out of the way and grabs Jennifer pulling her hair then putting the much much smaller women in a rack type move tyhen dropping her and hitting a PowerSlam all 500 lbs. landing hard. Now the big lady goes to the second turn buckle with a huge splash and the cover, Billy Jay has just rolled and a grabs the ref forcing him to call for a DQ! Billy Jay has just lost the match for Loco Babe!Loco Babe is pissed!

WINNER: Loco Babe but doesn't gain belt due to DQ

Billy Jay grabs the mic: I cannot let the WC Crown be held by you! This is not fair! I give you an open invitation to face Jennifer with Inferno Babe anytime anywhere but Loco Babe cannot be a part of it! I will not let this thing represent the WC's women's division!

Loco Babe pissed jumps back in the ring attacking Billy Jay officials have to stop the assault. Billy Jay gets away finally "Loco Babe if you really want the shot at GoldFest you will get but you will have to go through another Woman to get to the title match that day!" Billy Jay stumbles up the ramp and away! Jennifer following behind with the Crown still on her head!

James Edgebrook: The Squire is a genius. He had that Crown won but Billy Jay wouldn't let it happen! I cannot wait for GOLDFEST that will roll around sometime in January for this big match up! Loco Babe will have some things to settle! That is for sure.
The HARDCORE match is next I wonder who wi . . . . . . hold on to your book bags Billy Jay is back out again! Still looking exausted.

Billy Jay: I am dissapointed to have to bring you all this sad news! The ICON Tyler Lee does not have an opponent for this title bout' no one contacted me to fight him and the only willing participants are already apart of the UNION. So I am calling out Tyler Lee and Miss Streaks to bring the HARDCORE belt! (Tyler Lee comes out with a UNION shirt and Miss Streaks with the Gold.)

Tyler I hear by announce you the new HARDCORE CHAMPION of the WC! (Tyler accpets it and displays it to the fans as they go wild.) You have disserved this belt for along time and now you can claim it as your own! Congrats!

Tyler Lee is met by the rest of the UNION as the cheer and jump around!


James Edgebrook: That wasn't very hard! I coulda earned that belt. Well maybe not! Tyler Lee has been the number 1 ranked hardcore man since that first Barbed Wire match back along time ago with Ness Manson! I look foward to the fourth meeting of these two warriors in the future!
Now we go to the main event! A cage match! For the WORLD TITLE! Dan the Destroyer is putting the belt on the line just to get BlackHawk the idiot of idiots alone in the cage. As we all remember back at Hallo WeEvil Dan came out and put the man out of contention for the HARDCORE TITLE when he interfered and knocked him out on the ramp. Dan once again annoyed with this guy antics is facing him in the cage!

continue. . . . .
