
*Disclaimer and all the other nifties in the Prologue:

Chapter Thirteen:

    Jean-Claude was not happy with Jason and I.
    It was bad enough that we'd laughed at his reaction to my ensemble.
    What really pissed him off was Jason's comment about catching flies if he
didn't close his mouth.
    It didn't help that we'd laughed some more when he'd given us a
disapproving glare.
    I could blame it on having survived a traumatic experience. I think Jason
just enjoyed being able to yank his chain.
    I couldn't really bitch about that,since I generally did the same to
Bert. One of my favorite hobbies was pissing Bert off.
    I kind of felt bad when Jean-Claude started giving both Jason and I the
silent treatment. Guess it was still possible to hurt his feelings.
Damn.Oh,well. It didn't make it any less funny.
    Even Asher had cracked a smile at Jean-Claude's reaction, and he was Mr.
Stoic himself.
    I offered to make it up to Jean-Claude later, but I don't think he got
    I knew Jason got it, because he pouted at me. Heaven help me, but I
actually thought it was cute.
    I don't think Asher got it until Jason started his 'pitiful me' routine.
    Oh,well. My sense of humor has always been appreciated.

Trace's Diary