Co-written by Innocence(Inny), Saitana and with a little cooperation of Kid and John TFS

Disclaimer: The plot for this story came from the twisted mind of Inny. Saitana and Kid co-wrote it with my for rp. She's great! Thanks Sait I so owe you! The characters except for Rafe, who was Sait's idea, and Morgraine(Sait came up with the name) who was mine, they belong to Mr. Whedon and company.

Note: this was written to no time period. generally it's when the love quadrangle had already hit a sticky spot and leaving Faith out because there were only three of us playing! Okay this was an original fanfic idea and was role played on TBTPB or The Bronze Threaded Posting Boards by me(inny), Sait and Kid.

Buffy, Xander, Cordy, Oz, Faith-played by Inny

Part 1: Rafe

Buffy Summers stood leaning against the fence of the school with her friends, Willow, Xander, Oz and Cordy.

"Hey Buff don't you have to hurry and meet Giles this morning?" Xander asked.

"Well not really." she replied. "I'm perfecting the lost art of dawdling. And besides what's there to meet for? Transylvannia Central's Fang Force is subdued and all and I plan to enjoy it."

"Yeah, but Buff, the last time you took it easy..." Willow said.

Buffy shrugged nochalantly and brushed it off.

"Come on guys I can handle it." she said. "Dont you guys want to learn all about this lost art of mine? Just a few more minutes before we go in and meet with Giles?" she pleaded.

"All right." Xander said reluctantly.

Buffy turned and gazed out to the school's entrance when she saw a hot guy getting out of a screaming red Ferrari.

"Whoa....who is that?" she muttered as she checked him out.

Rafe stepped out of the car, dusting off his black jeans and black shirt. He also had on a black trenchcoat and grabed a silver nobbed black cane out of the car along with a black breifcase. He strode puposely up the front steps of the school, but hesitated at the doors, then he went in.

Buffy whistled to herself, her eyes following the new guy. She turned to Will and Xander.

"Okay guys we can do in NOW." she said.

Rafe, walked along getting admiring looks from all the girls in the hall, he was suposed to meet a MR. Rupert Giles, he was his advisor, but he was a little lost, he considered asking one of the teachers when he saw Buffy walking up to him.

Buffy smiled at the new guy and extended a hand to him.

"Hi I'm Buffy. You're new here?" she asked.

"So am I. Well I was new here a year ago." she added with a grin.

"I'm Xander I've lived here all my life and it still has a few surprises for me" Xander said dryly.

"Hello, I'm Rafe." He said taking her hand and kissing it. "I was looking for a Mr. Giles, he's my student advisor, but I'm afraid I have gotten myself lost."

Buffy flashed Rafe a grin. He really was awfully cute. If only her heart didn't belong to...she shoved the thought away.

"What a coincidence! We're on our way to Mr. Giles right now. Come with us and we'll introduce you to him." she said still smiling sweetly.

Xander rolled his eyes at Oz, Cordy, and Will.

Rafe followed them down the hall staring at Buffy the whole way...This might be a little fun, to get to know her while I'm here. Rafe thought.

Willow glanced at Buffy. "So, what do you think of the new guy?"

A motorcycle slowed as it passed the school. The rider was in all leather and had a pitch black helmet on.

Buffy grinned at Willow.

"Well Willow does the statement, 'I'm drooling all over myself' do anything for you?" she replied.

Xander caught up to them in time to here Buffy's last statement.

"What him? The Julio Iglesias wannabe? You gotta be kidding me Buffy!" Xander said.

The gang reached the library and they entered with Buffy leading the way.

"Oh Giles!" she called out. "You have a visitor!"

Giles hit his head while coming up from under the counter. "God da-" holds his head. "Oh, hello Buffy." he greeted her.

Buffy smiled at Giles and gestured towards Rafe.

"Giles this is Rafe. You're apparently his advisor." she said. She then turned to Rafe. "Rafe the graceful creature you see before you is Librarian Rupert Giles."

"Mr. Giles? My name is Rafe, you wee assigned to me as my student advisor," He pulls a piece of paper out of his briefcase and hands it to Giles. (The Paper is his schedule) "Mr. Snyder told me that you would need to see this."

Giles said "Oh, Rafe! I've been expecting you. I was just digging up some books for you a moment ago." he smiled nervously.

The motorcyclist did a screeching U-turn and sped past the school one last time.

"Thank you sir. I belive I am suposed to find some one named Oz to catch me up. I will leave you to your work now."

Giles said "Work? Oh, yes. Come back any time."

"Buffy, maybe you could help me, come with me to find this, um Oz sili-whatever person." Rafe said.

Buffy smiled. "Oh sure. No problem. You came to the right person as a matter of fact Oz hangs with us right?"

Another young man walked the halls, wearing nothing but black leather. It was the motorcyclist. He turned and entered Snyder's office.

"Right" Willow said.

"Good, shall we set out to find him then." Rafe said.

Buffy turned and walked out in search of their friend Oz. She found him drinking from a water fountain and greeted him cheerfully.

"Hi Oz!"

Oz straightened and smiled warmly at Buffy.

Oz ran a hand through his hair and glanced at Willow and flashed a smile at her.

"Hi Buffy. What up?" he greeted.

Buffy said," Well Oz this is Rafe he's a new student here and you were assigned to help him."

Oz turned to Rafe and gave him a polite smile.

"What can I help you with?" he asked formally.

""Well, I was hoping you could catch me up in my computer classes and science, I hear your one of the top students." Rafe said.

He turns to Buffy. "It was nice meeting you, Buffy, um, I was wondering if you would like to go to the Bronze, maybe tonight?"

Snyder stepped out of his office.

The intercom squeaked with feedback.

"Testing, testing, 1..2..3. Hey, what's up? This is Junior from Snyder's office. Just wanted to say that althoughy Snyder seems mean, looks like a troll, and smells like Al Bundy, he's a really nice guy. I mean, he let me use this- Hey! Don-!" the motorcyclist put up a struggle with Snyder for the microphone.

Buffy was impressed. He already knew about the hottest, and only, club in Sunnydale.

"Sure. I'll meet you there? Around 7?" she said.

"Seven got it, bye the way, do you all really think Snyder is a troll? Cause that's an insolte to trolls." Rafe said, trying to hide a smile.

"Oz, do you want to go to the bronze tonight or are you playing?" Willow asked.

The young man is thrown out of Snyder's office.

"Well, at least it was humorous." gets up and dusts himself off. "Now, library. Where's the library?"

Buffy laughed outright uncaring of the glare that Snyder shot her.

"I agree to what you said. Trolls would seek revenge and destroy us all for comparing them Snyder." she quipped.

"So I'll pick you up at seven, until then, time is eternity. " Rafe said. He gave it a parting kiss and walked off.

"WOW! Buffy, uh, WOW!!" Willow gushed.

Junior looked at Buffy and approached her, his features magnificent. Perfect hair, well-built, and incredibly handsome. "Hi. You're Buffy Summers, right?"

Buffy grinned at Willow and sighed dreamily.

She turned to the guy who spoke to her and stifled another gasp. 'This must be my lucky day,' she thought. 'Two gorgeous guys in one day' She smiled and nodded.

"Yeah I'm Buffy and you are?" she said.

Junior smiled back. "I'm the guy who was on the intercom a second ago. But my friends call me Junior. As do my parents. Snyder said that I needed someoned smarter than me to help me catch up and he said you. Then he showed me a picture. Well, actually I looked for the name in the yearbook while I was on the intercom"

Willow laughed, "So what possessed you to get on the intercom?" She asked Junior.

Junior grinned sheepishly. "I need to get a rep goin, you know? I shoulda taken over the office period though. Or ridden my bike down the halls."

Willow laughed nervously.

Buffy smiled at Junior.

"Pleased to meet you. Welcome to Sunnydale." she said. "So I'm to help you to catch up huh? Well show me your schedule and tell me how far you've gone at your last school. But I gotta tell you." she confided. "I'm not the world's best student. Willow here is."

Junior said "It's right here." and hands her his schedule. It's written on the back of an odd looking picture.

Buffy took a look at the schedule. "Well it seems like we have most of our classes together." she flashed a smile. "That would be very convenient since I'm gonna help you."

Junior grinned, a handsome grin. "Guess it will. You know where the library is?"

Buffy had the strangest feeling of deja vu.

'Second trip to the library what a record.' she thought.

She brushed back a stray lock of hair and motioned for Junior to follow her.

"Come on it's this way."

Junior walked to her side and unconsciously put an arm around her shoulders.

Rafe looked in his orb and saw junior put his arm around Buffy, he growled in jealous anger, "I think it's time to visit Mr. Giles.

Buffy smiled uncertainly at Junior but made no move to remove his arm from her shoulders not wanting to offend.

"Well Mr. Giles is the librarian and all despite that he's an okay guy. And oh yeah he's British so he can get really stuffy at times and speak in languages that you don't understand." she said as she walked to the library. She threw a glance at her friends that said, follow me.

Junior smiled back at them and removed his arm to shake hands with the others.

Giles glanced at Junior from the stacks. "Bloody hell."

"Willow shrugged and followed buffy and Junior, not noticing Rafe apper beside Buffy, he took Junior's arm off her and replaced it with his, "Well, hello again.

Buffy smiled at Rafe and said.

"Yeah hi again. Been spending sometime with Giles huh?"

She turned to Giles and tsk'ed at him.

"Now now Giles is that any way to talk?" she said in mock-reprimand. "This is Junior another new kid."

Fantasys-Part II