Only the Begining-Part III

Spike pushed himself out of the sewer tunnel and into the apartment
basement. They figured it would be easier to come up inside the house than
to come up in an alley. Angel came up behind him, followed by Doyle.
"So, Spike and I will distract Ross. You get the girls out of here." Angel
instructed Doyle. "Don't worry about us. We can finish him off. Once you
have them, just go."
Doyle nodded. "Sure thing."
They crept toward the door that led up the stairs and looked at each other.
"You sure this will do the trick?" Spike asked, holding the smallest ax in
his hands.
"Take this one." Doyle said and gave Spike his ax. "Just go."
Spike and Angel nodded at each other, then ran up the stairs and burst into
a hallway. Ross' apartment was the one across from the basement door and
Spike threw himself against the door, pushing it open.
The two vampires stalked into the kitchen where Ross was sitting and the
curtains were luckily closed.
Doyle crept behind them and turned down a hall in search of Erin and
"Hey baby!" Spike cried, swinging his ax around his head. "I heard you
wanted to see me."
Ross stood up. "Who the hell are you?"
"I'm the brains behind this whole city." Spike grinned, then drawled with a
southern accent, "William's the name and I have money."
Ross arched an eyebrow. "And I care?"
"I hear you've been making trouble in my boss' city Mr. Sheppard." Angel
said, still hiding his ax behind him. "We just can't have that. This is a
demon free city and we'll do anything we have to, to keep it that way."
"We've heard the only way to kill you is to behead you." Spike said.
"Yeah, and?"
"Me and my assistant are prepared for that." Spike drawled, donning the
southern accent once again. "Let's get to work boys."
"Sure thing." Angel drawled right back and they advanced on Ross.
The demon looked unimpressed. "You know, I somehow doubt some idiots like
you are everything behind Los Angeles."
"Why's that?" Spike asked, bringing his ax up.
"Let's test something, shall we?" Ross asked, then grabbed the edge of the
Spike cursed and jumped away as a beam of sunlight hit his leg. Angel jumped
out of the way just before the light engulfed his whole body. Only a moment
before they had been shining with confidence and now Spike and Angel cowered
in the shadows of the room.
"Okay, that didn't turn out the way we had planned it." Angel said.
"Now what?" Spike asked, returning to his normal voice.
"Now you die." Ross answered, then advanced toward Spike.
The front door opened, surprising them and they turned to see a young boy
walking into the front hall.
"I'm home Ross." He called.
"Go to your room Kevin!" Ross screamed at the boy.
"I said now! Don't make me come out there."
Angel watched as the boy's eyes filled with tears, then he ran down the hall
and into his room.
"The hall has no windows." Angel mouthed to Spike and the other vampire
Suddenly they both leapt into the hall and Ross watched in surprise as they
stood to face him.
He roared in anger and ran out to meet them. Spike raised the ax and swung
it. He barely missed Ross' neck and it whistled through the air near Angel's
"Watch it with that thing." He growled, before swinging his own ax at Ross.

   *  *  *

"Well, these aren't ropes." Doyle muttered from where he stood behind Erin
and Cordelia. "Any idea where he might have put the keys?"
"He put us in handcuffs?" Erin cried and twisted to look at her hands. "I
have no idea Doyle."
They all looked up in surprise as a young boy ran into the room in tears and
slammed the door behind him.
His eyes met theirs and he immediately stopped crying.
"Who are you?" He asked.
"I'm Doyle." He moved forward to meet the boy. "These are my friends
Cordelia and Erin. What's your name?"
"Kevin." The boy answered cautiously. "Why are you in my room."
"Well, your daddy was going to hurt my friends and,"
"He's not my daddy." Kevin spat out, then crossed his arms over his chest.
"I'm sorry." Doyle crouched down to his level. "I know he's not your dad.
He's a bad man, right?"
Kevin nodded. "He hurts my mom all the time and sometimes he even hurts me."
Erin smiled at the boy. "He used to live with my mom Kevin. He hurt me too."
"He did?"
She nodded. "We know how to make him go away too, but we just need to get
out of here. Do you know where he kept his keys?"
Kevin nodded slowly, his eyes wide.
"Could you get them for us?" She asked.
"He told me to never go in there. He said he'd kill me."
Erin bit her lip and made eye contact with Doyle.
"Well, if you take me with you, I'll make sure he doesn't hurt you." Doyle
said. "I promise. Can you take me?"
Kevin nodded even slower this time and held out his hand. Doyle took the
little hand in his and followed the boy out of his room.
"I told you to stay in your room Kevin!" Ross yelled from down the hall.
"I have to go to the bathroom." Kevin called back. "I'll be quick."
"Fine, but hurry!"
Kevin closed his bedroom door and then led Doyle down the hall toward the
bathroom and another room. They opened the second door quietly and snuck in,
trying not to make any noise.
"It's in there." Kevin said, then pointed at a box on the dresser. Doyle let
go of the boy's hand for a moment, picked up the box and opened it to find a
single key lying inside. He pocketed this quickly, then grasped the boy's
hand and opened the door.
"Go flush the toilet." Doyle ordered quietly and Kevin reached into the
bathroom and pressed the handle down.
"Now get back to your room!" Ross screamed.
Kevin scurried back to his room with Doyle close behind him. They opened the
door then both let of sighs of relief when they shut the door behind them.
"Did you get it?" Cordelia asked, looking at them eagerly.
Doyle pulled it out of his pocket and nodded, before going behind them and
unlocking the handcuffs they wore.
"No what?" Erin asked. "Angel told you to get us out of here but I can't
leave him fighting that thing alone. And we can't leave Kevin here either."
"Then we can take him with us." Doyle said. "It's not safe for us all to be
in here."
"But Angel's fighting Ross by himself." Cordelia protested.
"No he's not." Doyle admitted. "We found some help on the way here."
"Who?" Cordelia asked.
"Remember Spike?"
Erin looked confused. "Who?"
"Another vam-" he looked down at Kevin, "another person like Angel."
"Oh." Erin nodded. "Then let's get out of here."
They opened the bedroom door and began to creep toward the front hall. Erin
held onto Kevin tightly in her left hand, while she grasped Doyle's hand in
her right. Cordelia was on the other side of the boy, holding his hand.
When Angel came tumbling into the hall in front of them, they stopped short.
He paused while getting up to say, "Get out," then darted back into the room
he had come out of.
"I can't leave him in there." Erin said and tore away from the group.
"Erin no." Doyle tried to catch her but her hand slipped from his grasp.
"We have to keep going." Cordelia insisted and pushed them forward.
They made it to the front hall and paused as Kevin jammed his little feet
into his shoes. Cordelia tapped her foot impatiently and Doyle glanced
worriedly at the room where Erin had disappeared.
A sudden crash against the wall next to them made them jump. Doyle frowned
as the sound came again and suddenly Spike and Ross were lying in a heap in
front of them. Through the hole in the wall they could see Erin helping
Angel to his feet and coming after the demon.
Doyle pushed Cordelia and Kevin out of the way before he grabbed Ross around
the neck and pulled him off Spike.
"Doyle, I said get them out of here!" Angel roared, then launched himself
toward them. At the same moment Doyle let go, Angel flew into Ross, pinning
him to the ground and punching him in the face.
"Get me an ax." He yelled at Spike.
Doyle scrambled to grab the one that lay near him. Spike reached over for
the tiny ax that lay near his feet and Erin stood up straight.
"Angel!" She called.
He turned and she tossed an ax in his direction. Angel caught the ax and
swung it forward it. He felt it slice into Ross' flesh and cut through the
tendons in his neck.
Kevin turned his face into Cordelia's legs and she hugged the youngster
Angel closed his eyes as blood sprayed him in the face, then opened them to
watch Ross melt into his demon form and die.
They all looked at Ross' still form for a moment, and were surprised when
the front door opened. Kevin's mother stood there and her eyes widened as
she surveyed the room.
In front of her sat a dark haired man, straddling a black mass without a
head. The head lay by another man's feet who held an ax, this one also with
dark hair. A blonde man lay near the scene an ax in one hand and breathing
heavily. There was a hole in her wall and in this hole stood a girl with
light brown hair, trying to make it past the rubble. Her son was on the
other side of this mess, hugging a woman with long dark brown hair and
staring worriedly at the black body.
She blinked twice, then fainted.
"Mom!" Kevin cried.
"She'll be fine." Cordelia assured him. "She just fainted because she was
Angel sighed and wiped a film of sweat off his forehead. "Maybe we should
clean this up before she comes to."

   *  *  *

An hour later they sat around the kitchen table in the somewhat cleaner
apartment. They had learned Kevin's mother's name was Julie and she had
learned her, now dead boyfriend, was a demon.
At first, she seemed to have a hard time accepting it, but she seemed to
believe them now and even a little bit thankful they had come when they did.
"I thought I could deal with him hitting me, but when he started in on Kevin
it was just too much."
Erin smiled. "I know how you feel. My mom dated Ross for quite a while and
he eventually killed her."
"Well, thank you." Julie paused. "For coming when you did. I had no idea
that there were things like this in the world."
Angel nodded. "Not many people do. But at least now you know there are
people who can stop things like this. We're always around."
She stared at Angel's black duster, at Spike's bleached blonde hair and
leather coat, then at the stake shooting machinary Doyle had taken off his
arms and laughed.
"Regular old crime fighters." She said and Doyle smiled.
"We should get going." Angel said. "It's nearly dark."
"It is dark." Cordelia said, pointing outside.
"We'll pay for that." Angel offered, pointing at the hole in the wall.
Julie smiled. "Thanks, but I think I'll be okay."
They stood up and walked toward the front door.
"Thanks again." Julie called as they walked down the sidewalk. Angel turned
and smiled and Kevin waved at him. He waved back, then joined his friends
and walked down the street.

   *  *  *

"Well, as fun as this had been," Spike said, "I really must be off. I
promised the slayer I'd be back by tomorrow."
At the mention of Buffy, Angel's face dropped.
Spike grinned. "There's nothing going on there you idiot. We're friends. If
you can even call us that."
"Did she say anything?" Angel asked.
Spike nodded slowly. "She told me to tell you that she says hi and that she
misses having you around."
Angel smiled. "Thanks Spike."
"See you 'round you old poof." Spike turned and saunted down the sidewalk,
away from the others.
"Hey Spike." Angel called and the other vampire turned around. "Could you
tell her," he paused and took in a deep breath, "Could you tell her that I
love her?"
Spike's face softened for a moment, then he nodded. "Sure. I can do that."
Then he turned and he was gone.
Angel looked back at the others to see them staring at him. He started up
the steps to the agency and closed the door slowly behind him.
Cordelia sighed. "Goodnight guys. I really need to get home and get some
"Bye Cordelia." Erin said soflty.
Doyle smiled "See you tomorrow."
She nodded, then began walking in the direction of her apartment.
Doyle smiled at Erin and looked up at the door. "I think maybe we should
leave Angel alone for a while. Feel like getting some coffee?"
Erin made a face. "I hate coffee."
"Good, me too."
They began to walk down the street, away from the agency.
"How about ice cream?" Erin suggested.
Doyle nodded. "Ice cream it is. My treat."

   *  *  *

Doyle woke up the next morning to the sound of water running. He threw the
covers off and stood up, then stretched. Walking out into the hall, he could
see Erin in the bathroom washing her face.
"She found her brothers." Angel said from where he sat in a chair.
Doyle turned to him. "What?"
"After you two came back last night, she spent the whole night looking
through the phone book and calling people. She found her brothers."
Doyle's face fell. "So she's not staying here?"
Angel shook his head. "I don't think so."
Erin came out of the bathroom smiling and she hugged Doyle quickly in her
happiness. "Did Angel tell you? I found out where Jason and Glen have been
staying all this time. I'm going to see them today and I'll probably move in
with them too." She smiled happily. "All this is because I told you what was
going on. Thank you Doyle."
He swallowed the lump that was building in his throat. "No problem."
She turned around. "How do I look? I'm so nervous, I haven't seen them in
Angel nodded. "You look very nice."
"Okay, I'm packed and I have the address. What time is it?"
"Almost noon." Angel answered.
"I should get going. I'm going to be late." Erin reached down and picked up
the duffle bag that sat by a chair. She paused for a moment, then dropped
the bag and hugged Angel tightly. "Thank you."
He smiled. "You're welcome. And if you ever need help,"
"I know," she interrupted him, "you guys are always here. Tell Cordelia I
said bye."
Angel nodded and stood up. "I'll let you two say goodbye."
Doyle stared at Erin for a moment before speaking. "I didn't know you'd be
leaving so soon."
"Neither did I, but I found them. After all this time."
"You weren't even here for two days."
"I know."
"You weren't even here for two days and I'm going to miss you so much."
Erin's face fell. "I'm sorry Doyle. I'll miss you too. And it's not like I'm
even leaving the city. I can come visit you whenever you want me to."
"I know."
"Then why are you still looking at me like that?"
"Because it feels like the end." He answered.
Erin shook her head. "It's not. Doyle, this is only the beginning. Do you
think I'll be able to sleep every night knowing stuff like Ross is still out
there? No, I'll want to help you guys. I'll be here as often as I can."
Doyle moved forward and hugged her and Erin sighed into his shoulder.
"Thanks for everything Doyle. I'll see you soon."
He let her go and nodded as she picked up the duffle bag and walked toward
the front door.
Doyle followed her at a distance and watched as she stopped at the door and
turned around.
She smiled at him, then moved closer to him. Doyle smiled back, then
wondered what she was doing.
"Erin, wha-"
He was cut off when she kissed him and he nearly stumbled backward. Catching
himself, Doyle wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her back.
"What was that?" He asked, when they stepped apart.
Erin shrugged. "I just thought if I didn't do it now, then I'd never do it."
She smiled. "I'll call you later Doyle. Bye."
Then she turned and walked down the stairs.
Doyle grinned. "Bye." He said quietly, watching her leave.
"Well done, I must say." Angel spoke from the doorway and Doyle whirled
around in surprise.
"You would have turned that into such an awkward kiss if you didn't save
yourself from falling."
Doyle smiled. "I almost did fall, didn't I?"
Angel nodded. "Which I would have loved to see, but that was nice too.
Whatever happened to Cordelia?"
"Well, I still think she's very nice to look at but," he shrugged, "then
there's Erin."
Angel grinned. "Maybe I was wrong Doyle. Maybe she won't break your heart."
Doyle nodded. "Maybe."

Leah's Diary