(The WC logo appears on screen and it's music blares up! Fans sounds are heard in the background. Shots of the tag titles are shown on the screen. Shots of the first WC Tag Champs Officer and a Gentleman shown. Shots of last week as Tyler wears the HARDCORE belt. Shots of Loco babe and the WC Crown. Clips of Jeph Phillips and GOLDEN ONE assaulting big Ness Manson. Clips of BlackHawk being destroyed by Dan the Destroyer and then GOLDEN ONE once again attacking! Ending with Dan holding the belt and then shots of the tag belts once again in a display case with the WC logo coming off the belts and onto the screen again!)
Billy Jay: Welcome WC fans and addicts! We are here live back in the real home of the WC and the home of so many wrestlers and historic wrestling events, Minneapolis Minnesota! As you all know the Tag Titles are going to be won tonight via one huge tourney! Now RIOT will be next weekend on Sunday! As of now I need a place to hold the WC's biggest event ever to come! That is RIOT! If anyone has a good place to hold RIOT give me an e-mail ASAP! Well tonights match ups are extensive so let's move right on to the first round . . . . right after a few quality words from James Edgebrook!
James Edgebrook: Thanks Billy Jay! I'm the man with the attitude filling in for dr. Crude, Jeph Phillips! Who went from respectable to DOA, dead on arrival! He fights later tonight, but as for the first match of the night, it will kickoff the Tag Tournament! Billy Jay is gonna announce the tag teams that will recieve BYE's in a few moments before the first match! I can't wait to see which quality Tag Team will go all the way and step out of Storm the new Tag Team Champions! I am very curious also to see who some of these mystery tag teams will be! Ok, Billy Jay is walknig out to a huge pop! He is gonna announce the two first round BYEs!
Billy Jay: Welcome WC fans adn addicts! Minnesota are. . . . . .Are you ready for tonight? (Big cheers) I am out here to let you guys all know WHO the TAG TEAM BYEs will go too! Due to my choice I am giving Badd Company a first round bye, my reasons behind my choice is simply the fact that they have actually participated for the longest time as a tag team out of the teams present here tonight! (Fans are going nuts! A "Viagra" chant starts up)
Billy Jay: The second BYE was decided by the WC POLL! Now, Wolfhound and Mystery Partner please make your way out here! (Out walks Wolfhound) Well? Who is your tag partner? (Out comes his suprise partner ...... no it's BLACK FRANCIS. Fan go nuts) Hold on. . . . . . security! Security! Let's straighten some stuff up.
(After a few minutes. . . things settle down and Wolfhound stands in the ring on one side. FRANCIS stands on the other side! Obviously suposed to be his tag partner until Wolfhound got kicked off the UNION. Dan the Destroyer comes out and has a mic.)
Dan the Destroyer: Is the BYE for Wolfhound's team? Which I see noone, or is it a UNION Tag Team? Which would mean a UNION team would get the bye? (Dan wants an answer and Billy Jay ponders this whole situation)
Billy Jay: Well, on the poll it was under the name of Wolfhound but he cannot compete by himself! (Fans start "Awooo"ing! Fools rush in plays and JokerJ comes jumping over the railing throuhg the fans sliding under the ropes and crushing BLACK FRANCIS through the ropes from behind. Fans go nuts. )
JokerJ: Now, first off I don't know who said I quit? Well I didn't! And the April Fools are back together! (Fans cheer as Wolfhound and JokerJ stand side by side! As the UNION all form on the ramp!)
Billy Jay: Well if you got a partner Wolfhound then . . . . . . . April Fools get the BYE! (The UNION dissapointed runs and dives in the ring as Wolfhound and JokerJ leaves the same way JokerJ came in! Fans go nuts.)
James Edgebrook: Well well well! JokerJ is back and so are the April Fool tag team! The UNION planned to take the BYE but JokerJ has stopped it! They have some real problems if the UNION plans to take them as enemies! Fans are going crazy! Let's go to the first round of the TAG TEAM TOURNEY! The UNION's main tag team. . . . CRUSH AND DESTROY! Dan the WORLD TITLE holder and one of the up and coming stars of the WC g-Crusher! Facing off against. . . . ? Oh my it's the Outalws! What a match this should be! The big powerful team of the Outlaws are gonna face it off against the champ and Merlin, two awesome lighter guys! Let's go to the ring!
The Outlaws
Crush and Destroy
The Outlaws make a great entrance to the screaming fans! They come too the ring, the big team of Brad "the Bullet" Manson and Mac Daddy have been a nice addition to the FOUR. This match is a FOUR vs UNION match! This could be a great one! Fans go wild as Crush and Destroy come jogging out to another huge roar! Dan sports the World title as g-Crusher provokes the fans to scream louder! The bell rings g-Crusher starts in and faces off against Ness's son, Brad Manson! Brad and g dance around a while finally g gets outpowered into the corner! Brad goes to work on the mid section. g fights right back with numerous hits. Brad hits a back breaker when he finally gets the slight edge. g makes a reversal and then goes on a rampage with a reverse bull dog follows by two fast and nasty elbow drops! Fans love the guy. g works on Brad a bit more than makes the tag. Dan gets a huge pop as the fans love him being the UNION leader once again! Dan and g work together with a double closeline dropping big Brad. Brad pulled by his hair connects an uppercut and makes a nifty roll for a tag. Mack Daddy comes in with avengence putty the World Champ down. Mack with a powerbomb. MD hitting even a nice sidewalk slam. Dan reversed what looked like another powerbomb then went on a rally as he hit a DDT and a snap suplex. Mack made a good move making a diversion and a tag and Dan was double teamed but ducked under two big boots and leg sweep both men to the ground and tagged g he went up top hitting a forearm to the forehead of Brad Manson. Mack Daddy got behind Dan and then put on a hammer lock. g stopped that right away. Brad caught g rights as he turned and hit a jumping samoan drop. Mack chokes Dan leaning him against the ropes. Dan ends up fliping over pulling Mack down with him. They fight and fight on the cement. The stairs come in to play as both men go into it a few times. In the ring Mack Daddy takes control hitting a superplex. g hits a snap mare and looks for a tag but Dan fights at ringside. Mack puts on another hammerlock. JokerJ and Wolfhound come racing down the ramp as the ref tests g for any signs of submission. JokerJ grabs the World Title and smash it on dan's head. Dan pissed makes a two leg take down. But ends up standing to a chair of Wolfhound. Then Wolfhound puts on the Howling Wind! Fans "AWOO"ing once again. Mack gets to his side for a tag. g looks out and is still in the hold. g slips down as Mack went for the punch and Mack hits Brad. Brad rolls away. Mack pissed grabs at g who rolls under his leg and on his way kicks up with a devestating low blow. Fans go nuts. A neckbreaker hit and a cover. The UNION comes racing out and hit Wolfhound forcing him to break the hold and attacking JokerJ as well! They flee into the crowd. Dan still in shock, is given some powerbar type thing then some water. g lays defense in the ring as Mack chases him. The UNION stay ringside to watch for any more intereferences. Mack yells at the ref to remove the UNION as g flies at him with a blindsided elbow! g puts on the G-Crush! Fans go wild as Mack tries to break it. Brad jumps in expecting Dan to counter and he does but met with a boot to the head. Then Brad breaks the hold. Teamwork by the Outlaws with a double running powerslam. Pin on g but a kickout. Mack with a belly to belly suplex. Dan from ringside pulls Mac's leg out from under him as he was setting up for the Ghetto Blaster! Dan then gets talked to by the ref. g uses the second rope to lauch himself into Da Outlaws hitting a double cross body block. Fans go nuts as he goes up top for a moonsault but misses Brad and Mack. Dan comes in fast with some big punches. takes Mack down with a shoulder breaker. Then ducking Brad and kicking his knee. Brad falls to all fours as Dan hits a huge leg drop. g back up seeing Mack going for Dan and hitting a runnign drop kick sending Mac out hard. Dan stomps Brad then steps over the ropes and gets a tag from his partner. Mac gets g as he steps through the ropes and Mack looks like he's going for a press slam up g swings his legs and reverses it all into a Tornado DDT into a camera. Mack is busted open. g takes no time at all and puts on the g-Crush as Dan runs all over Brad in the ring. Brad finally gets away from a powerslam grabbing the ropes. Then Brad facks a kick to suprise Dan but as he grabs for the choke slam Dan turns it into backwards russian leg sweep. Fans go wild as Dan has the pin, but Brad kick out. Dan amazed goes for a leg drop but Brad puts his fist up for a sharpe landing. Dan rolls to his feet in big pain. A bear hug put on by Brad. He is forced to let go. G-Crush is still applied to Mack Daddy. Avalanch standing with the UNION comes over to aid g-Crusher. Then decides not to and starts to yell and complain to Dan the Destroyer. Dan who jumps hit a powerbomb turns in suprise. Apoc keeps saying stuff the UNION confused as well as Dan. Brad from behind a knee to the kidney and an atomic drop and he goes up top fast landing the flying elbow. Then the pin. g-Crusher noticing the turn off tables tries to jump in and stop the count but Apocolypse steps in front of him keeping him away and Brad gets the three. the fans go nuts. Apocolypse tells the UNION it is ok. They are very confused as Mack is practically carried out of the ring by Brad and the official who just lifted their arms as the winners. Apoc grabs a mic and stands in the ring where Dan lays on the ground in alot of pain but paying full attention to his stable member. Apoc says "I've have waited a long time for this moment. Now you will pay for what you did to me in the past. Roll the footage!" Screen flips on Apoc grabs Dan by the hair and makes him watch as the Jumbo-tron shows a video of a WCWF Title match where Dan The Destroyer attacks Apocolypse and causes him to lose the title to Kevin Nash. The screen goes back to live tape and Dan whinces in pain and in anger. Apoc continues "You see that?! I did not forget but you did and now you will pay for the rest
of your life! I will make a statement tomorrow that further explains this little incident." The fans have burst! Apoc has just shocked the world! Apoc leaves kicking Dan in the head. The UNION only stands in amazment as Apoc walks up the ramp.
WINNER: Da Outlaws
James Edgebrook: Oh my god! Apoc is not just a UNION member no more! He walks out by himself! What an amazing stunt. He has just turned on the World Champ! g-Crush is pissed, Dan is pissed! Obviously they have met before the WC! I wonder if any UNION members will follow Apoc and join him. Dan must want some revenge! Apoc has just cost Crush and Destroy aqny chance at the gold. g-Crusher was awesome and had the g-Crush on Mack for 3:52 seconds. Mack is a damn tough guy, he may be damn tired in round two.
That was an amazing first match. We now jump to match number 2. According to my line up it's the Masked Men tag team. Led by the person who held my job before me but left to manage! The GOLDEN ONE and Jeph have caused a fuss and he seems to have expanded his team! They are making their way to the ring. Yikes three guys all in idneticle GOLD OUTFITS. This will be intrestic as only one guy carries the pitchfork. Their opponents are called the Shadow Men! Black Francis and a mystery man! Here they come let's go to the ring.
Masked Men Tag Team w/ Jeph Phillips
Shadow Men
Black Francis comes out with a man in a Black Mask. Fans gives them a large welcome. The three GOLDEN MEN with Jeph Phillips hudle in the corner. The Shadow Men jump the gun and the bell rings. Jeph fights later tonight but right now he is hoping out of the ring. In the ring at this point it is a three on two and the Shadow Men are taking it to them. The ref forces a random gold guy out of the ring. The guy complains that he is part of the match the ref and him argue as Jeph hands his guy the Pitchfork and he nails the Masked Man! Fans go nuts Black Francis goes flying into one of the gold dude sending him out of the ring. The ref tries to send the guy into the locker room to clear things up. In the ring the Masked man tries to fend off both Shadow Men as the other Masked men complain to the ref. Black Francis and the Man in black use some nice teamwork and then gets the ref to count for the pin but a kickout. Outfrom the locker room comes JokerJ and Wolfhound again. Fans "AWOO" again! Black Francis is pulled from the ring when the refs back is turned to Jeph Phillips and the whole flock of Gold Men and JokerJ and Wolfhound attack Francis. The man in black comes baseball sliding out clearing all of them away. The fight proceeds to the ramp as the ref now it a grapple with Jeph. Then ref out powering Jeph and slamming him up and into the ring. Fans go nuts. Jeph suprised and hurt rolls away. The Shadow Men are winng in the 5 on 2 match on the ramp. Francis tosses one of the Golden guys into the crowd off the ramp. The ref starts a ten count. The Shadow men get back right away and wait for the guys to get in the ring. The golden one that gets in gets kicked in the ribs then lifted for a back to belly suplex and then Black Francis hits a pedigree type manuever and taunts Jeph Phillips a litle as the Golden guy rolls out of the ring and another one dives to take his place. Then Black tries a elbow drop but Gold moved. The ref did not see it once again looking at Phillips as well. Black hits a sidewalk slam after the gold guy missed a few high flying manuevers and Black lays him on the top ropes. Then backs up and charges as another Gold guy threatens him with the pitch fork as Jeph starts yelling again with the ref. The ref with a clean shot to the head as the Golden guy switches again this time on the top rope. Black tags. the man in the black mask didn't see the switch due to the ref and jeph and ends up eating some boot. Then the guy goes top roeps and hits a Spining Frog Splash. Tries a pin but a kickout on one. The Golden one tries a piledriver but gets backbody dropped over the ropes. Then all the men end up outside the ring brawling again! Finally Black rolls a random gold guy after a few big moves and being smashed through a table and the mysery guy masked the easy pin for the easy win.
WINNER: Shadow Men
James Edgebrook: This means the winner of the Shadow men and the Outlaws will face April Fools to be in the Championship belt match! The Shadow men and April Fools already have just encountered! Da Outlaws who had a very hard first match will be facing an almost fresh Shadow Men tag team. But as it looks Wolfhound and JokerJ may once again interfere.
Now we move on the third match of the night! Gary Cooper and Lightweight Champ Enrique Vasques square off against The Crash Test Dummies! The favorite would have to be Super Duper and Superfly! Let's go to the ring!
Enrique Vasques/ Gary Cooper
Crash Test Dummies
Enrique and Cooper come out to a huge ovation. Fans go nuts! Things are thrown into the ring like styropoam rocks and other stuff. The fans here Crash Tests Music and they go wild again as the team comes out in little mini cars and drive em' down the ramp, they crash into the ring. Cooper applauds the little cars! CTD roll into the ring and the bell rings as they all start up the fight. Enrique ends up at ringside. Cooper getting double teamed in the ring. Cooper ducking a hit and turns it into a belly to back. Fans going nuts. Cooper hits a side stunner and tries a pin. Cooper makes a tag and some high flying double team sends CTD into their corner making a tag. Enrique comes in with power the CTD uses a eye gouge and hits a piledriver! Enrique looks to be in trouble as CTD goes off the ropes Cooper lowers the rope sending the man down onto Sir Sack and the Rock! Cooper sees that and jumps down seperating his guys from CTD and stomping CTD for getting so close to them. Cooper talks to them. CTD stands and Vasques dives off the top ropes nailing CTD jamming his arm into the railing bars. CTD cannot get his arm free. The fans even try to help CTD. The other CTD member comes running over knocking both men down and trying to help his partner the ref's count is to five. Vasques jumps back into the ring. The CTD members pull the peice of railing he's stuck into and then he gets helped up to the canvas and climbs over with the big peice of ramp still stuck on his arm! The fans are going nuts. Vasques makes a tag and they dodge CTD's swings then Cooper hits the Cooper stupor and the fans go nuts as Vasques pulls in the other CTD member hitting the Dirty Sanchez! Cooper makes a pin on top of the railing and gets the first round victory!
WINNERS: Enrique Vasques/ Gary Cooper
James Edgebrook: That was unlucky for The Crash Test Dummies! Getting his arm lodged into that rail cost them any change of pulling off the upset! Vasques and Cooper are so fast and on a roll that I expect them to go to the finals tonight! But Vasques has that Lightweight Match tonight as well! He may not have anything left in the end!
We move on! Even I have not been notified who these next two teams are! Let's go to the ring.
Music blares up and out walks the HARDCORE CHAMP Tyler Lee and the Showstopper Steve Lee. Fans go nuts! They are called the Harbingers! These guys are big hits here! Their opponents are being called out as Bobby Magic and a Masked Man! Hold on Magic has stepped and has no teamate and is pulling the ref from the ring to talk to him. Magic starts arguing then grabbing ,a chair and rolling into the ring. The ref calls for the DQ already! Magic gets the chair taken away and now he gets beatin with that chair! Magic rolls away bleeding from the lip and running back to the locker room.
James Edgebrook: This Bobby Magic guy has proven to be one hell of a wuss. He was pleading for the ref to just call the match and he would lose, then to get the match over fast he tried a chair DQ but got his butt kicked! The Harbingers Brothers striked fear in Magic's eyes! What an easy win for the Tyler and Steve Lee! They may be one of the favorite now!
Round 1 is over. Cooper and Vasques moves on to face The Harbingers. Shadow will face the Da Outlaws. We are going to move on to one of a few non tag team matches tonight. This one should be good! Jeph Phillips/ The GOLDEN ONE vs. Ness/McTaggart. Jeph has to pay for what he did last week! Oh my this should be good. The ring is getting beans dumped all over it. This is also a weapons match let's go the bean filled ring.
Nasty Ness Manson/McTaggert
Jeph Phillips/ The GOLDEN ONE
McTaggert and Ness come out first, McTaggegt with a shovel and Ness with a bull whip and a baseball bat with spikes driven thru it, wrapped in barbed wire. They step in the ring. Ness picks up some of the beans and eats it, the fans get rowdy with excitment! Jeph Phillips steps out alone. He then points at the zip line but an empty zip line it is. The GOLDEN ONE slowly steps over the railing from the other direction and steps up to the apron Ness turns back around and he gets smacked with the Pitchfork. McTaggert sprays cheese at The Gold one. Ness slips trying to get back and the GOLDEN ONE retreats to the ramp where he stands next to Jeph. Jeph is putting on a GOLDEN suit! The fans are going wild! Jeph is all ready to go. They charge the ring and toss chairs into Ness McTaggert and the beans. They don't ever enter the ring. Fans go nuts! The ref is also not in the ring he stands ringside as well. The fans see the other two men in Gold stepping out from the crowd. Jeph Phillips runs off through the same way and exits. So now it is three on two. The two news guys have pitchforks as well. One of the Gold guys hide under the ring to prevent the ref from noticing three. Ness pissed off hops the ropes with a cross body block crushing on of the Golden men! The other one runs over but gets stopped by the boot. Ness grabs the pitchforks, two of them and busts them over his knee. Then pulls out some brass knuckles. The third Golden one comes out from under the ring with the third Pitchfork and levels Ness. Da Outlaws come racing down to stop the 3 on 2. The ref sees that the Golden Men have three men now and doesn't call for the DQ because it is now 4 on 3 with Da Outlaws out here. A cart comes flying down from the zip line and another Golden man jumps off with another Pitchfork. Ness is choking one guy. McTaggert playing it safe behind Da Outlaws. Ness finally gets stopped. And triple teamed. Da Outlaws stops the attack. Men are everywhere but in the bean filled ring. Ness takes two men into the railing and then with raw power tosses a man other the ropes and splating into the beans! Then Ness hits a sidewalk slam to another Golden one onto the cement and Ness steps in and signals the Garvin Stomp! He does it to The Golden Man covered with beans lying in the ring. Fans go nuts as the other three Gold one are being sat on by McTaggert and Da Outlaws. Ness then pulls the guy up and starts shoving beans into his mouth. Fans go nuts. Then he sets him on the top ropes and stands up their also doing a turning powerbomb from the top ropes flinging beans into the fans. Then a fast pin for the big win. Ness gets a huge reaction as he starts tossing handfulls of beans into the crowd. The fans chant "HARDCORE CHAMP" telling the big guy that he dissirves it.
WINNER: Nasty Ness Manson/ McTaggert
James Edgebrook: Talk about entertainment! That was awesome! I got beans on me look at my WC shirt! It's ruined! Well, The Golden men came out of the Wood Work who are all these guys? They had some qaulity moves but couldn't out wrestle or outpower the FOURs four!
Oh baby! It's time for Round #2 of the Tag Team Tournament! Da Outlaws havn't left from last match and they await their opponents. The ring is being shovels of and sprayed down. The ShadowMen comes out to their music and Da Outlaws await.
Da Outlaws
The Shadow Men
Before they all get ready out comes Wolfhound and JokerJ back! They start yelling with the ShadowMen. The fans go nuts. Da Outlaws try to get the bell to ring. The ref wants to get the April Fools team out first. They wont go shoving the ref into the railing. Aprils Fool are pissed. JokerJ wasn't accepted into the UNION and Wolfhound was kicked off! They are proving that you don't wanna piss these guys off. Da Outlaws cannot wait they charge their opponents sending them down and the April Fools team attack! The ref tries to break it up but the will of Wolfhound and JokerJ is way to strong. Billy Jay comes out and has a mic
Billy Jay: Hold on now! April Fools you guys will fight the winner of this match! Be patient! (Wolfhound stares only at Black Francis. JokerJ does the same paying no attention to Billy Jay!) Okay I see you don't like that idea! Let's go to plan B! Instead of having the winner fight Aprils Fool we'll just make this a three way battle since it seems Wolfhound and JokerJ wants to go now! The winner of this three way tag team battle will move on to the final bout for the Tag Team Titles! Ring the bell!
Continue.. . . .. . .