
"So, here's the bitch that ended my life." He said circling her.

Morgraine slowly backed away from Rafe her eyes disbelieving. "R-rafe! What's happened to you" she asked.

"R-Rafe, What's happened to you?" He repeted in a mocking tone. "I'll tell you what happened to my LOVER. You. I fell in love with you. And what it you do..." He stuck his face cenimeters from hers. His breath stunk of flat beer and stale cigeretts. "You took my heart, and crushed it into a million pieces." He snapped his fingers, and a table next to them exploded.

She brought her arms up to protect her face against the pieces of debris and flinched. "Rafe I-I can explain." she stammered. "I'm sorry that I hurt you it's just that I was afraid."

"Your sorry? Your sorry? Do you know what you did. You ruined my life, my hopes, and my dreams. When you left, every thing inside me died. And your SORRY!" Rafe said, the word riddled with anger. As soon as Rafe said the word 'sorry' two more tables exploded on either side of them.

Morgraine, forgetting for one furious moment that he could possibly kill her, began to get angry herself. "Well what was I supposed to do?!" she yelled. "Here I was thinking you were perfectly normal then you dump on me this whole warlock thing! I've always been taught that warlocks were part of this evil that worshipped the devil! How do you propose that I could have handled the fact that the man that I loved suddenly told me that he was one of those things I should have feared! Yes I was afraid and yes I am sorry! What do you think it did to me when you left? Do you think I jumped for joy that you left? No!"

Rafe's eyes flashed golden and the floor benth Morgrain's left foot disapeared leaving a gaping whole.

Morgraine gave a frightened shriek as she lost her balance and her arms waved through the air as she tried to steady herself and she fell hard on her right side. Fuming she pushed herself up and glared at Rafe. "Is this how you treat me?! Just because of a mistake I made a year ago? I was young and afraid Rafe! I didn't know the truth! Now this is what you do to me? After I came all the way here to apologize and to-" she cut herself off. She ran to Rafe and threw a piece of debris at him. She felt an ache in her heart for the Rafe she loved and still loved was gone. The irony of it struck her. She had lost Rafe because she had been afraid of him, his power, and her image of him being evil. And because of that she was know facing the very epitome of her fear. Her heart bled for the man she had loved and lost.

Rafe sidestepped Morgraine and threw her against the stage. "You came her to what?" He asked her, shaking her back and forth.

Morgraine steeled herself and looked him in the eye. "I came here to apologize to you and to...and to....." she couldn't seem to bring out the words. She had longed to tell him this. But now that she had the chance it seemed like she couldn't. Then asoemthing dawned on her. She did love him and she still loved him even after she'd seen what had happened to him. She'd always loove him. Knowing this she gathered her courage and said. " I came here to apologize and to-"

Rafe picked her up by the collar of her shirt, "and to what?" He asked while her feet dangled three feet off the floor.

Morgraine pulled at her collar trying to keep from choking. "To tell you I love you." she finished a bit breathlessly.

To tell you I love you... Rafe looked up from Angel. "Morgraine!!!" He yelled. "Morgraine" The sleeping Rafe mumbled. He sat up and looked around. Then he spotted the sleeping form of Morgraine beside him. "Morgraine?!" He slid around next to her and picked her up in his arms. "Oh, Morgraine, please wake-up." He started to cry. "Please Morgraine, wake-up, I love you." He held her close to him, while he cried.

Morgraine felt the darkness closing in on her mind. She fell limply from Raf'e grasp and landed on the floor but strangely she didn't feel anything. She started to sink further into the darkness when she felt moistness on her face. Tears. Someone was crying. Was it her? She didn't remember or know. Then she heard Rafe's voice. "Morgraine please wake up. I love you." her lashes fkuttered and her eyes slowly opened. She gazed into Rafe's beloved face and lifted up one hand weakly and touched it to his cheek. And she uttered one statement. "Hello love."

"M-Morgraine, luv?" Rafe asked a smile creeping across his handsome face. He tried to stand up and hold on to her at the same time, but he tripped on her feet and slipped.

Rafe stood up and helped her up into a chair. "Don't worry Morgraine, I'm here, and I'll protect you. Always. Now, why are you here?"

Morgraine averted her eyes from Rafe's. "Oh Rafe. I wanted to apologize for having trated you the way I did. I was so small-minded, so young and shallow, so foolish. I actually believed that you my own dear sweet Rafe were evil. I should have known better. Oh can you ever forgive me?" she said. She lifted her eyes beseechingly.

""Oh, Morgraine, how could you ever think that I wouldn't forgive you." Rafe grabbed her hand and gave it a little squeeze. "I'll always love you, just like i always have." He smiled at her and gave her a little kiss on the cheek. "Now how about us trying to wake these guys up?"

She turned and looked at the sleeping Slayerettes. "Oh yes we should." she said. "Oh and Rafe." She waited until he turned to face her. "I love you."

Rafe grinned at her, "I love you to Morgraine." He said, pulling her in for a quick kiss. He walked over to Buffy and leaned over her. "Buffy, dear, it's time to wake up. Buffy...Buffy..." He said gently tapping her face.

Fantasys-Part VII