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Da'Biotch's Family

Da'Other Place's Ta Go

SuicidePage -For my Bro's Memory

<BGSOUND SRC="images/3am.mid">


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bitchy kid...........Bitchy Bitch.....Bitch Bitch Bitch

now u know why I'm insane..LMFBAO... But anyway..An't he cuttttttttttteeeeeee?????This Is MY Angel...{Act's More Like A Demon}..LOL

This is a Pic of me and Hubby

{Da'Bastard commonly known}

His name is "Thrasher"..."Da'Bastard"...And..."Kronox".. online...He's "old as DIRT"....Mean as a SNAKE{I made him dat way...}:).....He's Cute huh?"Got dat' Goatee thang goin on"{WOOHOO} He's my "True Love"..."My life"..."My happiness"..."My EVERYTHANG"....Love ya baby!

{Real kisies and Real hugies}

{Da'Bastard And Da'Biotch}

LMFBAO!.....Any Way....Hope y'awl like this so far!

kinda neat... kinda diff..Mostly Odd....LOL

But This is My Family....Brent is 7 year's old now...He is in Kindergarden {for the 2nd time..Boy's WILL be Boy's...LOL}

My son is a "LiL'Man"...He think's Awl Girl's have "cootie's"..Ugly Face's..And...Never Ever Want's to MARRY One of Dem' Dere Girl's..EVA MoM..{Thought this was Really Funny}

LOL........Anyway this is my SON.{Demon seed From Hell}

{I Love Dat' Kid....He Give's me Alway's Something to do....

lol... Although it's USUALLY Cleaning up...{haha}...

But he's my Reason for Smiling Usually....}

{Gotta Love him he's Just Like ME!!!} {SMILE}.....{Proud Look}

As You Awl Can See...I love my Family....I love My Son....Now I'm Off To Hold My Hubby.....{Proud Look} and see my beautiful Son I Love Ya Awl.....{{{{Hugiesssss}}}}

Love Is Like Dancing....It Feel's Like Everything In The World Stop's When u Dance....And When U love. When U do It Whole Hearted......It Last's Forever....."Da'Biotch"
