
These characters belong to Joss Whedon, with the exception of Christina. She and the events surrounding her are mainly my ideas (including my assumption of Angel's past). If any copyright laws were broken, I sincerely appologize.



It's another one of those nights where Buffy Summers spends most of her night fighting the demons of the night, vampires.


Buffy: (after throwing a vamp on a tombstone) Ow! (Looks at her hand) HEY! You made me chip a nail! Now, I'm mad!


Buffy takes her stake and throws it at the vamp and spikes him right in the heart. The vampire turns to dust.


Buffy: (sighs) One less bloodsucker walking the night. (Turns around and sees Angel) God! Why do you always do that?


Angel: Sorry!


Buffy: Yeah! Sure you are! (Sarcastically)


Angel: Busy night?


Buffy: Actually, yeah. That was my fourth vamp.


Angel: Wow! It hasn't been this busy since the time the Master rose.


Buffy: Don't remind me of that, please!


Angel: Sorry. (Silence for a moment) Can I walk you home?


Buffy: Actually, I was on my way to see Giles at his place.


Angel: Well then, I'll walk with you to Giles's place.


Buffy: (smiles) I'd like that!


As Buffy and Angel start heading out of the cemetery, we see a female shadow next to a tall grave. The shadow then vanishes as quickly as we saw it appear.



At Giles's home…


Giles: I'm so glad you're both here!


Angel: You are?


Buffy: You are?


Giles: Yes Angel. I am! Something is about to happen and I could really use your help!


Buffy: Uh… excuse me but I thought I was the slayer!


Giles: Well, yes, you are… just listen for now.


Buffy: O…K… Thanks… I think…


Angel: So, what can I do Giles?


Giles: Here… (Hands Angel a book) Read this, please…


Angel: (takes book and reads it… sees Buffy digging into Giles's fridge) hmmm… It says here that a new powerful vampire will come, but it will not be against the slayer. It will actually help the slayer.


Giles: I thought at first it was you, but then I realised that you’ve been helping the slayer for the past few years.


Angel: I wish it would say more… but I don’t know who it could be.


Giles: Do you know any powerful vampires?


Angel: Well… there was Christina … she's around my age. Darla made her shortly after I was made. She was a vicious vampire… some even thought she was worse than I was. She killed many many humans. She even killed some of her own.


Buffy: And what happened to this vampire?


Angel: I'm not sure. I haven't seen her since I was cursed. It's been well over a hundred years since I last saw her. All I can say is she is very powerful.


Giles: Could it be her that the prophets speak of?


Angel: I don’t think so.


Buffy: Oh great! (stops for a sec…) Wait a sec… If it is her, could this Christina chick be under a curse like Angel?


Angel: I don’t think it's possible. But she was hunting with me in Romania when I killed the Gypsy princess. The Gypsies could've seen her with me a couple times and put her under the curse, too. But that’s really pushing speculations.


Giles: I see… Were you close with this vampire?


Angel: I had strong feelings for her at one time, but I was involved with Darla.

Giles: Well, if it is her and she is in Sunnydale, we must find her before any other vampires do… Buffy…


Buffy: Whoa! I've got school tomorrow. I can't do anymore hunting tonight!


Giles: Right, you do! …


Angel: I'll watch for her tonight.


Buffy: You sure that's a good idea? What if she tries to kill you… We don’t know what to expect from her.


Angel: She won't kill me. Don't worry. I'll find her and bring her to you both.


Buffy: My mom will be leaving town for the weekend first thing tomorrow morning. Come to my house after sundown.


Angel: All right… Come on Buffy… I'll walk you home… Goodnight Giles.


Buffy: G'night Giles!


Giles: Goodnight, children.



Buffy: Another vamp from your past… what do you think she could be like now?


Angel: Well… it's not sure that she is good or not. I'll have to talk to her first. It would be nice if she was on our side.


Buffy: (stops)


Angel: What is it?


Buffy: All right, it's late, I'm tired and I don't want to fight anymore vamps tonight.


Christina: (moves out of the shadows and speaks with an Irish accent) Angelus! It's been well over a century since we last saw each other. How've you been?


Angel: I've been good.


Chris: That's good! (Looks at Buffy) And you must be the Slayer. I've heard much about you.


Buffy: Are you Christina?


Chris: Yes, I am. And as the prophets have said, I've come to help you.


Buffy: So you are the vamp that Giles’s books talk about. How can I be sure that I can trust you?


Christina: You can’t. I’m a vampire… You’re a Slayer… You know what your duty is. But I am here to help you destroy your enemies… especially Spike and Drusilla.


Angel: Spike and Drusilla? They haven’t been around Sunnydale for several months.


Chris: Aye, 'tis very hard to believe, but they will return.


Buffy: Yeah… but while you’re here, what are you going to be feeding on?


Chris: Humans, of course.

Buffy: Sorry! Bad answer! You see, you’re the kind of vampire I kill. I can’t let you live if you are to attack humans.


Chris: I’m not a drinker of innocent blood. I attack, feed on and kill criminals.


Angel: How can you not feed on innocent humans? It’s as though you feel for them, so you don’t kill them.


Buffy: I don’t feel for them… I just don’t like innocent blood. It’s too sweet.


Angel: That must be hard, though, I mean trying not to hurt others… I mean to not kill, you would have to feel remorse.


Chris: What are you suggesting, Angelus?


Buffy: I don’t know, Christina… maybe he’s suggesting that you have something most vampires don’t… like maybe a soul.


Chris: (Moves closer to Buffy and growls) Trust me, Slayer, it is not a good idea to mess with me. I’ve done much damage in my time as a vampire and I can do serious damage to you. I’m here to help you and then once my good deed has been done, I will be gone.


Angel: But how can you help Buffy?


Chris: I will help her destroy the vampires who have shunned me for the past 100 hundred years.


Buffy: And how do you think you can manage that?


Chris: With time, of course. I have a plan, but I'm not ready to reveal the plan just yet. The first step is to find Spike and Drusilla. Once I find them and they trust me, you may move in for the kill. Of course, in order for them to trust me, I may have to drink innocent blood. I'll do my best not to kill them, but if I do, don't hunt me down. Just think of the many other lives we'll be saving.


Angel: That will be hard to do, I mean not killing will you feed. (notices that daylight will arrive soon) Chrissy, it will be daylight soon. We should get indoors.


Buffy: Christina, where are you staying?


Chris : Since I arrived in Sunnydale, a little here and a little there… mostly in the sewers. Plenty of rats down there… if I get hungry during the day, I just pick and eat… almost like a buffet….


Buffy: Yuck! Well, look, you are more than welcome to stay with me. My Mom will be away and I can sunproof the house.


Chris: Buffy, that is very kind and way too trusting of you. I prefer to stay away. I don't know how much I will be able to control the temptation to feed… especially a slayer’s blood.


Angel: You can stay with me. It's safe and there will be no temptations there. After sundown, we'll meet at Buffy's.


Chris: Agreed.


Angel: Buffy, go home. You've got school in a couple hours. We'll be fine.


Buffy: Just be careful anyway.


Chris: We'll see you at sundown.


Angel: Goodnight, Buffy


Buffy: (smiles) Goodnight.



It's morning. Giles is in the library when Willow and Xander walk in.


Xander: You G! What's up?


Willow: Hi Giles!


Giles: Xander, Willow. Good morning!


Willow: (sits down) Have you seen Buffy yet?


Giles: No, but she should be coming in soon.


Buffy: (walks in) Giles, we need to talk.


Xander: Hey Buffy! Kill any vamps last night?


Buffy: Killed 4 ... Giles...


Giles: Yes, Buffy, what is it?


Buffy: We found Christina...


Giles: Actually, I've been meaning to talk to you about Christina... You found her?


Buffy: Well, more like she found us...


Willow: Who's Christina?


Giles: I found something about her. According to some old watcher diaries, she was just as vicious as Angel was ... perhaps even worse. Darla was her sire. Apparently, Darla and Christina were always competing for Angel’s affection. Darla was not as strong as Christina was. I'm surprised she lived as long as she did.


Buffy: How can a vampire be more powerful than it's sire?


Giles: I really have no idea... And I've been going through Jenny's journal. I'm hoping it might be able to tell if her people cursed Christina also.


Buffy: According to Christina, she's not cursed. But she says she doesn't drink innocent blood... whatever that’s supposed to mean.


Willow: Whoa... is that even possible?


Buffy: I'm not even sure... Is it, Giles?


Giles: It shouldn't be... In order for her to stop herself from killing the innocent, she would need to feel remorseful about her killings.


Xander: She would need a soul.


Giles: Exactly. Buffy, you must be cautious when you meet with her... the same goes for the rest of you.


Willow: (Looks at watch) Hey guys, we'd better head for class.


Xander: Although this is so much more interesting... Buffy, time to be a kid again.


Buffy: I'll check in with you later, Giles.


Buffy and Willow stand up and Xander joins them as they leave the library.



In the old mansion, Christina is reading, Angel is sleeping… He wakes up and stares at Chris… smiles…


Angel: You know, you’re still beautiful.


Chris: (startled) Geez, you startled me… (grins slightly) What do you mean by still? You never told me I was beautiful before.


Angel: Well, maybe I was too shy to tell you…


Chris: Maybe you were terrified of Darla…


Angel: Very funny. (gets up)


Chris: So, you’re obviously still cursed.


Angel: Yeah… well… sort of…


Chris: What do you mean sort of?


Angel: Well, uh… (sighs) This is hard…


Chris: Look…(marks her place in book and puts it down) If you don’t want to talk about it, you don’t have to.


Angel: (Sits next to her on couch) Well, I guess I need to talk about it. (looks down, then looks up at Chris) I have no one else to talk to. Buffy and I were… involved… and one night, we crossed the intimacy line… and … my soul was taken from me.


Chris: You made love with the Slayer?


Angel: Yeah… Pretty stupid… I didn’t know that if I achieved true happiness, I would loose my soul. I went on a killing and tourturing spree for several months… Then, we, Spike, Drusilla and I, wanted to destroy the world by opening the gateway to Hell…


Chris: You opened Acathla’s vortex, the Slayer spiked you with a sword and off to Hell you went?


Angel: How’d you know that?


Chris: I just knew…


Angel: I don’t know why I came back…


Chris: True love opened the vortex and brought you back… That’s what the legend says, anyhow.


Angel: Legend? Where did you read this?


Chris: Can’t remember… sometime ago…


Angel: Oh… What about you?


Chris: What do you mean? (picks up book and starts reading)


Angel: (pushes book down to see Chris’s face) Why didn’t you tell Buffy the truth?


Chris: Why didn’t you?


Angel: I wasn’t the one lying…


Chris: She doesn’t have to know… not now anyway.


Angel: You’re ashamed of what you are, aren’t you?


Chris: Aren’t you? Damn! Sometimes, I just wish Darla killed me. Angel, I hate myself for what I did to all those innocent people.


Angel: I know how you feel… I wish I would’ve died a long time ago, too… But I’ve learned to deal… I guess you haven’t.


Chris: Well, at least I wasn’t bumming around the US for over 80 years…


Angel: Yeah… well, I’ve changed my attitude… I see you haven’t.


Chris: What’s that supposed to mean?


Angel: You know what it means… Besides, how was I to know what the gypsies would do to us?


Chris: I should’ve stayed away like I wanted to, but no! I had to listen to you! " Come one, Chrissy! It’ll be great fun! A whole bunch of Gypsies to feed on! "


Angel: I didn’t know!


Chris: I just don’t understand why I have to suffer for what you did.


Angel: You were with me the night I killed her… Perhaps they thought the best way to make me suffer was to hurt the one that was nearest and dearest to me.


Chris: Oh great! Well, I guessed they goofed bigtime! Darla was your little pet of the hour back then.


Angel: (sighs) Well, maybe they just wanted to curse whoever was with me hunting that night. (thinking to himself, "You were the one who was nearest and dearest to me, Chrissy...")


Chris: So, I was at the wrong place at the wrong time then, huh?


Angel: I guess so… (puts hand on Chris’s cheek) But now… we’re together again… Nothing can tear us apart again… (moves in to kiss her, but she pushes him away) What is it?


Chris: Gee, Angelus, use your head… How did you loose your soul, again? Oh yeah, you had an intimate moment with a woman.


Angel: It takes more than a kiss…


Chris: Come on, Angelus! (gets up and walks around) Have you been blinded or something? A kiss is just a kiss, right? Wrong! If we start with the " smoochies ", as so teenagers put it, one thing will lead to another and then BAM! Angelus and Christina are on an all-you-can-eat buffet with Buffy, the Vampire Slayer as the main course! Angelus… I was a vicious killer at one time… I don’t want to be like that again… ever… (Her eyes burnt with hurt and slight fear. She then changed the subject) Uh… how much longer ‘til sundown?


Angel: There’s a good 5 hours… why?


Chris: Damn, I’m hungry! Oh… I can wait… maybe we could stop at the prison before going to Buffy’s.


Angel: So, you do still feed on humans.


Chris: Only dangerous criminals. Somehow, killing those bad guys makes me feel good. One less maniac walking the streets.


Angel: If you want a snack to tide you over until then, I’ve got some blood in the fridge. You can help yourself.


Chris: Really? Do you want some, too?


Angel: Why don’t you sit down… I’ll get it.


Chris: Great! (sits on couch and waits for Angel)


Angel: (Comes back with two wine glasses filled with blood) I think a toast is in order.


Chris: What on Earth for?


Angel: (holds up glass slightly) How about… to our reunion. May nothing tear us apart ever again!


Chris: (smiles) Sounds good to me! To us… uh… our reunion!


Both take a sip of blood… smile at each other and shyly look away.


Joyce was sitting down at the kitchen counter, reading the newspaper. Buffy walks in, in a slight hurry. She dropped her school bag on the counter, ontop of the newspaper, scrunching it up. She was about to run up the stairs when.


Joyce, "Buffy! Dear God! What is your hurry?"


Buffy came back down the stairs, "Opps! Sorry Mom. Sundown's coming up and there is a new vamp in town that I need to keep an eye on."

Joyce sighed, "I thought we were going to have a quiet night with a movie?"

Buffy, "So sorry Mom. I really can't. This vampire is supposed to be really powerful and we can't risk her going on a killing spree."

Joyce sighed again, "Oh Buffy... I hate your life!"

Buffy raised an eyebrow.

Joyce stood up and held her daughter, "I mean I hate your calling. I know you do it to save the world, but sometimes I wish you weren't the Slayer."

Buffy nodded, "I know Mom... I do, too..." She pulled away, "And I really need to go, Mom. I'll make it up to you, promise!"

Joyce nodded and let go of her daughter, "Be careful, Honey."

Buffy smiled, reassuring her mother, "Always am." She ran up the stairs.

Joyce sat back down and took Buffy's book bag off the counter. She looked at the paper and sighed. It was torn and too wrinkled to read. She rested her elbows on the counter top and laid her chin in her hands. She sighed, smiling.



Angel and Chrissy were walking outside the prison wall. Chris motionned to Angel keep quiet and to stay put.

Chris grinned, "I won't be long..."

Angel nodded and watched her climb the wall. Her long brown hair blowing in the slight breeze. She sighed and jumped back down. She took off her leather jacket and tossed it to Angel. He caught it and looked at her, slightly confused.

"It's uncomfortable wearing that while I climb." She then climbed the wall quickly and dissappeared over the wall.

Only a few moments passed and then a man's scream echoed in the area. Angel lifted his head and shook his head, slightly grinning, "Hasn't lost her touch at all."

Chris then climbed the wall quickly and jumped down. She looked at Angel, "We better get out of here. A guard saw me. I had to .... ahem... dispose of him." An alarm broke out in the prison. Chrissy's eyes widened and she started running.

Angel sighed, "Your jacket... Wait... CHRISSY!" He took off after her.



In the Library...

Giles was reading another book. "Here, here! I found something more about Christina!"

Buffy and Willow looked up from their books.

Giles stopped, took his glasses off. "She has done more damage in Europe than Angelus. Dear God... "


Willow stared at Giles, "What is it, Giles?"

Xander and Cordelia just walked into the library.

Giles didn't notice, "Oh Dear God... Buffy, you must be incredibly careful with Christina..."

Buffy, "Giles, chill... How bad can it be?"

Giles stared at Buffy, "Christina has killed 5 Slayers..."

Willow, "Wowsers! Five??"

Xander, "Five Slayers? Yeesh! Buffy, I think you should do the stake thing in this vamp's heart ASAP!"

Giles, "There's more... "

Buffy, "Well... Tell us!"

Giles, "Christina was a Slayer... She was called a few days after Angel proposed to her. Just two months later, Angel dissappeared. Just a few days after his Mother was viciously murdered. Christina's Watcher forced to her to concentrate on her slaying. She went several months without knowing what happened to her fiancé... until nearly a year later. Christina returned to Galway, to her family farm. She went to see her family and when she walked in, Angel was there. Darla was upstairs, killing her siblings. Christina was so distracted by seeing Angel, that her senses were blocked. She didn't realize that Angel was there killing her family. He played along. When Darla came back down, she then grabbed Christina and fed on her. She then transformed Christina..."

Cordelia stared at Giles, "She killed 5 Slayers?"

Xander, "Cordy, we're way past that... We're into the part why this vampire is so powerful!"

Willow, "She knew every move the Slayer she was fighting had... Buffy, you really gotta be careful around her."

Buffy nodded, and pulled out her cross necklace around her neck, "I'm already thinking about how to stop her."



Christina lead the way to the school's entrance. Angel was right behind her. He then placed a hand gently on her shoulder, "Your jacket..."

Chris turned and looked at Angel, right into his mysterious eyes. She blushed slightly after realizing she was staring, "Oh... Right... Thanks."

She put her hand on it, but he put his on hers. Angel smiled at her, "Allow me..." Angel pulled the jacket onto her arms and then rubbed her shoulders. He breathed in her scent and sighed.

Chris pulled away, "All right... Which door?"

Angel sighed, slightly dissapointed, "Um... Right through the main one."

Chris lead the way again and walked through the main door.

Angel lead her to the library.


In the library...

Giles sighed, "We can handle her... I'm sure... So far, she seems to be on our team."

Buffy, "Giles is right... She came here to help us, so let's accept her help... and deal with her later..."

Angel, "Hey... We're here."

Christina smiled at the gang, "Talking about me, I see."

The whole Scooby gang blushed.

Cordelia, "Now that's a vampire with style!" Cordy extended her hand to Christina, "Hello, I am Cordelia.."

Chris stared at Cordy's hand, then at her face, "A vampire with style?"

Cordelia, "Well, your outfit is just so slick and totally cool! You wear leather very well."

Xander gawked, "Damn right you do!" Buffy nudged him.

Angel glared at Xander and then smiled at Cordelia, "Yes, she wears leather well! Now on to business..." Buffy stared at Angel, then smiled at him. He smiled back.

Giles, "And what exactly is our business?"

Christina, "Well..." She sat down and propped her feet up on the table, picking up one of the books that was turned to a moment in her past. "I was kind of hoping to kill Drusilla and Spike, but Buffy and Angelus tell me they haven't been around for months... But I will help you kill some demons and such."

Giles knocked her feet off the table, "Well, the Hellmouth has been quiet lately.

Willow, "Except for the Mayor being a baddie... Nothing has been going on lately."

Chris, "A bad Mayor, eh?" She read the passage about her killing her first Slayer. She paled slightly and put the book down.

Angel saw a bit of distress in her eyes. "Well, with Faith often going AWOL on us, Christina could be of some help."

Buffy, "Yeah... I'm sure she could be..." Buffy stared at her, caution in her eyes, as did the rest of the Slayerettes and Giles.

Christina stood up and bolted out of the library.

Angel watched her go, "Great! Guys! She's on our side! She won't hurt any of you! We need all the help we can get and if you treat her like she's here to kill, then she'll go away!"

Giles, "Perhaps it's just as well she does, Angel. As it stands now, she's evil and she's not to be trusted."

Angel sighed. "Fine then... If you feel that way, I can understand your point of view. But in the meantime, she is here to help! I suggest we take it and don't make her mad!" He turned on his heel and went out into the hall.

Xander followed him

Angel then went to the gym. Chrissy was sitting atop a basketball hoop. "Chrissy, come down from there! They look at me like that, too!"

Chris tried to hide her tears from Angel. "I don't want to go back, Angel... They've been reading up on me... They know about the monster I once was!"

Angel looked at her, he felt his pain. "Chrissy..." He sighed. He didn't know what to say.

Just then, 5 vampires tackled Angel. He yelled, "Chrissy! Help!" Chris jumped down from the basketball hoop and pulled one of the vampires off of Angel.

Buffy looked up from her book, "What was that?"

Xander came running back into the library, "Vampires in the gym! They're attacking Angel! There's like 5 of them!"

Buffy and the Slayerettes bolted to the gym. When they got there, Chrissy was pulling Angel up and she dusted herself off.

Buffy just stared, then snapped out of it, "Xander said there were 5 vamps here."

Angel nodded, "There were, Chrissy got them all."

Xander, "Um... Last I saw her, she was sitting atop that basketball hoop!"

Chris sighed and left the gym without anyone noticing, until Angel turned to his side, "Chrissy?" He swore, "You guys have to trust her! If you don't, she'll dissappear again for God only knows how long!"

Giles, "Angel, what is this about? Is this about her helping us or is this about you finding your long lost lover again after all these years?"

Angel glared at Giles and left.

Buffy sighed, "I think we blew it!"

Giles, "Did we? Or is it for the best?"

Willow, "No... I think I agree with Buffy. She wouldn't be upset like that if she was bad.."

Oz agreed, "She seems too... sweet... I think she really is on our side!"

Buffy, "And Angel wouldn't defend her so much if she weren't."

Giles, "Well, until we know for sure, I don't trust her."


Angel ran after Chris, "Christina! Wait! Don't go!"

Chris turned around, tears were streaming down her face, "Why stay if I know I'm not wanted here?"

Angel went to hold her and she pushed him away, "Don't touch me! Just leave me alone!"

Angel sighed, "Chrissy... Please don't go away..."

Chris, "I have to... I offer my help, and they put it down. The next thing for me to do is leave..."

Angel shook his head, "No... Please... Please don't leave me alone again... I need you..."

Chris had turned to leave again, but stopped and looked at Angel, "What did you say?"

Angel went closer to her, "Please, don't leave me again... I lived for too long without you... I couldn't do it again!"

Chris stared at him, tears staining her face, "Angel... Are you... Are you still in love with me?"

Angel looked down and away.

A short, male shadow approached them. His accent was from Brooklyn, "Actually, it was since you left him that he became such a bum for over 80 years."

Angel looked up, "Whislter?"

Whistler, "And I can see why you were so depressed! Man! She's hot!"

Chris growled at him, as did Angel.

Whisleter, "Sorry, sorry! Look, Christina... Stay here... The last thing this world needs is for Angelus here to go all stinky again! And the Hellmouth could use you here. I mean, you were a Slayer once and the combined power of a Slayer and a Vampire... The Earth has never seen anything like it before..."

Angel stared at Christina, "What did he just say about you being a Slayer??"

Chris looked down, "Oh damn..."

Angel, "Chrissy... Talk to me!"

Chris looked at Whislter, "You are so dead!"

Whislter, "I'm already dead, Sweetheart! Looks like you've been keeping secrets from your main man for many years!"

Chris looked at Angel and then looked away.

Angel, "Why didn't you tell me?"

Chris, "I didn't feel it was necessary..."

Angel, "Well, geez! Chrissy! You being a Slayer is a BIG deal!"

Chris, "I'm surprised you never figured it out yourself, Angel."

Angel, "Why do you say that?"

Chris turned away, "After killing 5 Slayers so easily... Did you think it was suppose to be that easy for just any vampire?"

Angel stared at her and shook his head, "No... I guess it wasn't..."

Chris sighed and started to walk away. Angel grabbed her arm, "Chrissy... Please... I beg you... Don't leave..."

Chris felt tears well in her eyes, "I have to go, Angel..."

Angel tightened his grip, "I need you, Christina... I need you here with me... I still love you... I never stopped..."

Chris froze in place and turned her head to look at Angel in the eyes. His eyes were welling up with tears. Chrissy stared at him, "You haven't said that since..." Angel sighed, "Since Mother died... I know... And I wish I could've said it to you when we were bad... Darla would've killed me if she found out..."

Chris stared at the ground, "But you told her ... many times..."

Angel, "I was afraid of her... She was strong and would've killed me in a flash!"

Chris started to pull away. Angel held her and pulled her to him. She looked down, he lifted her chin so he look into her big blue eyes, "I never stopped loving you, Christina... And if you leave, I don't know what I'll do..."

Whisleter, "Don't let him become stinky again!"

Chris glared at Whislter, as did Angel. Chris then looked into Angel's eyes and saw his plea through them. She sighed and smiled softly, "All right... I'll stay..." Angel smiled and then hugged her. When he pulled back, their eyes locked again and they moved in for a tender kiss. His lips brushed hers gently and she shivered. He held her close and then kissed her gently. Chris felt like her insides were going to jump out of her body. She then pulled away for the gentle kiss and looked away. Angel turned her head and she was bright red. He giggled at her flustered face, "Just like when we were young... You still blush when I kiss you!" Chrissy blushed more, "Angel... Stop it..." Angel smirked at her red face and then pulled away. He looked for Whislter and he was gone.



To Be Continued...

Natty's Diary