Bloodly Hell
Rated: PG
Spoilers: Clover stories
Author's Note: This story takes place after "Peace,Love, and Death."  I had to
write this.
Disclaimer: I don't own Spike or the songs "I Knew I Loved You" and
Summary: Spike and Clover talk about what is their real realiship about; or
do they?
Dedication: For all those Spike/Clover shippers out there

Clover walked slowly into the Bronze. As she stepped in she was aware of a
vampire in the club. A vampire that she knew very well;a vampire that she
maybe even loved. The Chosen One stopped at a table were Car Ronnie and a few
other girls from the cheerleading squad sat talking. She pulled up a seat and
smiled as they all told her how great her new outfit looked on her.

As Clover talked with the other girls her green eyes darted around looking
for the vampire. She spotted him across the room, and a smile grew on her

Spike watched as Clover walked into the Bronze in a tight pair of jean pants,
brown boots, and a plain white shirt with a  light blue buniess shirt over
it. For a spilt second he thought that maybe that Will guy or even Doyle had
given it to her. But no, Clover couldn't be won with gifts; he knew that all
to well.
Even after he had given her the cross;which she never took off; it had still
taken her a good few weeks to even stop telling him that she would stake him
every two minutes.

Spike smiled at the memory and his smile grew as he felt her eyes on him from
across the club.

Clover made her good-byes to the other girls and made her way over to the
other side of the Bronze.
And to Spike. He meet her halfway. Just then a song from the late 90s gave
on. Clover took a deep breath.

//Maybe it's intuition
but some things you just don't question
Like in your eyes
I see my future in an instant
And there it goes
I think I found my best friend
I know that it might sound more than a little crazy
But I believe//

Spike tried to clam her by smiling, but her face just grew more scared.

"Spike, didn't think I'd see you here. After you took a bite out of me and
all." She folded her arms.

Spike nearly smirked but held it back. "Well, I just came by because I knew
I'd find you here. Listen,baby we should talk. I didn't mean to hurt you, I
did it to protect you. I'm...I'm sorry."

Clover grinned sideways. She touched her neck where the scar Spike had left
when he bit her. "It's fine. But the thing is, I'm glad your here." Spike
seemed to smile. "The thing is I...I can't see you ever again. Because when I
do..I don't think of you as badass vampire Spike. I think of you as just
The guy I joke around with and half the time can't stand. The guy who has
saved my life more times then I can count. The guy who...who"

//I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into life
I knew I loved you before I met you
I have been waiting all my life

There's just no rhyme or reason
Only this sense of completion
And in your eyes
I see the missing pieces
I'm searching for
I think I've found my way home//

Spike put his hand on Clover's shoulder. "Oh baby. I um think." He looked
away. "Bloodly hell, I thinkI've fallen for you."

"Yeah, I know how you feel. I can't love you because you could turn of me, 
or  well even now you throw me off when I fight.or die or.."

Spike smiled, he leaned down and kissed Clover. She kissed him back and they
wrapped their arms around eachother.

//I know that it might sound more than a little crazy
But I believe

I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into life
I knew I loved you before I met you
I have been waiting all my life//

They stopped and Clover looked at Spike thru her tears. "So does this mean
what I think it means?"

"If your asking if I love you then the answer is and always has been yes,

The tears feel more freely and Spike kissed them away. He wrapped her in a
hug. "I love you." He whispered in her ear.

//A thousand angels dance around you
I am complete now that I've found you

I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into life
I knew I loved you before I met you
I have been waiting all my life//

Clover drew backwith out warning. "When I'm with you I wish I were dead, so
we would be together for ever." Then she eploxed into ashes.

Spike looked at the shape in front of him. Sarr stood their a stake in hand.
"Welcome home Spike."

//I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into life
I knew I loved you before I met you
I have been waiting all my life//

Spike shot up in his bed his forehead beaded with sweat. He jumped out of
bed, got dressed. He went to the Bronze.

Spike found Clover outside the Bronze. He growled low as he saw who she was
with; that Will guy. His eyes narrowed as he saw that she was wearing the
same thing she had been wearing in his dream. He looked down at his black
pants, black shirt and long black duster;the same thing he had worn in his

Will and Clover stood around the outside of the Bronze. Will wrapped his
jacket around him and made noises as his tongue clicked the inside of his
mouth. Clover whistled a song she had heard on her radio that afternoon.

Will turned to Clover. "Man, Jitter this is so dull.Can't we go in. I'll
dance with you." He told her in a voice that made Clover want to laugh.

"Because," Clover reminded him. "I happen to know that Spike will be here
tonight, and I have a score to seatle with him."

"Revenge can be sweet, but it can also be bad for a person, Jitter. You
remember all the stuff I told you about my Mom."

"True, so true. How is your Mom?"

"She's good. Oh, man I got to piss. I'll be back." He ran into the Bronze
leaving Clover alone.
Spike took a deep breath, even though he couldn't breath and walked up to
Clover. She glared at him. "Hey,pet. I just came by because I had a dream..."

"That one day Slayers and Vampires would live in peace." Clover shot at him.

"No, that. Wait is this a dream? Because everytime I tell you how I feel it's
a dream."

"It's real Spike, now talk before your a coat rack." She folded her arms and
he sighed.

//You make me come
You make me comeplete
You make me comepletely miserable
Stuck to a chair
Watchin' this
Story about me
Everything goes by so fast
Making my head spin//

"I had this dream see and in it. You died. Sarr killed you with a stake.
Which means you became a vampire between the time I first saw you and we

"We kissed?! Was I on something?"

"No, we told eachother that we loved oneanother which is not true. I love

Clover looked away. "Oh.." She said softly.

//Used up all my friends
But who needs them
When you mean everything
I love things that we should fear
I'm not afraid of being here
So much the same
It makes me helpless alone
Nothing to share//

Spike looked at the Slayer his face full of shock. Maybe she did love him?
"So I think it would be best if I  stayed away from you. Because the truth is
Slayer that even though I know I shouldn't and even though I curse myself
everyday because of it-I care about you. And I don't want you to die."

//Why should I
Care if you're near me
Give up all my plans
But who needs them
When you mean everything
I love the things that we should fear
I'm not afraid of being here//

"Really? Spike...I don't know what to say. I care about you to. But I know
we can't see eachother anymore. I know because I'm not my best when your
around. And you took a bite out of me and all." She let out a bitter laugh.
"How come I can never like normal guys?"

"I'm not normal?" He asked with a laugh. "So we stay away from eachother?"

Clover just nodded. She began to take her cross off, but he stopped her. "You
keep it, to remember that even if I can't be around you-I still love you."
With that he leaned down and kissed Clover softly on the lips.

//So much the same
It makes me helpless alone
You make me come
You make me complete
You make me completely miserable
I love the things that we should fear
I'm not afraid of being here//

He pulled away. "I'll see you around Slayer." He turned and walked into the

Clover nodded. "Bloodly Hell. I've fallen for a vampire." She told herself as
she went into the Bronze.

//So much the same
It makes me helpless alone
You make me come
You make me comeplete
You make me comepletely miserable//

Maybe it's intuition
but some things you just don't question
Like in your eyes
I see my future in an instant
And there it goes
I think I found my best friend
I know that it might sound more than a little crazy
But I believe

Oak's Diary