
*Disclaimer and all the other nifties in the prologue.

Chapter Seven:

    I dimly heard Asher's voice asking what had happened and then the vague
sensation of being passed to someone else.
    Jean-Claude had to pry my fingers off of his shirt. "Ma petite, you are
safe. Relax."
    I couldn't make my eyes open,I was so tired. I didn't have a clue who was
carrying me now, just that they smelled good. Familiar.
    "Where do you want her?" Asher asked.
    I realized he was the one carrying me.
    "She is covered in blood,take her to the bathroom. I will have Jason draw
a bath," Jean-Claude said.
    I felt Asher's hair brush my face as he nodded, then we were moving
    I heard Jason turn on the tub as Asher carried me into the bathroom.
    He tried to put me down, and I clung to him. God, but I was embarrassing
the hell out of myself. What's worse, I didn't give a shit.
    If the entire pard came to touchie-feelie me to death right then, I
wouldn't have minded. I needed to be held.
    Asher sat on the edge of the tub and just held me in his lap without
saying anything. I was grateful for that. I didn't need words. I needed a
teddy bear, and all my stuffed penguins were at home.
    "Is she okay?" Jason asked.
    "She will be," Asher told him.
    I wasn't as confident as Asher sounded. I had a feeling something inside
me had broken that couldn't be fixed.
    I had finally burned out, and it wasn't in the middle of a case for the
RPIT, or a zombie-raising gone haywire, or an illegal vampire execution. It
was in the middle of having my workplace violated and my coworkers
slaughtered like insignificant ants on a sidewalk.
    For the first time since I'd graduated college, I wanted out. I wanted a
normal life. Or as normal as I could get being Lupa to the Lukoi and Namir-Ra
to the pard, and Jean-Claude's Human Servant. Didn't look like it was going
to happen. Shit. But, anything's possible.

Broken: Part VIII

Trace's Diary