Part 5- Owl Post


            Severus Snape drank at his coffee slowly as he stared out the faculty room window, leaning on both elbows. His entire body was relaxed, almost in bliss from the satiated need for caffeine. Black eyes slowly shut as he tilted the mug back, the sunlight trickling through the window annoyingly. He hated sitting up here, since it was too cheerful. He squinted, the sunlight making his eyes ache furiously. He turned his face away, a curtain of black hair falling over his eyes and overshadowing them. He thankfully closed his eyes, resting them from the stinging stress of looking out the window.

            Then a huge white blur crashed into his head, bowling him off his chair with a loud thud, and making him spill his coffee all over his face. He spluttered wildly, the hot liquid burning and cooling instantly. Once he had realized what had happened, he wiped his eyes with his sleeve and peered at the creature. He then glared at the innocent, snowy owl that hopped along the stones towards him. Snape lay there and watched it hesitatingly creep forward on sharp talons that scratched the stone floor, peering at him curiously. Snape sat up a little on his elbow, reaching forward to take the thin parchment from around the owl’s feathery leg. He unrolled the parchment, sitting up completely and leaning both of his elbows against his abandoned chair. He spread the parchment out upon the treated, tan wood, and the owl fluttered from its position up to the edge of the table.



            Like I promised, I sent you a note…the delivering owl’s name is Hedwig, by the way, and she’s been my owl even from when I was in Hogwarts. Isn’t she adorable? Anyway, since I know you don’t really value that kind of thing, I’ll get down to business.

            I decided that we could go out this Wednesday…sort of a lunch kind of thing. I was thinking about just going out to a bar, but it seemed too casual. Besides that, I chose the place we’re going to…it’s hard to find a good wizard restaurant, you know, since most of the restaurants existing are muggle created-and I’m sure you wouldn’t enjoy that-


            Severus wondered whether this was Harry really getting to the point, or if he was just taking up space upon the parchment.


            -so I decided we could go to the Twiggy Bump. Have you ever heard of that place? It’s somewhere Ron and I discovered in Hogsmeade. Easy enough to find, and it’s got pretty good bits to eat, from what I heard. I was going to leave it up to you how you wanted to get there, but I’ve got my own ways-you can get there from the school, can’t you? It’s three stores down from the candy shop (although I can’t correctly remember what it’s called-it’s been a year or two, and I don’t have that terrific of a memory). I’m pretty sure you would know about it.

            So how have you been doing? It’s been a few days since we talked. I hope you’re all right-drinking coffee, I suppose, since it’s probably morning by the time Hedwig drops by-I hope she didn’t create that much of a fuss-


            How ironic, Snape thought to himself, as he looked down at his coffee soaked robes. Hedwig hooted in his ear apologetically, and more or less for the sake of his hearing, Severus waved the bird away dismissively. She pecked at her wing momentarily and hopped back, staring down at him still and giving him the oddest sensation of being watched.


            -and I hope she’s being good company. She has a tendency to be sort of all knowing. Makes you paranoid, doesn’t she?


            Snape could just hear the humour within Harry’s voice as he glared at the owl. She hooted and flapped her wings.


            Anyway, give me the date and time you’d like to meet me there. I’ll be free from today (which is when you get this letter) to Wednesday. It doesn’t matter to me when the time should be-just give me the time you’re available and I can work around it.

            All righty…I’ll be awaiting your post. Do give Hedwig some water for her work, will you? It’s been a few months since she’s made the trip to Hogwarts, and it was stormy last night. I had the hardest of times getting her to deliver this to you.





            Hedwig gave him a plaintive look, and Snape rolled up the parchment, getting up with a disgruntled sigh. He made his way to the faculty sink, pouring water into a bowl and settling it down upon the table. He took a quill, inkwell, and a clean piece of parchment from the supplies closet, sitting down and thinking while listening to Hedwig click thirstily in the water. He smoothed the parchment down onto the table and licked the quill tip before opening the black colored bottle with his teeth, dipping it in and resting the bottle on top of the curled paper.



            I’m pleased to inform you that your owl has thoroughly drenched me in my own coffee. Not only has she been good company, but she’s stared at me through the entire reading of your letter as if I were some sort of dingbat. I don’t know where your definition of “cute” comes from, but I do believe that this owl serves your purposes well. Yes, I did give her water as you had requested.

            I know where the Twiggy Bump is…of course I can meet you from the path directly from Hogwarts. I’ll meet you this Tuesday…today is Sunday, I presume, so I can make it. All of the students have either gone home for Christmas or are wandering absently around school grounds. 12:30 would work…I have a meeting early that day with the rest of the faculty, and it’ll be over by 11:00.

            I’ve been fine. The absence of schoolwork makes a teacher unnaturally edgy, since the stress is gone and the pressure has lifted. Some are thankful; some are not. I am one of those people who are not. I enjoy working. It keeps me on my toes.

            I suppose I’ll meet you down at that restaurant, then, since I don’t have anything more to say (nor do I want to say it in an owl post-they sometimes get dropped).

                                                                                    Severus Snape                    


            Severus stared at the short letter, glancing back at Harry’s note. He deliberated about writing another, longer letter, but he decided not to. He studied his sharp, jagged script for a moment, examining the legibility of his own handwriting. He then looked up at Hedwig, whom had stopped drinking, and had thrust a talon forward proudly. Snape smoothed a finger over the feathers atop her head, and he tilted his head in mild fascination. He then tied the string and letter around her leg, giving her a final pat before she took off, nudging through the windows in flight, only to disappear in a sharp dip into the sky underneath the sill. She rose, both wings spread widely, and she flapped them once, speeding off into the distance.

            Severus watched the owl disappear, wondering how in the heavens he had gotten this deeply involved with Harry Potter, and where it would lead.

Chapter Six-"Moth"

Sephiroth G's Diary