Magic, Nightmares, Monsters, Oh My!

Angel looked at Buffy, her eyes were so filled with love, and that love was for him, not Rafe, not Scott, not any body but him.

Buffy smiled at Angel her eyes inviting. She gave him another kiss then stepped back her lips twisting mockingly. "Oh so you fell for it did you sweet Angel?" she said cruelly.

Angel looked at her in suprise. "Wha...What do you mean"

Without Angel noticing it, Rafe appers on the edge off the dance floor.

Buffy gave him a look. "What do you mean what do I mean?" she snarled. "You really wanna know? Well love I don't love you. in fact I HATE YOU!"

Rafe moved towards them stopping a few feet away.

"Buffy, what are you saying. I-I thought you loved me. How could you say that?"

"Love you?" she said. She laughed and sneered at him. "Love you the monster who tried to kill my Watcher who terrorized me and my friends? You who killed Ms. Calendar and did so many horrible and cruel things?" she continued harshly. "You must be joking! You killed your own family! You disgust me and I hate you! I hate you Angel! I never loved you! I hate you I hate you!"

Angel tried to blink back tears, that he couldn't cry. "Buffy...I"

"Why don't you just disapear, dead boy." Rafe said comming up behind Buffy. "She doesn't love you anymore, face it."

Buffy turned to Rafe and flashed him a beautiful smile. "Hey there." she said. She turned back to Angel and gave him a look of pure hatred. "This is the guy I love not you." She went to Rafe and pulled him close to her for a long kiss.

Rafe kissed Buffy back, but his mind was telling him, something was wrong. Why am I hear, he thought,I should be in my own fantasy, not in Angel's...nightmare? He thought to himself. Rafe pulled away from Buffy, a smile playing on his lips. He pulled her back for another kiss. Oh, well, the best laid spells of worlocks and men go astray, he thought.

Buffy whispered in Rafe's ear, "I love you." She looked at Angel a triumphant look in her eyes that seemed to communicate. It said. "You see? You're nothing to me. I never loved you. I've always hated you and it's Rafe I love you not you."

Rafe smiled at Buffy. "I love you to," He turned to a seething Angel. "With all you told me about her, I never thought that I'd be able to find out what she 'tastes' like." He smirked at Angel.

Angel felt a sharp pain. He wanted to go to Buffy and kiss her and hold her and love. But she hated him. She had said she loved him but now she hated him. He couldn't bear it. He loved her but she hated him.

Buffy gazed at him through her lashes an self-satisfied sneer on her face. "It hurts doesn't it Angel? It's like losing the one you loved. I bet you feel that now. I'll bet you know now how it felt for me and Giles when you killed Jenny. You probably didn't feel it for your family being the evil creature you are." she practially spat the words out at him. Every word was like a knife stabbing his heart. He covered his ears and could only look at her desperately. This was fast becoming a nightmare.....

Giles looked into Jenny's eyes, her loving, sparkling eyes. Suddenly he heard a noise behind him. He spun around and looked in the demonic face of Angelus. "Hey, Watcher, are you enjoying your Janna?" Angelus smirked. "Wha...Get out of here, Angelus." Giles said taking a step towards him. He swung out his fist to strike him, but Angelus disapered before he could strike.

"Now, Now, that's not being a good Watcher," Angelus said standing behind Jenny. Giles watched in horror as Angelus gripped Jenny by the neck and sunk his fangs in. "Jenny no..." Giles said running to her. "Ruppert..." Jenny said, falling to the floor, all the life drained out of her. "Have fun, Giles" Angelus said, Jenny's blood still staining his lips and chin.

Xander pulled away from Cordy to kiss Willow. To his surprise Willow was walking away from him. "Will! Where are you going?" he called out. She ignored him and Oz appeared. She walked to Oz and wrapped her arms around Oz. She looked at Xander over her shoulder and said. "I'm with Oz. Xander i don't want to be with you. You came to me too late. I loved you but I don't anymore. It's Oz i love now." He felt like he had been hit and he turned to Cordy. She was backing away from him and she turned and ran away from him. He chased after her. She ran all the way into the mansion with a baffled Xander behind her. She fell through the rotted wood of the floor and impaled herself on the spike. Xander shouted as she screamed in pain. "No!!!! Cordy!!!!" he said. She looked up at him and said. "This is all your fault." and her head fell to the side. She was dead. He threw his head back and howled. "Nooooooooo!!!!!!!!!"

Willow looked at OZ. "I love you so much." Oz looked at her, his eyes blank, "I don't." he said simply getting up to leave. "Oz, wait." Willow said, catchin ghim by the arm. "Why, you don't really love me, you want Xander why should I stand in your way?" And with that he walked off. "Oz I..." she turned to Xander. "Xander..." she began. "Don't. Just don't. I don't love you Will, I love Cordy, and I always will." He walked to Cordy who sudenly appered. He turned back to look at her tear streaked face, and laughed.

Oz was startled when Willow pulled away from him. He held on to her and looked into her face in confusion. "Oz let me go. Xander's here." WIllow said. "What? What do you mean Xander's here? I thought you said-" he asked. "I know what I said." she interrupted. "I was just passing time until Xander came for me. I just wanted to have a litle fun until he came. I love you Oz but it's Xander who I truly love." Willow said. She pulled away from Oz and she approached Xander who seemed to have appeared from nowhere. He slipped an arm around her waist and turned and walked away from the crushed Oz.

Cordelia pulled back from Xander to catch her breath when Xander turned around. "Will, hey, are you ready?" He waved to Willow who just appered. "Hey Xander what's up?" Cordila asked him confused. "Oh, didn't I tell you? I'm breaking up with you and marring Will. Sorry." He and Willow walked off laughing.

Buffy kissed Angel and snuggled in his arms contentedly. "Oh Angel...I love you." she sighed out. Suddenly Angel released her and backed away from her clutching himself his face twisting in pain. "Angel? Angel what's wrong?" she said. He brought his hands away and it was bloodied. She screamed as she saw the sword in her hand. It was a replay of the night she cast Angel into hell. "No!!!!" she screamed. His face was filled with betrayal as he staggered and fell down. She threw away the sword and ran to his side. "Angel! Angel!" she cried. She started to cry uncontrollably. "Angel!" Suddenly he moved and got up his face turned away from Buffy. "Angel?" her tears stopped as shestared in wonder at Angel. He turned to face her and she fell back when she saw that he had his game face on. "Hello lover." he said in this terrible voice. "It's Angelus now honey. Miss me?" She shrank back from him as he circled her like an animal. He started to lunge at her but a female figure appeared. It was Dru. She went to Angel and leaned against him her beautiful face serene. "My Angelus is back." she said in her child-like voice. Then Darla appeared on Angel's other side. She smiled at Angel and turned to Buffy. "It hurts doesn't it? To love someone who used to love you. To love someone who will kill you." she said. The two females vanished leaving Buffy alone with Angelus. It seemed that he didn't see her as he moved around like he was stalking something. Then she saw it. Jenny Calendar was backing away from Angel in fright. "No Angel!" she cried out. She started to go to them but it was like she slammed into a brick wall. She fell backwards and she could only watch in horror as Angelus killed Ms Calendar. Her eyes widened as she saw him chasing after Willow and feeding off her. She sobbed out her friends name. She rtied crawling towards Willow and suddenly the barrier was gone. She sobbed out over her friend and got up slowly and took off after Angel. She found him with Xander and he was holding Xander's limp body. His neck had been broken. She had arrived too late. As she stared at Xander and thought of Willow Angelus ran off in search of Cordelia. Buffy took off in chase again and found him stabbing Cordelia. She flung herself at him and knocked him off but as she went over to Cordelia she saw that she had been stabbed in the heart and already gone. Oz and Giles. she thought numbly. I have to find them She ran off and found herself in the woods. She heard crying and ran to the source of the sound. It was Oz crying over Willow's body. Then Angelus appeares behind him and grabbed him by his hair and jerked the knife across the throat(explicit violence now..) Angelus dropped Oz and ran away again. Buffy turned in the other direction running as fast as she could towards the library where Giles was. She got there and found Giles sitting in front of a book his back turned away from her. She turned him around and saw bruises at the neck. He had been strangled. She heard a cruel laugh in the shadows and spun around to find Angelus standing in the shadows. "It's not over yet." he said. She wondered what he meant because he had already killed everyone who mattered to her. Then it hit her. Her mother! She gave a shout of outrage and was just about to leap at Angelus when Joy'ce Summer's voice stopped her. "Buffy. Buffy." Joyce said. Buffy turned to face her mother relieved that Angelus hadn't touched her yet. She rushed to Joyce and stopped when Joyce bared fangs at her. Mrs. Summers face transformed into the true vampiric face and approached her daughter. Buffy wept as her mother went closer to her. Angel approached her and pressed a stake in her hand. She held it out in front of her numble and to her shock Joyce threw herself on it. She looked at her mother one lsat time before she exploded into dust."Well Buffy you just killed your mother." Angelus said and then he laughed an awful cruel laugh as the Slayer collapsed on the floor broken and weeping. "No." she could only whisper in a destroyed voice. "No."

Angel was rooted to where he stood and it was all he could do to not howl in fury and jealousy. He watched as Rafe kissed Buffy. His Buffy. No matter what she says that she hates me she's mine. he thought savagely. I'll teach that little warlock to touch what belongs to me He tore across the floor towards where Buffy and Rafe were making out. He grabbed Rafe and yanked him away from Buffy and threw him into a wall. Buffy suddenly grabbed at his arm. "Hey! Neanderthal much?" she cried out. She ran to Rafe and helped him up concernedly. "I want your blood warlock. For touching what's mine." he growled, his game face slipping on.

Rafe looked at Angel, his eyes glowing feircly, "You alread tried that once Angel. It didn't work then, and not now." He raised his hand and a beam shot out knocking Angel into the far wall. "I have no qualms about useing magic against you, monster." He turned to Buffy, smiling, "Now, where were we?"

Angel got up from the floor. He roared and launched himself at Rafe and pushed him away from Buffy. He held the warlock by the neck and lifted him in the air trying to choke him.

Rafe looked wildly around trying to figure out a way down. Loudly gasping for air, He pulled a dagger from his back pocket. He reached down and drove the dagger into Angel's shoulder forcing him to release him. Rafe ran to get Buffy out of Angel's way before he accidently hurt her. "C'mon, Buff" Rafe said grabbing Buffy by the arm and sticking her in an alcove near the stage. "Stay there." Rafe said kissing her for luck.

Angel was brought low by the pain. He went down on his knees clutching his shoulder. His eyes darkened and his resolve to get Buffy back hardened into the need to destroy Rafe. He let loose a roar that shook the rafters and charged at Rafe still holding his shoulder. He knocked him down and pinned him moving his fangs to the warlock.

Rafe kicked angel off of him and transported himself to the other side of the Bronze. He took a crystal orb out of the air and threw it at Angel, it crashed to the ground shattering pieces aroung Angel, a bright flash of red stuned angel while, Rafe pulled a wooden stake out from behind him. He charged at Angel.

Angel dodged to the side in time to avoid Rafe. Taking a page from the Slayer's book he brought his leg up and slammed it into Rafe. Suddenly the pain in his shoulder caught him making him collapse in pain, a possibly fatal move.

Rafe kicked Angel in the face knowcing him flat on him back and making him slide a little bit. Rafe droped to his knees and raised the stake over his head, "You know what Angel, I've been waiting a LONG time to do this." A smile spread over his face, as he brought the stake down...

Morgraine drove her car through the quiet streets of Sunnydale. So this is where Rafe is living now. The thought of Rafe made her heart sing at the same time made her quiver with trepidation. Will he still love me and accept me? she thought. Oh Rafe, Rafe I love you still. I'm sorry for the time I ran out on you. I was but a callow girl unsure of herself and I feared you. Now I know that you aren't what I thought you to be. Please love me. She looked out of her window hoping to see a glimpse of him. She sighed and slowed as she passed the Bronze. She got the strangest feeling of energy radiating from that place. Worried she decided to investigate. What's going on there? A club...maybe Rafe's in there that's why I'm feeling this strange power coming from it. With a feeling of anxiety and love in her heart, she slipped into the Bronze. She immediately saw the Scooby Gang knocked out and her heart jumped in her throat as she saw Rafe lying there. She went to him abd as she neared she began to feel very tired...."Rafe. Rafe." she called gently as she sank beside him and fell asleep.

Morgraine walked around the Bronze, wondering why she couldn't find Rafe, when suddenly she heard and evil cackling behind her, turning her breath caught in her throught. Standing behind her was Rafe, an older, diferent Rafe. His black hair was longer, about shoulder length and extremly greasy. Their were long jaggad scars on his forhead and cheek. His mucles could be seen through his black T-shirt. But it was his eyes that had changed the most. Gone was the sparkle and love that she knew and cherrished, instead their was only blank hatred. "So, here's the bitch that ended my life." He said circling her.

Fantasys-Part VI