Buffy to the Future-Part II

Micah barely winced at the pain but when he heard Rafe's words, he froze. "Birthday?" he said, surprised. "Birthday!" Then his anger came back to him and had his eyes narrowing at Rafe. "Well I suppose you gave her, her birthday gift didn't you?" He blithely ignored the earlier part, the Raven-being-in love-with-him one. "And if she was in love with me why was she kissing you? She'd be the first to deny that!" he yelled and launched himself into Rafe and shoved his face into the ground. "If you ever touch me again I swear to God, I won't be able to control myself! As for me treating her like crap, I wouldn't have to treat her that way if she didn't act like it. You two behaved in a highly unseemly manner, without any thought for proper decorum." he ranted. "Now get the hell out of my face you son of a bitch!"

Rafe spit mud out of his mouth. "The only reason she kissed me, was to try to erase the feelings she has for you...I should know...I've done it myself." He looked at Buffy remembering. "Why don’t' you ask her how she feels...instead of assuming." He grabbed Micah's arm and threw him away from him, and then he stood and went over to Raven putting his hands on her shoulders.

"Alright fine. Raven, are you in love with me?" Micah practically snarled the question. Buffy smiled. This was the moment of truth. She caught Rafe's eyes and smiled even wider.

Rafe smiled slightly at Buffy then let go of Raven as she turned around to look at Micah.

"Yes, I am." She said in a quiet, hesitant voice. She looked at the ground.

He paled and nearly lost his balance. He swayed slightly. He'd never been the recipient of those terms before, because however attractive he was, he'd always been to busy for female companionship. And to hear it from Raven who he'd always assumed to be his archenemy positively staggered him. He ran a hand down his face and slowly said, "You. Are. In Love. With me." He shook his head slowly. "I-I need to think about this first." he said and for the second time turned and ran off this time into the building. Buffy followed him.

Rafe put his arms around Raven as she stood there, tears falling. "He'll come around,” He said quietly.

Micah went into his room silently, and sat down on his bed. Buffy stepped in and saw his dazed look. "Micah it's true. It's been obvious for a really long time that she loves you. And you love her." she said quietly. "Why won't you tell her that you love her?"

"I can't love her...I can't. I'm not good with relationships and I-I'd hurt her. And I'd hate myself if I did." was his answer.

"But do you love her?" she persisted.

"Yes, damnit I do!" he yelled lifting his head and pinning Buffy with angry eyes. "And I'll be damned if I hurt her because of it!"

"Why are you so sure that you'll hurt her?" she questioned him.

"I'll push her away because I'm afraid that I'll be hurt! Don't you think I've tried to fall in love? I did once. But I got hurt. So I kept myself busy so I'll never be hurt again. And Anyone, who fell for me, I pushed away. Anyone who cared for me I held back. Anyone I care about are potential wounds." he shouted.

"Well I may not be all mental and deep as you, but I do know one thing. You know that saying? Better to have loved and lost than never loved at all? I believe in that. So give her a chance." she replied. "I'll leave you alone now." with that she walked back out.

Raven looked at Rafe. "He...he doesn't love me...or even like me..." She turned started to walk away.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Far away from him...I'm going home."

"WHAT?!" He ran after her. "Your going home...just because of him...but, you would have to quite being a watcher, wouldn’t' you?"

She nodded. "Just as well."

Rafe sighed. "Hold on. Don't leave till I get back." He ran to Micah's room. He burst in and looked at him. "If you love her you had better tell her now...she's leaving, quitting the watcher's council and going home." He said in a rush.

"What?!" Micah stood up suddenly. "She's leaving? She-She can't leave!" he bolted past Rafe and Buffy and pounded down the hallways and came after her. He reached her and he grabbed her arm and turned her around. "Where the hell do you think you're going?" he asked.

"I'm leaving...why do you care? According to you I'm just a, and I quote, "irresponsible, obnoxious, wasp-tongued twit"." She looked at him sadly.

"I know I said that...and I'm sorry. It's just that our personalities clash so much," he said. He looked at her pleadingly. "But it isn't any reason for you to go."

"Why should I stay? There's nothing for me here! As much as I care for you...I can't stay where no one likes me...or cares about me." She looked at the ground.

"You're wrong. Everyone would like you, if only you didn't act so wild all the time. I'm not saying that you should stop being impulsive altogether, that's what I l-" he paused. Love about you. "But we do care about you and I-I..." it was so hard to say....

"You..." She prompted, not daring to hope, he would say the words she longed to hear.

"I-I LOVE YOU! There I've said it." Micah looked down miserably.

Raven smiled. "Oh, Micah!" She grabbed him in a tight hug, accidentally knocking him off balance, he fell to the ground and she landed on top of him. "Oops...a little over giddy here." She said embarrassed. She stood and helped him up. "I didn’t' mean to knock you down."

"I don't mind,” he said happily. He lifted her off her feet and swung her around. "Do you really love me?" he asked.

She smiled and kissed his cheek. "With all my heart." She held him tightly. Rafe smiled from down the hall. "Looks like he told her." He said to Buffy.

Buffy watched the normally quiet Micah cavorting about with Raven. "Yeah. It'd take a blind Cordelia not to notice." she said.

Rafe smiled at Raven and Micah and shyly took Buffy's hand.

Raven looked at Micah. "Umm...were in the main hallway of the Watcher's complex, hugging. Do you know the rumours this would cause?" She asked smiling.

Micah smiled at her. "I don't care,” he said honestly. "Now...I guess I should tell you something else..." he halted

"What is it Micah?" Raven asked, slightly afraid.

"Happy birthday." he said and pressed a light kiss on her cheek. "What do you want as a gift?"

Buffy rolled her eyes and grinned. "Mushfest. Great."

Raven grinned. "I got one of the presents I really wanted. But I would like to see my grandfather, I haven’t seen him since he retired as a Watcher."

Rafe smiled, and held her hand tighter.

Micah smiled slowly. "I think I can arrange that. In the meantime why don't you go prepare yourselves for your party Raven?"

Buffy looked at Rafe a bit startled. "That's a good idea Micah." she pulled away from Rafe and went for the room she shared with Raven. "I've got dibs on the shower!" she called out.

Two hours later…

Micah whistled softly to himself as he went into his room after his morning practice. He hummed the song No One Else Comes Close, a song he'd heard which had stuck in his mind. He stripped off his shirt and noted that he'd sweated through it. He shed all his other clothes and went into the bathroom and stepped into the shower. He pulled the shower curtain close and showered. He sang loudly now, unaware of anything else.

Raven hesitantly entered Micah's room. She had her ear phone's on and couldn’t hear anything...after making sure Micah wasn’t in there she went to the bathroom. She needed a shower and since Buffy was hogging hers, well, Micah wouldn't mind much. She stripped off her clothes and grabbed his bathrobe, wrapping it loosely around her. She got her shampoo out of her bag and went to the shower, closing her eyes and singing softly with the music; she opened the shower door. She opened her eyes as a wave of steam hit her face. "Oh, God...MICAH!" She clutched the waist of his robe tightly, but the top still fell open. She just stared at him.

Micah nearly fainted as he saw Raven's shocked face. "What the!" he cried out and braced himself against the tiles. His face flushed crimson when he remembered his state of undress and that all Raven had on was a robe. "What are you doing here?!" he said, and cleared his throat when his voice came out as nothing more than a squeak. His face reddened even more if that was possible, as he reached out and yanked his towel and draped it around himself quickly.

“R-Rafe said you were training so I thought I would borrow your shower, Buffy’s in mine.” Raven found her voice. “I-I’m staring aren’t I?”

Micah was staring at Raven himself, and he turned his eyes on the floor. "Yes you are. So would you kindly please..." he said gruffly.

Raven turned and went to leave the bathroom, when she tripped over her robe and fell, the robe coming undone in the process.

Micah yanked the shower curtain closed, and called out to Raven. "You dropped your robe."

Raven glared at the shower curtain. "I know that!" She grabbed her robe and left the bathroom, then laid on his bed.

Micah rubbed a hand over his cheek, feeling that it was still warm.

Raven stared at the bathroom door, smiling, thinking about Micah's body. "You getting out soon?"

Micah felt a blush creeping up on his cheeks again. "Go bug Buffy to let you bathe."

"Come on Micah! Buffy's been in my bathroom for two hours now...I promise I'll be quick."

"You waited for two hours surely you can wait for a little while. Besides she can’t stay in there for THAT long." he could hear the amusement in her voice and it made him...uncomfortable.

Raven sighed. "Please Micah...I won't take long...Please." She sounded like a five-year-old begging for a cookie.

"Listen you are not the only one who has to take a bath you know. I have to take one too. I promise I'll let you use it after I'm through and decently dressed." he said.

Raven smiled as she went through his desk drawers, she found what she was looking for and opened the box of chocolates. "That's all I ask, naked boy." She said, her mouth full.

"Don't call me naked boy! I mean I don't normally take a bath wearing a tuxedo you know!" he cried out, annoyed.

Raven smiled and helped herself to another chocolate. "I didn’t think you did." She said, snuggling against his pillows, they smelled of him, and she breathed the scent in deeply. "Nice chocolates by the way."

"Well good. Now you can stay in your room. I'll just call you when I'm done,” he said. "What do you mean nice chocolate? You're eating my chocolate?" his voice rose incredulously. "Do you know how expensive those are?"

"No, I think I'll stay here." Raven smiled and ate another one. "Yummy." She said smiling. "Come on...you can share."

"If you can pay me back the chocolates I'd be glad to but we both know how selfish you are!" he said. "Now stop eating them and leave my chocolates alone!" he ordered over the sound of the water of the shower.

"I'm already your slave for a week, so we'll just up it to two weeks." She said eating another.

"Two weeks nothing! Equating the amount you've eaten and the price, to the weeks you'll be my slave you'd be my personal assistant for the rest of yours and my life." he smirked.

Raven smiled and ate the last piece. "Well their gone so decide how you want me to repay you."

"What?" he cried out. Before he could think about what he was doing, he burst out of the bathroom and stalked over to Raven. He loomed over her threateningly. "I can't believe you ate them all!" he yelped.

Raven giggled. "Umm, Micah...you’re a little...Here." He tossed him his robe and ran to the bathroom, locking it behind her. "I'll pay you back...eventually."

Micah's face flushed deeply as he realized what he'd done. "You'd better," he returned.

Micah could her here singing in the shower. A few minutes later she peeked her head out the door. "Got a robe or something I can borrow?"

Without a word, he tersely handed her his robe.

Raven grinned. "Thanks." she closed the bathroom door, a few minutes later she came back out.

Micah gave Raven a sour look. "Now would please allow me to dress myself properly?" he griped.

Raven walked over to him grinning. She kissed him softly. "Of course." she left his room, and skipped to hers.

Micah dressed himself quickly and went to the phone. He dialed a number. "Are you ready?" he spoke to the listener. He nodded. "Yes, that's good. She'll be quite pleased. Yes thank you. Have a safe trip sir." he ended his conversation and found Buffy looking at him with curious eyes.

"You're bringing her grandfather here aren't you?"

Micah nodded and shrugged uncomfortably.

"Don't worry I won't tell." she reassured him with a wink. "Now come on. Let's go fetch the birthday girl,” she said tugging him along.

They went to Raven's room and knocked. "Hey you ready?" Buffy called out.

Rafe peeked his head out. "We'll be out in a second."

Micah tapped his foot and hoped to himself that Raven's grandfather would get here on time.

Rafe opened the door and stepped out, dressing in black slacks and a black dress shirt. He smiled at Buffy.

Raven stepped out nervously, in a SHORT dark red silk dress, her dark black hair pulled half way on top of her head, the rest hanging down her back in curls. "Rafe...I feel a little strange in this."

Buffy grinned at Raven. "Don't worry. You look gorgeous."

Micah returned from his pacing up and down the hall and stopped in his steps. He looked stunned. "Y-you look beautiful." he stammered out. Buffy patted him on the shoulder affectionately. "Pick your jaw up off your shoes, Micah." she advised him.

Raven blushed. "You don't look so bad yourself Micah." She smiled at Rafe. "Thanks."

Rafe shrugged. "Call it my birthday gift to you."

Raven started down the hall towards the ballroom.

Micah followed slowly, still gaping at Raven. Buffy smothered a laugh as she trooped down after the two and turned to Rafe. "Nice, very nice." she commented.

Rafe looked at her. "Me or Raven?"

Raven hesitated at the door. "I-I cant' do this! People expect me to come in, in jeans and a T-shirt, not...this!" she turned back to her room.

"No, Raven. You look fine. And so what if people expect you to look frumpy? It's your birthday. Surprise them!" Buffy said as she blocked Raven's retreat. "Micah, Rafe help me out here."

Micah stepped to Raven and slipped an arm around her waist. "You look wonderful, trust me."

Raven looked up at him. "If you say so." She opened the door and pulled him in with her.

Rafe took Buffy's hand, smiled, then pulled her in.

An elderly gentleman, about sixty was in a corner talking to Julian. He stood out in the well dress crowd, wearing dusty jeans and an old heavy metal T-shirt. He smiled when he saw Raven and Micah.

Micah smiled as he caught sight of the man. "Raven. Your wish has come true." he said and gestured to the man.

Buffy tilted her head slightly and studied the man. "That's Raven's grandfather? Not the way I pictured him to be."

"GRANDPA?!" Raven squealed. She hugged Micah tightly then ran to her grandfather. She practically knocked him off his feet when she hugged him.

"What did you expect? Giles?" Rafe asked.

Micah smiled fondly at the two.

"No. God forbid that there be two Gileses. That's gotta be the sign of apocalypse, the world simply could not handle a Giles clone. No, I expected someone more.... Conservative...but then again, he IS Raven's grandfather so..." Buffy stated.

Raven smiled as she dragged her grandfather over to the group, grabbing two glasses of champagne on the way. She handed one to Micah and turned to Buffy and Rafe. "Grandpa, this is Buffy and Rafe, whom I'm sure you recognize."

Raven's grandfather smiled. "Buffy, Rafe. Please, Call me Alex." He held out his hand to Micah. "Nice to see you again Ashborne."

Raven giggled at the stiff tone in her grandfather's voice.

Micah replied in an equally polite inflection. "Yes, you as well. I trust your journey fared well?"

Buffy looked from the two men in slight confusion. She shrugged and turned a warm smile on the elderly former Watcher. "I'm pleased to meet you, Mr. Eme- sorry Alex." she greeted.

Alex pulled out two cigarettes and handed one to Raven. Then he lit his and hers. "So, have you gotten a new partner yet Rave?"

Raven happily puffed out a cloud of smoke. "No, Micah and I are happy with each other."

Alex choked. "WHAT?! You told me not a week ago you couldn't stand him!"

"That was a week ago. And this is now." Micah pointed out smoothly. He whacked Alex's back lightly. "Nasty cough you got there."

Alex coughed again. "Yes, well it comes from being in the desert for three months."

Raven took Micah's free hand and smiled at her grandfather. "Were you on another dig?"

Alex nodded. "Yes, but a sand storm came up and destroyed our work!"

An old nineties song started, and Alex grinned. "Your favorite song."

Raven blushed as she hummed the tune to Brandy's "Have you ever."

Buffy began to feel a bit disoriented. The present she had lived in was now.... The past. Headache time! she thought with a small wince. "I guess time IS a relative thing." she murmured. When the song had played it was a hit and not it was considered...old...

Raven started swaying to the music, closing her eyes and singing softly.

Alex looked at Micah and indicated for him to dance with her.

"Buffy...care to dance?" Rafe asked nervously.

Micah wrapped his arms around Raven and guided her to the dance floor. Buffy turned to Rafe and smiled. "Um sure." she agreed.

Micah smiled down at Raven and winked at Buffy. "Hey, Raven...do you think something's between Buffy and Rafe?" he muttered.

Buffy caught Micah's wink and grinned back. She was pretty proud that Micah and Raven had gotten together. She knew they would be perfect for each other. 'The Slayer instinct never fails!', she thought.

Raven smiled dreamily, then realized Micah was talking. "Hmm?"

Rafe held Buffy close. He smiled slightly, remembering the last time they had danced. Micah looked down at Raven, "What are you thinking about, love?" he asked with a tender smile.

"I like this song." Buffy remarked to Rafe. She saw his smile. "You're a pretty good dancer."

Raven leaned her head against his shoulder. 'You." A guy came up to them. " May I cut in?"

"So are you Buffy." Rafe said.

Micah reluctantly relinquished hold of Raven and stepped back. He walked to the edge of the dance floor and watched Raven and the guy dance. He felt a giddy wave of love when he remembered Raven's words to him. "You." She was thinking of me. he thought happily.

"Thanks Rafe." she answered with a smile. "My partner's grace is affecting me."

The guy pressed Raven's body close to his, his hands on her rear.

Rafe blushed slightly, and smiled at her.

Micah frowned. He didn't like the way the guy was touching Raven. "One wrong move, you pervert, and I'll personally beat the crap out of you." he muttered the warning quietly.

Buffy saw Micah's dark expression and turned to see the cause. She craned her head to see Raven and the guy. "Uh-oh looks like some guy is getting a bit too fresh with Raven, And Micah's not too happy with it one bit."

Rafe looked over at them. "I think that the guys' going have a very short life span." He said as the guy kissed Raven. Raven struggled slightly, not able to get out of his grasp.

"Maybe we should step in?" Buffy asked worriedly.
Micah picked up a wineglass and sipped it. He looked back and saw the idiot kiss Raven and the stem of the glass broke in his hand. "Son of a bitch!" he swore as he tossed the glass down. He strode his way quickly over to the man. He tapped the man on the shoulder and said in a dangerous tone of voice, "What in hell do you think you're doing?"

"I belive I'm kissing Raven, Micah. What's it to you anyway?" He turned back to Raven, his hand squezzing her rear.

Rafe nodded and took her hand. He lead her over to the threesome.

Micah growled out, "Get your hands off her, you bastard." Buffy asessed the situation and made a move towards Micah when he bit out, "Stay out of it Buffy!"

"Make me asshole! I have everyright to touch her!" The guy said. Rafe gentally held Buffy back.

"Do you?" Micah said softly. He threw a punch at the guy's face and knocked him backwards. He pulled Raven away from the guy and asked her, "Are you alright? Did he hurt you much?"

Raven leaned against him. "I'm fine...now."

Julian strode up to Micah, Alex following him. "What is this all about?!" Rafe looked at Micah. "Just some idiot making a pass at Raven." Buffy said before Micah could answer.

"And he needed to strike him for what reason?" Julian asked.

"He wouldn't let her go." Micah said simply.

Julian sighed and rubbed his temples. "Micah...watch you temper please." he turned and left.

Raven smiled up at him. "My hero." She kissed him softly.

Micah cleared his throat and flushed. "I wasn't exactly going to stand by and let him paw you like that." Buffy sighed at the sheer romance of it

"No, you would rathar do it yourself." She said, then clamped a hand over her mouth. "Oh, my god! Did I just say that out loud?!"

Rafe grinned and Micah flushed an even brighter red. "Well....uhhh..." he stammered out.

Buffy winked at Raven. "Don't worry we'll pretend we didn't hear it. Right Rafe?"

Rafe grinned. "Nope.” Raven playfully slapped him. Suddenly the room went dark. Raven clutched Micah and whimmpered. Rafe held Buffy's hand tighter. "What's going on?" Buffy asked. "Rafe is this another one of your tricks?"

Micah held Raven close and whispered to her reassuringly. "I'm here. It's alright."

"Why would I do this?" Rafe asked.

Raven whimpered more. "I-I'm afraid of the dark.

"I dunno. I just thought you might be the one doing it." she shrugged. Buffy peered up into his shadowed face. "You aren't mad at what I said are you?" Rafe glared at her, and his eyes glowed red. "Uh. Guess you are. What's the matter?" Buffy began to get increasingly nervous. She started to pull away from him.

"I stopped my tricks a long time ago!" He hissed,

A small light burst out of the floor in the center of the room. The watchers backed up and looked at it. Alex was standing there when the image of Bryana appered.

"Rafe calm down! I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you. You're scaring me!" Buffy exclaimed. She saw the monster and gave a small cry.

Micah turned to see what was causing Buffy distress and cursed. "Raven your grandfather!"

"GRANDFATHER!" Raven's cry echoed throught out the room. Bryana raised her arm and Alex screamed in pain. Puple light shot out of his body in several places. Then he fell to the ground. Bryana looked directly at Raven. "You four are next." She vanished and the lights came back on. Buffy rushed to Alex's side. She bent low and checked his pulse. She lifted her face and there was shock and sorrow in her eyes. "Oh my god." she said. Micah brought Raven to him and held her tightly. Rafe went over to Buffy, and put a hand on her shoulder. Raven cried, her loud sobs echoing in the room. Julian and some other watchers picked up Alex's body and carried it away.

Buffy was stunned. "How-how could this happen? I mean if she wanted to kill me why did she have to kill Alex first?" she babbled out. She lifted a hand to her face and covered her eyes with it.

"Hush.....I'm sorry Raven, I'm so sorry." Micah could not offer any words of comfort to her.

Rafe kneeled and wrapped his arms around her. "She attacked the one thing that would hurt us. Raven's grandfather was all she had."

Raven looked up at Micah, her eyes full of pain and hurt. She turned and started to run out of the room. she tripped and fell, sliding into a wall, hitting her head. She laid there, unmoving.

Buffy pressed close to Rafe. "It's so pointless. She could have just come after me instead. And ohmigod Raven! Is she alright?" she looked up imploringly. She heard Micah shout.

"Raven!" Micah ran to her prone form. "Oh bloody hell!" He picked her up and looked around. "Call a doctor!"

Two watchers ran to get the doctor. Another went over to check on her. "Take her to her room!"

Buffy stood shakily. "Will she be alright?" she addressed it to Rafe.

Rafe looked at Raven. "She's unconicous...I can't tell much else, Her head's bleeding."

Buffy gasped and clutched at Rafe's arm. "Oh no!"

Rafe held her, and lead her over to Micah. The doctor came running in. Buffy watched the doctor silently. She looked up at Micah and saw his troubled expression. In a show of compassion she rested her hand on his shoulder. "It'll be okay Micah." she said gently.

The doctor laid Raven on a table and examined her head. "she has a small cut, and an abrasion on her forhead, nothing serious. She will probably awake some time later tonight, take her to her room and make sure someone stays with her. I'll call on her in the morning." She smiled at Micah and left quickly.

Micah stepped up to Raven's body and gently picked her up. He carried her swiftly to the room she shared with Buffy. He laid her down on her bed and walked out to meet with Buffy and Rafe.

"I'll stay with her." he announced. "But you can't stay awake all day and all night!" Buffy protested. "We'll take shifts." she suggested.

Rafe nodded. "She'll be okay Micah." He gentally wrapped an arm around Buffy's waist and guided her to sit on one of the beds. He pulled a small white box, that was tied with a blood red ribbon, out of his pocket and set it on Raven's dresser. "It's her birthday gift." He said, when he saw Buffy's questioning glance.

"I see." Buffy nodded. She walked out of the room then leaned on a wall, resting her head against it. "God what a birthday present." she said with a bitter laugh. "Losing the one person you have."

Katla walked up to Buffy, holding a florests box. "Buffy? Could you put these in the room? They're for Raven, they were just delivered." She handed the box to her and walked away.

Buffy nodded, strangely subdued and walked back into the room. She placed it on Raven's desk and watched Micah. He was looking at Raven with a mixture of love and pain. "Micah." she called his name softly. He looked at her and Buffy saw the pain in his eyes. She went to him and wrapped her arms around him. He broke. "Oh God Buffy I'm so scared for her. I feel so....useless...I love her so much and she's hurting so badly. I don't know what to do."

Rafe went over and slid a card out of the ribbon on the flower box. He opened it and looked at it.

My little Raven-

Happy Birthday child, my all your wishes come true this blessed day.

Your loving grandfather,

PS Enclosed are the note from the friend you wanted me to consult....

Rafel & Buffy, this is your relationship: If your relationship were a cereal, it would contain 14 essential vitamins and minerals, and be part of a nutritious breakfast. I rarely finds a love so wholesome and pure as this. If Martha Stewart were to design a couple to go with her new kitchen, they might look something like you two. Everything is where it should be. . The strengths of one complement the weaknesses of the other. Plus, you two cook in any room of the house. Your chances of survival in this relationship are great, as long as you don't forget to eat and sleep.

Buffy looked up and saw Rafe. "What is that?" she asked quietly.

Rafe was smiling at the story of his and Buffy's love. "It's a card, from her grandfather."

"Oh." a look of pain passed over her face. She glanced back at Micah and saw that he had fallen asleep. She brushed back a lock of hair that had fallen on his face and manuevered him to lie on her bed. "He needs to be with her tonight. As she needs him." Buffy approached Rafe. "What does it say?"

Rafe handed it to her.

Buffy's color pinkened as she read. "Uh...." she was at a loss for words.

Rafe smiled and took the card from her. "You need sleep, I'll watch her.”

"Are you sure?" she asked uncertainly.

Rafe touched her cheek lightly. "I'm sure, I'll wake you up when I get tired."

"Okay." just then a wave of fatigue washed over her and she swayed slightly. "Whoa!" she said as she steadied herself. "I am tired. Just be sure to wake me when you want to rest." she reminded him. She slipped out of the room and went to Micah's. She kicked off her shoes and settled on the bed. She closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Rafe sat on Raven's desk chair and pulled out a book. He sat their reading as the hours passed. Somewhere around midnight he heard a groan, and saw Raven sit up. "W-What happened?"

"You were knocked unconcious. How do you feel?"

"Like I was hit by a steam roller." She looked over a Micah sleeping and smiled. She stood, and went over to him. She sat on the bed next to him and kissed him softly.

Micah felt a soft brush of lips against his. He woke, dazed and saw Raven's face. "Hey isn't the guy supposed to be the one to wake the girl with the kiss?" he joked, still sleepy.

Raven smiled down at him. "I like it better this way." She kissed him again.

Rafe smiled, watching them.

"Well, never it be said that I'm a chauvinist." he said. His smiling face turned concerned. "Are you okay now?"

Raven nodded slightly. "I've got a splitting headache, but I'm fine." She gentally slid over him and laid down next to him. She curled up in his arms and smiled.

Rafe stood. "I'm going back to my room. Night."

Micah made an unrecognizable sound of farewell to Rafe.

Rafe smiled and turned out the lights. He walked to Micah and his rooms. He opened the door and looked at Buffy sleeping. He kissed her cheek and started to his room.

Buffy woke in time to feel Rafe's kiss. She lifted her head and looked at him. She whispered a greeting to him. "Night Rafe," she said, her voice jusky from sleep.

Rafe turned and looked at her. "Good night Buffy." He looked like he wanted to say more.

"Rafe...about last night." Buffy began.

"What about it?" Rafe asked.

"When I asked if you were responsible for the blackout thing......you got mad. I'm sorry...and you sort of scared me." Buffy continued. "I just wanted to know why you were so angry."

Rafe sat on the bed next to her and sighed. "Because I felt you were still holding the fantasy spell against me...even though I've tried to make up for it, I didn't men to scare you, please forgive me, I couldn't stand it if you were mad." He looked down at his hands.

"I'm sorry that you still think that way. I don't blame you for the fantasy spell." she said sincerely. "And I'm not mad."

Rafe smiled and kissed her cheek, then her lips.

A quiet whimper slid through Buffy's throat as she tipped her head back and slipped her fingers through his hair.

Rafe kissed her more, leaning into it. He smiled under her lips.

"Rafe." she said his name mistily.

"Yes Buffy?" He asked, kissed her neck lightly.

"We should most likely stop,"

Rafe reluctantly pulled away. "I'm sorry."

"No don't be." she smiled.

Rafe looked at her not smiling. "Night." He stood and went to his room.

Buffy gave a small sigh and laid back on the bed.

Rafe crawled into his bed, wondering what was going on between them.

Three weeks later, the group was getting ready to find Bryana’s point of rising.

Buffy stretched slowly as she looked at her other companions. "I'm ready to go now."

Raven finnished dragging over her fourth piece of luggage and waited for Micah to put it in the trunk. She smiled sweetly at him.

Rafe rolled his eyes. "Women." He muttered.

Micah grunted under the weight of the baggage. "Raven, we aren't going away for a lifetime. You'd think we were moving permanently." he commented to her. "I mean I'm not sure the car will move because the trunk will drag it."

Raven grinned. "Only two of these are mine dearest." When he loaded te bag, she grabed him and kissed him passionatly, catching him by suprise.

"Um." he pulled away flustered. "Thank you for that."

"If those aren't all yours then whose are they?" Buffy asked.

Raven wiped lipstick off his chin and upper lip. "Books Juliana forced me to pack." Buffy laughed.

"Ever the Watcher." Micah said

Raven grinned. "Shall we?" She said opening the drivers door and getting in.

Buffy slipped into the backseat and Micah walked to the passanger’s side of the car and slid in. "How are we supposed to figure out where she rises?" Buffy asked.

Raven started the car. "I dont' know...wait till the thousand year equinox and look for her standing on the side of the road hitching a ride?"

Buffy made a face at Raven. "Sarcasm does NOT suit you. I mean seriously."

Raven stuck her tounge out at Buffy's face. "I have no clue. Ask Micah."

Rafe giggled at the imuture act Raven just did.

"Well....I'm afraid I can't offer much of an answer." Micah said.

"Well I think we should find the place where most damage is being done." Buffy said matter-of-factly. "Brynea's gotta be causing havoc in the place where she's going to rise. You know what they say, where there's smoke there's fire."

Raven nodded. "Sounds reasonable." She swearved around a corner, barley keeping it on two wheels.

Micah yelped. "Raven. next time we stop, I'll drive."

"No way lover boy." She said grinning. Rafe smiled and leaned back in his chair.

"Yes way." Micah argued. "Buffy has to fight Brynea. That is if she survives your driving."

Raven turned and glared at him. 'I do not drive that bad!" She turned back and yelped. She swerved and barely avoided missing another car.

"I rest my case." Micah said smugly.

Raven reached out and slapped him on the back of the head.

"Ow!" he cried out. Quick as a snake he grabbed her wrist and nibbled on it.

Raven moaned slightly.

Micah stopped when he saw they were going off the road again. "This time keep your eyes on the road."

Buffy rolled her eyes. "Please guys. We don't want an NC-17 rating!"

Raven pulled off the road and looked at him. "Switch."

Micah got out of the car and stood by Raven's door expectantly.

Raven slid over to the passangers seat, then locked the driver's door.

Micah pulled on the door then scowled. "Raven! Open the door!"

"Promise not to be mean anymore."

"I won't I won't!" Micah promised.

Raven leaned over and opened the door, and got stuck under the stearing wheel. "Uh oh."

"Raven!" Micah yelled frustratedly.

"I'm stuck!"

"Get unstuck!"

"I'm trying damnit!"

"This is not good!"

Raven glared up at him. "No shit!" Rafe leaned over the seat and grabbed her waist. Micah sighed. Rafe pulled hard and jerked out, her shirt comming off. Rafe blushed.

Buffy sent a look at Rafe. "Did you do that on purpose?" Buffy half-teased.

Rafe blushed redder and retrived her shirt. "Here."

Raven smiled and kissed him. "Thanks."

Buffy rolled her eyes and watched Micah tap his foot impatiently.

"What? It's unlocked!" Raven said slipping her shirt back on.

"Finally." Micah said irritably. He opened the door and slid into the driver's seat.

"Can we get on with our trip now?" Buffy asked.

"Fine." Raven said. She stared out the window.

Micah gunned the engine and drove off.

Buffy was stubbornly silent.

Raven stared out the window for hours, not talking, even when Micah nearly caused an accident.

Rafe fell asleep, leaning against Buffy.

Micah stared stonily out of the windshield and refused to say anything directed to Raven. He got tired of the silence and asked Buffy. "What do you plan to do in your fight with Brynea?" Raven glared at him and went back to staring out the window.

"Well just kick the crap out of her maybe?" Buffy said in answer. "I won't really know until I face her. I'd have to learn her attacks first."

Micah nodded approvingly. "Smart move." he said.

"Pull over." Raven said.

"What?" Micah asked, distractedly.

"Pull over!"

"Christ!" Micah said as he pulled to a stop at the side of the road. "What is your problem?"

Raven got out of the car and went to Buffy's door. She opened it and gestured for her to get out.

Buffy stepped onto the ground slowly, warily eyeing Raven. Micah got out of the car and looked at Raven. "What's going on?"

Raven got in Buffy's place and slammed the door.

Micah shrugged and got back in. Buffy went in beside him. He started the car again and eased back onto the road. Night came and Micah stopped at a nearby motel. "Well......we should spend the night here. Or the day. We have to find a place where a lot of inexplicable occurances have been happening." Micah spoke for the first time in hours.

Raven was startled awake. "First question, how many rooms?"

"Two as always." He replied.

Raven wrapped her arms around his shouders. "Who's with who?"

"Me and Rafe, you and Buff like it was at the complex." was Micah's short answer.

Raven jerked back. "Oh." She got out of the car.

Micah opened the car door and stepped out. He walked to the entrance of the motel and to the check-in counter. "Room for two please. Make sure there are two beds in both rooms." he said to the man behind the counter.

The man nodded and handed him two keys. "Rooms 102 and 106."

Raven took her key from the man. "Thank-you." She left. "Buffy, room 106." She walked to the room.

Buffy trailed after Raven shooting a quick look back at Micah.

"Guess that leaves 102 for us Rafe." He took the keys from the man's hands. "Do we pay now?" he asked. "When you check out sir. How long will you and your party be staying sir?" the man asked politely. "For the forseeable future. We'll let you know when we check out." Micah replied.

Rafe followed Micah too the room and sat on a bed. "What's with Raven?"

"I don't know why don't you ask her?" Micah replied tersely.

"Okay, what's with you? And don't say nothing.”

"Raven's attitude was getting to me." Micah answered.

"Oh yeah, you guys are going to last a long time!" Rafe said sarcastically.

Micah looked up sharply. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"Well, you guys are closed up in a car for a few minutes and you get pissed at each other! Then, you stay mad for hours and barley speak to each other."

"It's not exactly my fault!" Micah said defensively. "We're on an important mission here. I can' waste my time playing around. People are dying while we speak!"

"She's nervous..."playing around" is her defense."

"Well she'd better find a new one!" Micah cried out, irate. "Her grandfather's already dead, who's next, you? Buffy? Or maybe even her!"

Rafe stood his eyes glowing. "ARE YOU BLAMING HER FOR HER GRANDFATHER'S DEATH?!"

"No for God's sake calm down you idiot!" Micah yelled losing his temper completely. "How the hell could she be blamed for it? No i'm sure as hell not blaming her for her grandfather's death. If we fail this mission she could be hurt or killed....I-I couldn't beat that." he trailed off.

"Don't call me an idiot. Go...talk to her."

Micah bowed his head thinking. "Fine. I'll go talk to her." he said. He stood up, firm with resolve. "But I swear if I return decapitated, don't be surprised if I yell at you." He walked out of the room. "Ready the bandages. Raven's rough when she's pissed." he called out behind him. He closed the door and walked to the motel room that Buffy and Raven shared. He lifted his fist and knocked. "Can I come in?"

Buffy was startled from where she was dozing off by Micah's knock. "Uh." she looked at Raven questioningly. "Do we let him in?"

Raven wiped her tears. "Yeah." she sniffed

Micah opened the door and stepped into the room. "Hi." he said softly, looking down at his feet. "Raven I want to talk to you." he blurted out. Buffy looked up and slipped out of the door. She closed it behind her and went to Rafe's room.

"I'm sorry I got mad at you, but you have to understand. This mission is really important and I can't afford to waste time." he spoke in a quiet voice, avoiding her eyes. "I know that doesn't exactly excuse me, but I hope you understand."

Raven sniffed. "Bryan's rising in the next town." she said softly, looking at the floor.

Rafe lay on his bed, staring at the cealing, thinking of Buffy.

Micah was surprised. "How did you know that?"

Buffy knocked on Rafe's door. "Hey can I come in? Micah's having a talk with Raven and I need to crash."

Raven gestured to the newspapers spread out on her bed. "Thirty deaths in the last week, all based in the center of the town, all un explained." She looked up at him. "I wanted to prove to you I could handle this...did I?"

"Come on in!" rafe called,

Micah sighed. "You did. I'm sorry about giving you a hard time and making you cry. Next time I'll reign in my temper."

Buffy stepped into the room and shyly lowered her eyes. She found her behaviour really weird. "Hidelihoe." She flushed crimson at her ridiculous greeting. "Sorry for crashing your humble male abode." she said.

Raven took his hand. "We both need to learn to control our tempers." She kissed his hand.

Rafe smiled at her. "It's no problem Buff."

Micah looked down at Raven, his eyes were troubled. "Raven I-" he cut himself off.

"Rafe...we need to talk. About-things-" Buffy started.

Rafe also gulped. "Talk?" He said in a small voice.

He shook his head slightly as if to clear his mind. "It's like...something's changed. Something's happened. About you. I mean the way I feel about you." he spoke quietly.

Buffy nodded. "Don't worry, it's not something life-altering. Well not THAT life-altering."

Raven bit her lip, tears flowing down her face. She turned away from him.

Rafe let out a breath. "Okay...let's talk."

Micah stepped towards her. "I...really don't understand how it happened. I mean most of the time I used all my energy telling myself how much I dislike you...and now...I feel like I can't live without you." he blurted out.

"Strange things have been happening. Micah and Raven, now you and...well me." Buffy said, avoiding his eyes. "I'm having a little trouble dealing."

Raven turned to him. "Y..You mean..you still love me..this wasn't a break up thing?"

Rafe nodded. "If it helps..I'm really confused too."

"Y-yeah. I'm sorry that I hurt you, it's just..." Micah made a frustrated gesture. "Things are getting so complicated. I'm not used to it really."

"Well actually it doesn't but it makes me feel a wee bit better to know I'm not the only one." Buffy said trying to put a little lightness to the conversation.

Raven smiled softly. "Me either...I guess we just take it one day at a time."

Rafe got off his bed and sat next to her on Mical's. "Buffy..what do you feel deep down in your heart?"

Micah nodded. "And we should probably concentrate on the mission too." he sighed and ran his hands through his hair. "Let's just leave this for awhile and afterwards, if all goes well, we can continue this and figure things out."

"I-I don't know." she whispered. She looked up at him. "What about you?"

Raven sighed and kised his nose.

Rafe sighed and took her hand. "Buffy, when I met Morgraine I never thought I'd love any other woman....then I met you."

"We should probably get some rest. I've kicked Buffy out long enough." He stood up reluctantly and moved towards the door. "Good night."

Buffy lifted her eyes and looked deep into Rafe's. "I never thought that I'd be able to care about anyone else after Angel. But when I saw you for the first time it was like, things had changed."

"Micah..you don't have to go..we do have two seperate beds..."

Rafe touched her cheek. "Remember out first kiss...it was like the lights dimmed everwhere but in you eyes." He smiled and kissed her.

He grinned at her. "Yeah but can I trust you not to try anything?" he said.

She gave a small sigh of contentment. "But...what about Morgraine...and Angel? What do we do?"

"me?? Try anything? Really Micah!" She gave him a sly look.

"Break it off with them." He said, still kissing her.

"Yeah, you." Micah chuckled. "You should come with a warning label."

She pulled away. "It won't be easy..." she laid her head on his shoulder. "But I think it's worth it."

Raven glaired slightly. "Me come with a warning label..what for?!"

rafe smiled and kissed her temple. "boy will it...I think the gang's gonna freak when we come back togeter...I mean, together together...if we survive to get back."

"Explosive sex appeal, Stay back if heterosexual, might cause one to explode?" Micah said innocently. "How about that warning label?"

"We will." she said fiercely. "I won't let anything happen to keep us apart."

Raven giggled. "Just get naked and in Buffy's bed..and yes I know that was kinky!"

Rafe kissed her hand, then started nibbling her neck.

"Not to mention double-meaninged since you know how I felt about her." Micah said laughingly. "I'll keep my clothes on thanks. I don't know what might happen to you when you are overwhelmed by my manliness." he joked. "Maybe barf?"

"Let's call it a night okay?" she said, her eyes telling him that she didnt really want to leave him.

Raven pouted. "Pllleeaaasseee..."

Rafe kissed her yet again. "Can I sleep with you..I mean...I uh...as much as I would LOVE to mean it that way...okay, feel free to slap me now.."

Micah looked at her his decision wavering. "N-No. I have to resist you. I have a feeling neither of us will see the light of day again if we succumb." He jumped up and practically ran towards the door. "I wasn't kidding about the warning label thing."

Buffy blushed and averted her gaze. "I...don't think that would be such a good idea. I mean not that I don't want to...it's just-" she stopped. "Well things are going really way too fast!" she blurted out.

Raven had un-buttoned her blouse by then. "Micah, I just ment so you wouldn't have to sleep in your jeans, their uncomfortable."

Rafe sighed. "I..I know, but...I'm so scared one of us is gonna die...and...and..I want to be close to you before that ha..happens."

Micah swallowed. "Well, you know comfort is a highly overrated feeling." he said lamely.

She looked at him, her eyes luminous. "I still feel, well troubled, after what happened with Angel when I...we..." she trailed off.

Raven slipped out of her jeans. "Micah, shut up and stripp."

Rafe laid her back against the wall and covered her with his upper half. He kissed down her neck. "I'm not going to go evil..."

Micah turned bright red. "Uhmmm.." he gulped and swayed towards the door his hand resting on the knob. "I think 'm gonna faint."

Buffy turned her head to the side, her hands burrowing into his hair. Then her hand slid down his chest and fell away, landing on the knob of the door. She swiftly turned the knob and pushed the door opena nd in the same motion pulled away from Rafe and closed the door. She ran down the hallway gasping. "Rafe, I'm sorry...I just... I just can't..."

Raven walked over to him concerned. "Micah..are you...okay?"

Rafe pounded the bed in frustration and sighed. "Damnit, now I've probably totally scared her off!"

"I'll be fine...just let me have some air." Micah turned and ran out of the door and slammed it shut. He fled towards the corridor leading to the gym only dimly aware that another set of footsteps were echoing his.

Buffy stumbled on, completely unaware of the direction she was going, only knowing that she had to get away from Rafe and her own conflicting emotions.

Raven growned and flopped down on the motel bed.

Rafe crawled into his bed and struggled to sleep, despite his raging hormones.

Micah stepped into the gym and looked around cautiously. He still had no idea why he ran from Raven like that. Maybe it was because it was all new to him, whatever the reason he was here now. He sat down on the floor and groaned to himself. He shot back up when he heard the door open.

Buffy had found herself standing in front of the doors of the gym and had walked in. "Micah!" she cried in surprise.

"What are you doing here?!" they both said at the same time.

Rafe grumbled and walked to raven's room, hopping to talk to Buffy,instead he found a half naked Raven.

"Rafe was..."

"Raven wanted..."

Buffy and Micah both stopped talking and stared at each other. Buffy started laughing and said. "You too huh?" Micah nodded a grin spreading on his face. "This has got to be the most ridiculous situation I've been in!" Buffy sat down next to Micah and kept her gaze on him. "So what now?"

Micah shrugged. "We could stay here for the rest of the night?"

Rafe and Raven talked, watching a bad porno movie.

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