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<h1>Hunter's Story, Page Three

"I asked for it, didn’t I?" Hunter replied haughtily, silently renewing his vow to keep himself and the vermin firmly in their proper places.

"Y-yes, suh,"she said timidly, stepping out from behind the intricately carved door, struggling to carry an enameled basin of steaming water. Hunter could smell the sweet herbs the servants had added into it.

Jeanette slowly and haltingly made her way across the room. Hunter watched her strain with indifferent eyes. It did not matter to him if the help had trouble. If she couldn’t handle his tasks, she could find work elsewhere. However, at the rate she was going, he would never get out into town before dawn hit. Not that the sunlight was any great inconvenience, but like all creatures like him, he naturally preferred the nighttime to hunt in.

The girl carefully placed the basin on the floor, then stood upright. "Would ye be needing anything else, suh?" she asked in her provincial accent. Hunter was by now quite impatient for his bath, he had wanted to go out before the main traffic of London woke up.

"No, no, I’m quite taken care of, you may go now," he said a trifle harshly. Then his face smoothed over, erasing the annoyed lines, and he smiled slowly at the girl with hooded, cunning eyes. "Unless of course, you would care to join me."

Jeanette’s own eyes widened till the whites showed, and she took several steps back. "N-n-no, no, suh, I ‘ave, uh, kitchen work to do, you see...." she curtseyed quickly and flew out of the door.

Hunter laughed softly. That was another thing his father had taught him, to never show his true emotion. Emotion made one weak, it was to be avoided at all costs.

He quickly rid himself of his damp breeches and stepped into the bath.

When he had sufficiently rinsed himself off, he snatched the fleece cloth off the rack next to him and dried himself off. A smile curled his lips as he pulled on his clothes. And just to resolve this vermin issue once and for all-

"Maybe I will have an early breakfast in town,": he said to himself, twisted pleasure showing through in his face. Yes, he decided, a snack would be most beneficial.

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