The Fight

Rafe removed his hand from Buffy’s shoulder, and replaced it with his other one, with the available one he held his hand out to Junior, "Hi, I'm Rafe, and you would be?"

Giles put a book on the shelf. "It's um-"

Junior interrupted him. "We've met. Back in jolly old England, isn't that right old chap?"

Giles nodded sorrowfully.

Junior looked at Rafe hard, as if saying, 'Back off, she's mine.'

Rafe glared back at Junior, sending him the message 'I found her first'

Junior stared harder and said, 'You don't know what you're getting into.'

Buffy oblivious of the fighting over her looked at Giles. "You two have met? How?" she asked curiously.

"I don't care Junior." Rafe said aloud, pulling Buffy closer to him.

Buffy looked at Rafe startled. "Uh..." she looked from Rafe to Junior.

Junior broke the trance and looked at Buffy. "What? Oh, I used to live in England. And guess who was my lucky neighbor."

Giles sighed. "Bloody delinquent. No wonder I got the wave of nausea when the voice came over the intercom. I had such a strong feeling that it was you I nearly passed out."

Junior chuckled. "Let the god times roll, eh?"

"So, J, what are you here for?" Rafe asked his voice dripping with hate.

Junior smiled, hiding his happiness for making Rafe anger with jealousy. "I have a friend who lives here. Thought I'd move in."

"How would you like to turn into the worm you really are?" Rafe mumbled under his breath.

Junior looked at him hard, smirked, and put an arm around Buffy, pulling her closer to him. "Who said I'm a worm?"

"I think I just did about two seconds ago, and get your arm off mine please."

Junior jumped back. "As you wish, you testosterone filled, controlling warlock!"

Giles looked up at Junior's outburst and sighed. "Total delinquent."

Buffy sighed, exasperated and extricated herself from the two.

"Um guys. I am not either of yours. The two of you seem to have missed a certain movement called Feminism. It has something to do with women being their own okay? And kindly please stop arguing like two kids arguing over a toy." she quipped.

She turned to Willow and edged away from the two boys.

She suddenly turned back her eyes sharp. "Warlock?" she echoed.

"How dare you, you little pig headed, Neanderthal, and how'd you know I was a warlock?" Rafe said getting up in his face.

Junior jetted to her. "Buffy, that Rafe guy is bad news. A friend of yours told me to tell you. To warn you."

He turned to Buffy, "um, yeah, I guess," He said nervously.

He turned back to Junior, "I am not bad news, you don't even know me." Junior glared at him furiously. "But Angel does. You remember Angel, don't you? Remember, the guy the summoned the evil for? Angel found out about that. And he told me. The only reason I enrolled in this dumb school is to keep an eye on you and to protect Buffy like Angel told me to!"

Buffy looked at the two of them suspiciously. First she turned to Rafe.

"Warlock huh? Don't worry I have nothing against them personally unless you do something really freaky like turn the entire population of Sunnydale into maggots." she said.

Then she turned to Junior.

"You know Angel?" she asked. Her eyes flashed with pain then she blinked them away.

"See What you did, you hurt her." He wrapped his arms around her protectively. "Buffy, I'm sorry, I didn't tell you before, I was scared, I like you, and, I'm still hoping we can go to the Bronze tonight."

Junior looked at her. "I was in New York a few years ago and ran into him. I got him blood from a nearby blood bank. He owed me, and he's paying me back by giving me a place to stay."

Buffy nodded numbly and smiled weakly at Rafe.

"Oh. Well then." she said. "Why don't we all get to class because I know that the Snydeman's gonna lose it if we're late."

"I've got English Lit, I better run, I'll see you tonight, bye Buffy, Bye Giles, Bye worm boy." He traced a finger down her cheek then left.

Buffy blew out a breath. "And do I mean WHOA." she said. She turned to Junior and asked, "Well we have first period together. Shall we?" She beckoned to Will and started down the hall.

Junior, infuriated with him said, "Buffy, I'll meet you in class, if I don't get lost." grinned and ran out. He ran up to Rafe, swung him around and punched him in the nose.

"Whoa hey! Guys! Learn the meaning of chill!" Buffy cried out. She ran up to Rafe and looked at him. "Are you okay?" she asked concernedly. She then turned to Junior and yelled. "Let it go!" she calmed herself down and said. "Junior you do not want to start this day off with a fight else you'll be spending a little quality time with Snyder."

Rafe fell down, stunned. He shaky stood up, and wiped the blood from his nose. "You asshole" he yelled lunging at Junior.

Junior stepped out of the way, well aware that Snyder was directly behind him, and laughed as Rafe crashed into him.

"Princpal Snyder!! I'm sorry. Please forgive my brutal display," Rafe said helping him up.

Snyder looked at him in disgust. "My office. Both of you. Now!"

Junior brought a finger up and asked, "Will this be an excused tardy excuse?"

Oh my god,' Buffy thought to herself. She stood there and forced herself to move to Rafe and Snyder.

"Mr Snyder please excuse them." she stammered. She did NOT want to get into this.

"Really sir, it's all my fault." Rafe said.

Snyder stared at her. "I should have known you had something to do with this. You come to my office too." He grabbed her arm and Rafe's and called Junior to follow.

Junior grabbed a hold of Snyder's arm, the one that was holding Buffy's arm. "She had nothing to do with this except make Rafe jealous of me making a move on her. Let go or i'll cut off your circulation."

"Junior, It's not polite to threaten the Principal," Rafe said, and lifted his hand, a vilot beam shot out and knocked Junior to the floor.

Buffy gasped and started to run to Junior but was held back by Snyder's arm. She stifled the urge to throw Snyder. She held her ground and tried to pull away from Snyder. "Thanks Junior but I think I can handle it." she said. "Mr. Snyder you do NOT know anything. I did not do anything to start this fight I merely tried to intercede on my behalf or will I have to call my mother and bring the school board on this?"

Junior brought himself up, enraged by Rafe. He grabbed Syder's and Rafe's arms and ripped them apart. Then flipped Rafe over and punched him repeatedly. "Ever heard it's not nice to attempt to hurt a friend of a vampire?"

Buffy lost her patience and shouted.

"Rafe, Junior stop it!!"

She gazed at the gathering crowd in the hall and could only pray that they didn't see Rafe shoot the beam and hear Junior say vampire. She turned when she heard Xander call out to her.

"Buffy what's going on?" he asked. She could only gesture at the fighting duo. "Oh wow." Xander said for the first time without a smart alecky crack.

Junior looked around. "What the hell are you people lookin at? Don't you have any classes to go to? Go!" waited until the onlookers were gone then began pulverizing Rafe's face again.

Rafe flipped Junior off him. "Back off," He turned to Buffy and Snyder. "I'm sorry Buff, but he just asked for it."

Buffy sighed in relief as the crowd dispersed and refused to reply to Rafe. She decided that the only course of action was to get into the fight herself and drag them off to each other. She whispered to Xander, "Xander distract Snyder will you? And get Will to find Oz. I'm gonna need a little more help with these two." Xander nodded. "Buffy you aren't gonna do anything...Slayer-like are you?" he asked. "That's exactly what I'm gonna do." she said. "Now go!"

Kevin Bloom, Faith's current boyfriend happened by at that point, looked at the situation and sighed audibly.

"I swear," he said to Buffy. "Must be something in the water."

Concerned for the possible fallout for the Scooby gang, he decided to take steps. First step: Moving in, he grabbed Junior's earlobe and twisted it in a painful fashion, maintaining a hold on it. He then grabbed Rafe's hurt nose and repeated the gesture. "All right, children, this is where we start playing nice!"

Junior, after punching furiously for about five minutes, decided to stop alittle while to take off his leather jacket. When he took it off, his large muscles flexed a little to impress Buffy, but not enough to let her know he was trying to impress her. Then he went back to punching Rafe.

Kevin turned a slightly amused look at Buffy. "Why don't you take that one," he twisted Junior toward Buffy, "and I'll take this one, and we'll go get these two twits to kiss and make up in library, deal?" Rafe rolled out of his way, and watched will, Junior, punched the floor. Junior pulled his hand out of the new hole in the floor and lunged for Rafe, tackling him to the ground. He began punching again. Kevin sighed in annoyance and looked at Buffy. "Some people just don't appreciate the peacemakers." Kevin grabbed Junior by the hair and launched a vicious jab into the boy's throat. As Junior gasped for air, Kevin bounced his head off the ground, knocking him unconscious. Then, he glared at Rafe. "Are you going to come quietly, or" Kevin gestured at the limp form of Junior, "VERY quietly?" With that, he dragged Junior into the library and tossed him into the cage to cool off. Rafe followed, Kevin, nursing his wounds. Kevin saw Xander apparently faking a heart attack to distract the principal.

As Rafe followed him, he locked the cage door. "Okay, what the HELL was that all about?" Kevin asked. Rafe waved his hand to clean his face, removing all the blood, He cleaned his clothing, and removed his trenchcoat. "All I did was confirm my date with Buffy."

Buffy stalked in scowling dragging a still palpitating exaggeratedly Xander with her. She shot a disgusted look at the two. "What in the world were you two thinking of?! Your first day here and you start a fight! That is just so plain stupid of you! And to use me as an excuse! Listen to me you two. I am not some doll for the two of you to fight over." she yelled. "I think I'll solve this issue and just not hang with either of you."

"You know what," said Kevin. "I don't care. You two wanna beat the living hell out of each other, it's fine by me, I don't know either of you. But when you start some crap in the school, and start yelling stuff about vampires, or throw magic around in public, that is SERIOUSLY uncool. Do you grasp this concept?"

"Buffy, wait, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that, It's my fault, I'm the one who called him worm boy. Please forgive me, I couldn't stand it if you were also mad at me." Rafe said, he turned to Kevin, "I know I shouldn't have shot him, I'm sorry."

Kevin looked up as he heard the blonde speak. Reflexively, he sighted in on her aura, it was very similar to Faith's.

"I think you'll need to wait a while until brains-of-crap there in the cell wakes back up. Hi, Kevin Bloom." he said, introducing himself, "and you are?"

Rafe glared at him, clearly saying don't even think about it.

Buffy raised an eyebrow at the name Kevin. "I'm Buffy Summers. I take it you're new here too?" she said. She inwardly sighed. 'This is just too much of a coincidence three new guys.' she thought.

Rafe walked over to the cage and looked at Junior, when he turned back to Kevin his wounds were gone, "Is he going to be okay?"

"Been here since late summer," he said.

He looked back at Rafe. "Ah, the jealous 'Don't even think about it' look." he said to the young warlock. "Well, I'm not. I'm quite happily looking forward to a date with a friend of hers named Faith, who I'm guessing is in a similar profession."

Kevin stood up. "Well folks, I've got a class to get to." he looked back at Buffy. "So I will leave these two wayward children in your care. See you around."

With that, he left the library.

Rafe smiled at Kevin's honesty.

Buffy thought, 'So that's Faith's Kevin. She wasn't kidding when she said he was yummy cute.' She turned to Rafe and said, "I hope you learned your lesson.

Rafe nodded. “I hope you’ll still go to the Bronze with me…” He looked down.

She sighed. "Okay fine. I will." she relented. "But anymore stunts like today you'll see neither hide nor hair of me okay? Are we straight on that?"

Rafe smiled. "Were strait, no more fighting, no more violet shots." He touched her arm, "And try to forget about what Junior said, I'm not bad news."

Buffy returned the smile and replied. "I usually judge people by myself and not by what other people say."

Rafe smiled at her, "Thanx"

Fantasys-Part III