
*Disclaimer and all the other nifties in the Prologue.

Chapter Ten:

    Someone was saying my name.
    I didn't feel like moving. I was comfy.
    "Anita!" Now I was being shaken.
    I swatted at whoever it was and burrowed under the sheets. "Go 'way," I 
mumbled, sounding like a temperamental toddler.
    I heard Jason's laugh and sat up, scowling at him.
    He grinned at me. "Sleep well?"
    I shrugged and looked at Jean-Claude and Asher, still dead to the 
    "Why'd you wake me up?" I asked.
    "You need to eat something. It's almost dinner time. I thought you might 
want some coffee first," Jason said.
    I wasn't hungry, but coffee sounded good.
    I got up and was halfway to the door when I realized I was naked except 
for a pair of panties and a bra. 
    Jason didn't oggle me for once, for which I was grateful. He looked 
almost embarrassed.
    "Uh,you can use one of Jean-Claude's robes and I'll bring the coffee to 
you," he said. 
    I managed a smile. "Thanks,Jason."
    He nodded and left the room.
    I blinked into the dimness of the room, looking for Jean-Claude's closet. 
    I decided against rummaging around in his closet when I spied a robe 
draped over the arm of a large wing-backed chair.
    I slid the cool silk on and glanced at the bed.
    The only light was coming from the hallway, but I could tell which was 
which, despite their similar builds.
    Mostly because Asher's hair was golden even in near-darkness.
    I knew Asher was shirtless,even without the light. I'd sort of woken up 
with my face on his chest like a pillow. Comfy pillow. 
    I could see Jean-Claude's bare shoulders, and my curiosity started 
getting to me.
    Neither of them was wearing a shirt. Made me wonder what else they 
weren't wearing.
    I tied the sash in the robe to hold it closed and padded over to the bed.
    I was probably going to be really embarrassed if I pulled the sheet back 
and they were naked, but I couldn't *not* look.
    I took hold of the sheet just above Asher's waist and pulled it back.
    Asher didn't so much as twitch.
    I stared at his face for a second before I looked. He was wearing black 
boxer shorts, probably silk, but I would have to touch them to know for sure. 
I wasn't going to do that. Not while he was asleep.
    If I really wanted to know, he'd probably tell me.
    I pulled the sheet back up to Asher's waist and went to Jean-Claude's 
side of the bed. 
    I pulled the sheet down, and he was wearing a pair of boxers identical to 
Asher's, except that they were a deep blue that I knew would match his eyes.
    I covered him back up and sat at the foot of the bed,between them.
    I wasn't sure if I was relieved or disappointed that they weren't naked.
Broken: Part XI