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No DisQaulification
Dan the Destroyer vs. BlackHawk

BlackHawk is called out but does not appear Billy Jay grabs the mic "If you do not fight this match you will..." He comes running out putting on his shirt. "Ok nevermind then". BlackHawk gets boos and boos and more boos. Dan comes out with the gold and the fans on his side. Blackhawk has been getting in trouble for running his mouth! He really has nop chance unless there is interfearence. The bell rings after the ref holds up the belt. The cage is down and they lock up. All of a sudden a man on a zip line the GOLDEN ONE makes another appearence dropping into the cage with the flag/pitchfork and attacks BlackHawk the ref convinces him to leave after he gets three good shots in. Dan tells him he wants to take him out himself. I don't think that matter to the GOLDEN ONE he starts to climb. He only gets to the top of the cage and sits and waits. BlackHawk is nails with two shoulderbreaker and a powerbomb. He is helpless in the ring. BlackHawk claimed to be a member of the FOUR once again yet I don't think they are giving him any help this week! Dan hits the running sidewalk slam called the DEVASTATOR afte rthe full press slam. Dan pins for two but lets up on three to continue the punishment. Dan is choking BlackHawk with his lether trenchcoat and BlackHawk is forced to tap out and the match is over. On the bell the GOLDEN ONE jumps off the cage with a SPINING FROG SPLASH getting the fans in an uproar then rolling under the rising cage and into the locker room!

WINNER: Dan the Destroyer defedns his WORLD TITLE

James Edgebrook: The GOLDEN ONE is causing some controversy tonight! That was one hell of a frog splash and Dan really took BlackHawk out tonight. BlackHawk needs to start making soem friends or every week this is how he is gonna end up looking like! Dan proving he is able to dish out major punishment with big moves to a big guy. Next week on STORM we have some major things going on! The Tag Tourney takes place and the Lightweight Belt match between Vasques and Jiggallo will take place! Huge events! See you all next week!

Billy Jay: Hello again WC fans and addicts! A great night of wrestling and I also cannot wait for the big Tag Tourney next week! Tonight was good and next will be great all getting better until we destroy the EWA in action! See you all next week!

(The WC logo blasts in as the music blares up again and clips of Jeph Phillips and Golden One taking down Ness Manson. Shots of Francis, g-crusher Mayhem and the Outlaws all winning their match! Clips of Badd Company with their plan winning the three way match. Clips of Outlander beating Magic. Shots of Loco Babe winning but not winng then shots of her beating Billy Jay into the corner. Shots of Tyler Lee celebrating the HARDCORE TITLE. Shots of Dan and once again the GOLDEN ONE beating down BlackHawk and shot of GOLDEN ONE landing that Frog Splash and Dan walking out with the WORLD TITLE once again!)
